Paper Production and Deliveries


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Presentation transcript:

Paper 1980-2016 Production and Deliveries Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Paper 1980-2016 Production and Deliveries During the past 20 years, Sweden’s paper production has expanded from 9.2 million tonnes to 10.1 million tonnes 2016. The exports have increased from 7.7 million tonnes 1994 to 9.1 million tonnes 2016. Domestic deliveries have remained broadly unchanged, with most of the growth in capacity being used for exports. During 2013 there were closures of paper machines.

Market Pulp 1980-2016 Production and Deliveries Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Market Pulp 1980-2016 Production and Deliveries During the past 20 years, Sweden’s market pulp production has expanded from 3,3 million tonnes to 3.9 million tonnes (2016). The exports of market pulp have increased from 2.9 million tonnes to 3.4 million tonnes 2016 Domestic deliveries have remained broadly unchanged, with most of the growth in capacity being used for exports.

Sweden's Paper Production 2016 Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Sweden's Paper Production 2016 During the past 20 years, Sweden’s paper production has expanded from 9.2 million tonnes to 10.1 million tonnes 2016. The exports have increased from 7.7 million tonnes 1994 to 9.1 million tonnes 2016. Domestic deliveries have remained broadly unchanged, with most of the growth in capacity being used for exports. During 2013 there were closures of paper machines.

Sweden’s Market Pulp Production 2016 Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Sweden’s Market Pulp Production 2016 During the past 20 years, Sweden’s market pulp production has expanded from 3,3 million tonnes to 3.9 million tonnes (2016). The exports of market pulp have increased from 2.9 million tonnes to 3.4 million tonnes 2016 Domestic deliveries have remained broadly unchanged, with most of the growth in capacity being used for exports.

Deliveries of Paper 2016 by Market Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Deliveries of Paper 2016 by Market Paper deliveries to Sweden’s main markets changed during the year. Deliveries to the EU decreased by 4 per cent to 6.3 million tonnes, exports to one of the main markets Germany fell by 4 per cent. Deliveries to Asia increased by 0.2 per cent compared to last year. Domestic deliveries decreased by 5 per cent. Total Deliveries: 10.0 Million Tonnes (2015: 10.3 Million Tonnes ) Total Exports: 9.1 Million Tonnes (2015: 9.3 Million Tonnes ) Exports to the EU: 6.3 Million Tonnes (2015: 6.5 Million Tonnes )

Deliveries of Pulp 2016 by Market Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Deliveries of Pulp 2016 by Market Sweden’s pulp deliveries in 2016 were 0.6 per cent higher than in 2015. Deliveries to EU were 2.4 million tonnes, a decrease by 2 per cent compared to last year. Domestic deliveries amounted to 480 thousand tonnes, an increase by 5 per cent compared to 2015. Total Deliveries: 3.9 Million Tonnes (2015: 3.9 Million Tonnes ) Total Exports: 3.4 Million Tonnes (2015: 3.4 Million Tonnes ) Export to the EU: 2.4 Million Tonnes (2015: 2.4 Million Tonnes )

Europe is the Swedish Forest Industries’ Main Market 2016 Asia 18% North America 1% Europe 79% Latin America 1% Africa 1% Asia 13% Oceania 1% Latin America 2% Africa 4% Paper and Paperboard Pulp Pulp

Swedish Production and Exports of Paper and Paperboard 2016 Sweden produced 10.1 million tonnes of paper in 2016, a decrease of 0.6 per cent on 2015. The production of Graphic Paper decreased by 11.1 percent whilst production of packaging materials increased by 6.7 percent. Exports for 2016 were 9.1 million tonnes, a decrease of 2.4 per cent compared to last year (2015: 9.3 million tonnes). The export ratio in 2016 was 90 per cent. Total Production: 10.1 Million Tonnes(2015: 10.2 Million Tonnes) Total Exports: 9.1 Million Tonnes (2015: 9.3 Million Tonnes)

Exports of Paper 2016 by Grade Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Exports of Paper 2016 by Grade The paper exports decreased by 2.4 per cent compared to 2015. The changes in exports by grade of paper was as follows: Newsprint -15.1% Mechanical printing paper 1.8% Woodfree Printing Paper -26.3% Tissue Paper 1.4% Wrapping paper 6.5% Paperboard for packaging 9.4% Corrugated material 3.5% Total Exports: 9.1 Million Tonnes 2016 9.3 Million Tonnes 2015 9.3 Million Tonnes 2014

Swedish Production and Exports of Pulp 2016 The total volume of pulp produced were 11.6 million tonnes a decrease by 0.4 percent compared with 2015(11.6 million tonnes). Production of market pulp were unchanged compared to last year and amounted 3.9 million tonnes. Pulp exports were also unchanged compared to last year and reached 3.4 million tonnes. The total export ratio in 2016 was 30 per cent. Total Production:11.6 Million Tonnes (2015: 11.6 Million Tonnes) Production Market Pulp: 3.9 Million Tonnes (2015: 3.9 Million Tonnes) Total Exports: 3.4 Million Tonnes(2015: 3.4 Million Tonnes)

Exports of Pulp 2016 by Grade Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Exports of Pulp 2016 by Grade Pulp exports were unchanged compared to 2015 i.e. 3.4 million tonnes. Exports of Bleached Sulphate Softwood amounted to 2.4 million tonnes, a decrease of 1.2 per cent compared to 2015. Total Exports: 3.4 Million Tonnes 2016 3,4 Million Tonnes 2015 3,4 Million Tonnes 2014

Swedish Exports of Paper 2016 Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Swedish Exports of Paper 2016 The paper exports decreased by 2.4 per cent compared to 2015. The changes in exports by grade of paper was as follows: Newsprint -15.1% Mechanical printing paper 1.8% Woodfree Printing Paper -26.3% Tissue Paper 1.4% Wrapping paper 6.5% Paperboard for packaging 9.4% Corrugated material 3.5%

Structure of Paper Production 2016 Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Structure of Paper Production 2016 Number/Per cent The fourteen largest mills (of a total of 38) account for 54 per cent of the capacity (i.e. 6.2 million tonnes). The total paper capacity for 2016 was 11.2 million tonnes. In the “400,000 tonnes plus” category are most of the mills that produce newsprint, writing and printing paper, paper for the production of corrugated board and packaging paper. Of the “100,000 tonnes and under” category, half the mills are soft paper mills; but the rest also includes mills that produce packaging paper.

Structure of Market Pulp Production 2016 Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Structure of Market Pulp Production 2016 Number/Per cent The five largest mills (of a total of 18 market pulp mills) account for 57 per cent of the capacity (i.e. 2.3 million tonnes), they mainly produce sulphate pulp. The total capacity for market pulp for 2016 was 4.0 million tonnes, Sweden’s total pulp capacity for the year was 12.7 million tonnes.

Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Paper Production 2014-2016

Scs192 Retur 5/8/2018 Pulp Production 2014-2016

Structural Changes in Sweden 1980-2016

Structural Changes Paper 1980-2016

Structural Changes Pulp 1980-2016