Arthropod Disease.


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Presentation transcript:

Arthropod Disease

OBJECTIVES Understand the role of arthropods in human disease Recognize arthropods implicated in important human diseases Describe important vector-borne diseases I won’t be able to cover all of the arthropod-related diseases in the next hour, so I will just give a highlight of some of the most interesting and clinically relevany

Types of negative interactions with arthropods Envenomation Myiasis Bites and Piercing Urtication Allergic reactions Delusory Parasitosis and Entomophobia

arachnida Arachnids Spiders Banana spiders Black widow spiders and their relatives Tarantulas

Scorpions Dangerous scorpions Effects of scorpion venom Treatment of envenomation by scorpions

Mites Chiggers or harvest mites Scabies mites Other medically important mites that bite people Dust mites Flour and grain mites

Ticks Soft hard

Insects Human lice Pubic louse Head louse Body louse

Cockroaches True bugs Assassin and kissing bugs Bed bugs

Ants, wasps, and bees Honey bees Bumble and carpenter bees Other bees Wasps and hornets ants

Beetles Blister beetles Rover beetles Dermestids

Flies Flies that cause myiasis Human bot fly Tumbu and Lund’s fly Congo floor maggot Sheep bot fly Sheep maggot

Old World screw worm New World screw worm Wohlfahrtia magnifica Other flies that cause myiasis Treatment of myiasi

Biting flies Mosquitoes Biting midges Sand flies Black flies Tsetse flies Stable and dog flies Horse and deer flies Filth flies

Fleas Human flea Oriental rat flea Northern rat flea Western hen flea Tunga flea or chigoe

Other Arthropods Centipedes Millipedes

Other Invertebrates Porifera Coelenterates Jellyfish Sea stars and brittle stars Leeches Squids, octopuses and cuttlefishes

Agents Transmitted By Vectors Viruses Rickettsia Bacteria Protozoa helminths

Virusus Yellow Fever Dengue Fever Rift Valley Fever Encephilidides: Japanese Encephalitis halitis

West Nile Encephalitis Eastern Equine Encephalitis Western Equine Encephalitis La Crosse Encephalitis St. Louis Encep

bacteria Rickettsia akari Rickettsia mooseri Rickettsia prowazokii Rickettsia rickettsia Rickettsia typhi

bacteria Rickettsia tsutsugamuchi Ehrlichia sp Yersinia pestis Borrelia burgdorferi Borrelia recurrentis

Protozoa Babesia microti Babesia divergens Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium malariae Plasmodium ovale Plasmodium vivax Leishmania braziliensis

Protozoa Leishmania chagasi Leishmania donovani Leishmania infantum Leishmania major Leishmania mexicana (many subspecies)

Protozoa Leishmania tropica Trypanosoma cruzi Trypanosoma brucei gambiense Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense

Helmeanths Wuchereria bancrofti Brugia malayi Mansonella ozzardi Mansonella perstans Mansonella streptocerca Onchocerca volvulus Loa loa