Understanding Diabetes and Member Health


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding Diabetes and Member Health

The concept of male organ health may seem like it would be related only to the manhood and its immediate neighbors, but in fact proper male organ health involves, to some degree, overall general health. Certainly, how physically fit a man is has an impact on the health of his member, as well as on the ability with which that organ performs sensually. And by the same token, when a man has some health condition, such as diabetes, it is possible that condition may have some sort of impact on his manhood health.male organ health

That is certainly the case with diabetes. While some diabetic men may find that it has no noticeable effect on their members, others may find that there can be a variety of issues. Knowing what some of those effects can be is important, so that a person can know how to address those problems. (Similarly, sometimes a man may experience side effects related to diabetes without knowing he has the condition – and those side effects may then lead to a much-needed diagnosis so he can learn how to manage the disease.)

Diabetes Diabetes is certainly one of the most well-known diseases in the modern world, affecting almost 30,000,000 people in the U.S. alone; yet many people may have only a vague idea of what it actually entails. Diabetes happens when a person’s blood sugar (also called blood glucose) gets too high. We need blood sugar – it’s what gives a person energy. A hormone called insulin helps take that sugar from the blood and deliver it to the cells, so that they can use it. If a person doesn’t make enough insulin (or if their insulin doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to), all that sugar stays in the blood, where it’s wasted, instead of getting to the cells that need it. But sometimes a person with diabetes has too little sugar in their blood, and that is also problematic.

Male organ health problems So the challenge when a person has diabetes is to properly manage it so blood sugars are not too high and not too low. To do this, they measure their blood sugar levels regularly, and use injections of insulin to help keep the sugar at the proper level. There are many complications associated with diabetes. These include cardiovascular disease, stroke, foot ulcers, kidney disease and vision loss. If diabetes is not properly managed, it can lead to death. In many men, diabetes can create some significant male organ health issues as well. These include:

Tumescence dysfunction. When blood sugar levels are kept too high for too long, they can cause damage in two areas which can affect a man’s ability to attain and maintain tumescence. They can cause damage to nerve endings; when this happens in the manhood, it becomes less sensitive to touch and manual stimulation, making it less likely to become excited when stroked. Diabetes also can cause blood vessels to narrow and harden. When this happens, they can accommodate much less blood – so that when the blood vessels in the member should be opening to allow a flood of blood into the manhood to create tumescence, only a trickle gets in.

Odor. Often manhood odor is increased by diabetes, due to the presence of molecules called ketone bodies in the urine. This can create a very pungent aroma in the male organ area. Yeast infections. Increased sugar gives yeast more to feed on, which can in turn create a yeast infection situation on and around the manhood.

Diabetes is a dangerous condition that affects a man’s general health as well as his member health. He should definitely consult a specialist to learn proper management of diabetes, as well as use a fist class male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) for everyday manhood health issues. The best crème includes two amino acids, L-arginine and L carnitine. The former helps keep blood vessels more open for blood flow by helping to create nitric oxide. And the latter is helpful in restoring lost sensation due to aggressive use.male organ health crème