Summary of first LHC logging DB meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Summary of first LHC logging DB meeting Michele Floris Summary of first LHC logging DB meeting

Outline Joint LHC machine experiments meeting: Interfacing to the LHC logging database for postprocessing (offline analysis). Goals of this meeting: Establish a first inventory of use cases and potential users Discussion on required functionality How to continue this? Talks: Users (Machine + Experiments) Logging and measurement service

LHC Beam Instrumentation Quite some development already Want at least same feature/performance

ALICE DIP DCS OCDB Post-processing/calibration should be done centrally Delay of publication? PROCESSING v1 API Logging Database raw What triggers the migration? Data format? Versions? Michele Floris 15/03/2010

ATLAS Value based queries  impossible They also use DIP as primary data source Michele Floris 15/03/2010

CMS Michele Floris 15/03/2010

LHCb Current drawbacks We are archiving everything on our own, including all beam and machine parameters, that we receive via DIP advantage: we have the same access interface to ONE database disadvantage: we always have to make sure we have everything and we clearly double the effort  the tool should be interfaced to ANY database, each parameter or condition in the right database We don’t have direct access to nominal settings and nominal parameters, like collimators settings, golden orbit, etc BLM thresholds we have but we archive the whole set ourselves… We don’t have access to the corrected and calibrated data May also allow correlating the whole set of data with shifters’ names in experiment control room and CCC….  Federico Alessio

PL/SQL filtered data transfer Current Status > 300 extraction clients 0.4  2 million extraction requests per day PL/SQL filtered data transfer 7 Days raw data ~20 Years filtered data ~ 800’000 signals ~ 300 data loading processes ~ 3.8 billion records per day ~ 105 GB per day  38 TB per year stored ~ 200’000 Signals ~ 50 data loading processes ~ 5.1 billion records per day ~ 130 GB per day  46 TB per year throughput MDB LDB f f Rad BLM BETS BIC BCT BPM FGC MS MK VAC QPS PIC SU Coll CNGS Exp Cryo CIET WIC VAC ELEC COMM CV EAU TIM f f f f f f f f Equipment – DAQ – FEC Equipment – DAQ – PLC Equipment – DAQ – PLC 15-Mar-2010 Forum on Interfacing to the Logging Database for Data Analysis

Data Extraction – Java API CERN Accelerator Logging Service TIMBER 10g AS MDB Spring HTTP Remoting JDBC TS Data LDB JDBC TS Data Spring HTTP Remoting metadata JDBC Metadata Custom Java Applications (currently > 30) They will only provide a JAVA interface (already used by timber and some 30 applications)  We will need to implement a wrapper 15-Mar-2010 Forum on Interfacing to the Logging Database for Data Analysis

Misc from discussion DIP not guaranteed to be reliable (uptime < 100%) Access to DB mandatory 2 main use cases Running conditions (few users, lots of data) Direct access to logging DB Offline analysis (many users, less data) Backfill of OCDB? Central post-processing: commonly requested Versions! Format? Same Logging DB? Concurrent R/W: will also provide mirror DB? Michele Floris 15/03/2010

Most relevant variables bunch/beam intensities beam losses beam positions beam sizes (emittances) collimator positions some vacuum gauges but also sporadically-measured quantities such as: crossing angles beta functions. Michele Floris 15/03/2010