Trust developments which impact on DLM


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Presentation transcript:

Trust developments which impact on DLM There have been 3 recent developments for which I have been collating the financial implications on the DLM

Appointment of a Consultant Physician with an interest in Gastroenterology Immunology - £6,657 Biochemistry - £6,000 Haematology - £16,092 Histology - £46,351 (0.3wte histopathologist, BMS2 and MS2, plus £2K non-pay)

Appointment of a General Surgeon Immunology – minimal impact Biochemistry - £500 Haematology – (no costs received) Histology - £30,567 (0.2wte histopathologist, BMS2 and MS2, plus £500 non-pay)

Application for ring-fenced neonatal intensive care monies Immunology - £69 Biochemistry - £2,440 Haematology - £1,600 Histology – minimal impact Microbiology and Virology - £10K (includes one clinical pa)

CSB 3 - Update Ground Floor – Specimen Reception, Call Centre some Specialist Chemistry 1st Floor – Biochemistry, Paediatric Chemistry & Haematology 2nd Floor – Paediatric Microbiology, Infection Control, PBL & Clinical Research 3rd Floor – Immunology

1st Floor

3rd Floor

Vacancy - Update Summary of Vacancies in the Directorate of Laboratory Medicine 2004/2005 (As at 29.03.2005)

Department: Number Submitted: Number Approved: Number Outstanding: Biochemistry 12 9 3 Haematology 13 Histology 6 Cytology 8 Immunology Microbiology 4 Virology DHQ 2 Operations TOTAL 61 58