Vitamin B5 and the Healthy Manhood


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Presentation transcript:

Vitamin B5 and the Healthy Manhood

There are numerous reasons why maintaining a healthy manhood is important. A healthy member makes a man feel more confident about himself; it enables him to perform at a higher level; it impresses partners (and potential partners); and it is a good indicator of overall health. Taking steps to maintain good male organ health isn’t complicated but does require a little attention on a man’s part – such as making sure his manhood is enriched by vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin B5.male organ health

What exactly is vitamin B5? Vitamin B5 is part of the B vitamin family, which consists of 8 members. These water soluble vitamins all play a role in the process by which the carbohydrates a person ingests gets translated into the energy the body needs to function properly. Fats and proteins also benefit from the B vitamin family’s attention. - Also known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 has several specific functions, including: - Helping to create the red blood cells that move throughout the body, delivering oxygen;

- Aiding in the adrenal glands’ creation of male hormone and cortisol; - Maintaining the health of the digestive system; - Increasing acetylcholine (ACh), a neurotransmitter involved in sensual function; - And synthesizing cholesterol in the body.

Where can it be found? Vitamin B5’s nickname, pantothenic, comes from the Greek and basically means “everywhere” – because vitamin B5 can be found in many different food sources. However, processing food tends to decrease or totally eliminate the vitamin B5 – so natural and “whole” foods are a better bet. These include meat (especially organ meat, like liver), fresh vegetables, chicken, turkey, milk, eggs, salmon and whole grains. Because so much of modern man’s diet consists of processed foods, people nowadays do not get as much vitamin B5 from their diets as they would have in the past. Therefore, taking vitamin B5 in supplementary form can be beneficial for many people.

The healthy manhood And how does vitamin B5 help maintain a healthy manhood? Well, it is essential for proper cell metabolism and tissue maintenance, which the healthy manhood definitely requires. This vitamin is also helpful in warding off infection, which has an obvious health benefit. The role B5 plays in boosting energy via creation of healthy red blood cells has a benefit for the member. After all, proper flow of highly-oxygenated blood is involved in the tumescence process.

The fact that pantothenic acid is part of the process by which male hormone is created also has an impact. In men, male hormone is crucial for organ development, and it continues to play a role in maintaining a man’s sensual drive at an appropriate level. And as previously mentioned, vitamin B5 helps produce acetylcholine, which is part of the process by which the signals involved in sensual activity are transmitted to the manhood. No one vitamin or nutrient alone can be responsible for better sensual or male organ health; however, vitamin B5 is definitely part of the “menu” of ingredients that can have a strong impact on a man and his member.

Men seeking routes to a healthy manhood and who wish to supplement their male organ exposure to vitamin B5 should look into a top drawer male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Many crèmes include vitamin B5 already because of the crucial role it can play in member health. However, the best crèmes will also contain other important ingredients, including L-arginine and L carnitine. L- arginine is an amino acid that helps the body to create nitric oxide, which in turn plays a role in keeping male organ blood vessels open for increased blood flow. L carnitine is another amino acid, one with neuroprotective properties that can help restore diminished member sensation.male organ health crème