Overview of the Vietnam War
Colonial Roots of Vietnam 1850s-1940s: French colony (Indochina—Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) WWII: invaded by Japan After WWII: France tries to retake Indochina w/U.S. help (1945-1954) France abandons Vietnam after defeat at Dienbienphu
U.S. Involvement/Goals Truman supports “containment” of communism Domino theory in region—1954 Eisenhower Geneva Accords—Vietnam independence from France, splits in 2, U.S. takes France’s place
North Vietnam Ho Chi Minh Communist Vietminh (political party of independence) South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Republic of Vietnam (some Vietminh) Supported by U.S. Vietcong (communist group just in South)
Vietnamese “Insurgents” Advantages View war as struggle for independence against foreign invaders Knew terrain & people Were more willing to be patient and sustain high casualties Need to fight only to a stalemate
Escalation of “Conflict” 1964—Tonkin Gulf Resolution—no war declared, troops sent Pres. Johnson escalates war 1965-1st sustained bombing of North Vietnam 1965-Anti-war protests begin
- Operation Rolling Thunder - Winning the “Hearts & Minds” of the South Vietnamese - Role of the Media -‘It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.” -Johnson’s “Credibility gap”
LBJ & “Credibility Gap”
The New Left Young radical political activists Free Speech Movement (1964) Pursued the rights of students to engage in political activity (UC Berkeley and SF State) Anti-War Cause Used “teach ins” to discuss the moral political aspects of the Vietnam War (University of Michigan) Protested end of automatic deferments in 1966 Draft card burnings/Draft evasion Counter-Culture/Hippies differ from New Left, though lines between 2 blurred
The Downfall: 1968 January: Tet Offensive Feb: My Lai Massacre March: LBJ decides not to seek re-election April: MLK assassinated June: RFK assassinated August: Riots at Dem. Convention November: Nixon elected president
1968 Election Eugene McCarthy, Robert Kennedy & Hubert Humphrey all vie for Democratic Nomination after LBJ pulls out unexpectedly
’68 Chicago Democratic Convention
Republican Richard Nixon triumphs with promises of “Peace With Honor” & appeals to the “Silent Majority” Conservative backlash to “Tumult” of the 1960s “New Federalism”
Vietnam War Under Nixon 1969: Nixon—policy of Vietnamization 1969: Lottery Draft System 1970: Secret Bombing of Cambodia (1971-Laos) 1970: Kent State Massacre
End of the War 1971: Pentagon Papers 1971: Voting Age=18 1973: Troops Withdraw & War Powers Act Passed 1975: Fall of Saigon 1977— draft dodgers pardoned; draft ends
Vietnam War Totals Longest war in U.S. history indirect involvement of intelligence and $ (1945-1964) direct military involvement in 1964-1975 $140 billion spent on war 58,000 American troops killed, 365,000 wounded Vietnamese totals: 1.5 million killed Presidents involved: Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon