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Presentation transcript:

應用Zigbee技術於ABI/TBI血壓量測系統之製作 The implement of ABI/TBI measurement system based on Zigbee technique (PART 3) 應用Zigbee技術於ABI/TBI血壓量測系統之製作 Presenter: Ying-Tsung Shiau Adviser: Dr. Pei-Jarn Chen Date: 2010/11/03 2018/5/26

Outline Introduction Purpose Papers Review Materials and methods Preliminary Results Conclusion Future works Reference 2018/5/26

Materials and methods System architecture A: Toe blood pressure monitor B: Arm blood pressure monitor A B Power 2018/5/26

Materials and methods Ankle-brachial Index ABI >1.30 Noncompressible ABI 0.91-1.30 Normal ABI 0.41-0.90 Mild-to-moderate disease “Accuracy of ankle-brachial index using an automatic blood pressure device to detect peripheral artery disease in preventive medicine”, Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases, Volume 102, Issues 6-7, Pages 519-524, June-July 2009 2018/5/26

Materials and methods Toe-brachial Index TBI 0.64±0.20 Limbs normal TBI 0.52±0.20 Claudication in limbs TBI 0.23±0.19 Limbs with ulcers or ischemic rest pain “How to Perform a TBI Toe Brachial Index” http://www.deh-inc.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=productdetail&productid=52 2018/5/26

Materials and methods Data processing Sphygmomanometer Zigbee Computer Code Cut Transcode Display Save data 83 65 66 7A 43 4A 7A 43 4A 83 65 66 16 TO 10 Zigbee http://www.ciao.it/Mars_MS_700_AM__541781 2018/5/26 http://raypromed.com/product/2009617594.html

Materials and methods Database Master and slave architecture 2018/5/26

Materials and methods Database Search 2018/5/26

Materials and methods System architecture 2018/5/26

Materials and methods Experimental apparatus: Zigbee module (cc2430) MSRS MS-700AM blood pressure monitor RAYPRO MS-900KPM blood pressure monitor 2018/5/26 http://www.ciao.it/Mars_MS_700_AM__541781 http://raypromed.com/product/2009617594.html

Preliminary Results Software interface 2018/5/26

Preliminary Results Software interface 2018/5/26

Conclusion The use of automatic blood pressure device for determining ABI Easy Quick Precise in detecting normal or abnormal ratios The blood pressure monitor is used conveniently and has the characteristics of easy operation, easy accessing and low-cost. 2018/5/26

Conclusion Wireless blood pressure measurement system via Computer and interactive wireless Zigbee module to achieve automatic operation , data receiver and data storage functions The data collected by the ABI and TBI ratio calculation, can be specified by the user according to draw a graph of the ratio of change 2018/5/26

Future works The developing system will be validated Collection of data Report Production 2018/5/26

Reference [1]WILLIAM R. HIATT, M.D., “Medical Treatment Of Peripheral Arterual Disease And Claudication“, N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 21 May 24, 2001 [2] “Prevalence of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Peripheral Arterial Disease and the Value of the Ankle-brachial Index to Stratify Cardiovascular Risk“, European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Volume 38, Issue 3, Pages 305-311, September 2009 [3] “Accuracy of ankle-brachial index using an automatic blood pressure device to detect peripheral artery disease in preventive medicine”, Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases, Volume 102, Issues 6-7, Pages 519-524, June-July 2009 http://www.dehinc.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=productdetail&productid=52 2018/5/26

Thank you for your attention 2018/5/26