An Itchy Male Organ from Trichomycosis


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Presentation transcript:

An Itchy Male Organ from Trichomycosis

Why is it that an itchy male organ always presents at the most inopportune times – on a big date, during a business presentation, etc.? There’s no way to predict when an itchy male organ will rear its head, so it’s important to practice excellent male organ care to reduce its likelihood of occurrence. In order to do that, guys need to know about possible itchy male organ causes – one of the more obscure of which is called trichomycosis pubis.male organ care

What it is Most men have never heard of trichomycosis pubis, and even those who have heard of it have a difficult time trying to pronounce it. Doctors and scientists often put together words (typically from Latin) to describe a condition, and that’s the case here. “Tricho” means having to do with the hair, “mycosis” means relating to a fungal infection, and pubis, of course, means having to do with the manhood area. So this condition would seem to have something to do with midsection hair and a fungus. And indeed, that is exactly what it is. When a man has trichomycosis pubis, it means that a fungal infection has developed in the sweat glands that are found in the manhood hair area. (Some doctors, however, believe that the disorder is misnamed, and that the actual cause of the problem is not fungi but bacteria. In either case, the result is the same.)

Shafts And what is that result? The shafts of hair that led down to those sweat glands get covered in a creamy secretion that forms clumps and lumps in the area. They’re typically of a yellow-ish color, but sometimes they may be red or black. It’s kind of like having little lumps of colored paste in the member hair – and that’s not a look a guy can really rock. The unattractive appearance is one thing, but it also is typically accompanied by a very strong urge to scratch. The secretion contains bacteria that irritate the skin in a particularly unpleasant way, so scratching is hard to resist. And as a guy scratches and scratches, the skin gets more and more irritated, turning red and developing a blotchy, rashy look in many cases.

The itchy male organ situation alone would be bad enough, but often trichomycosis pubis brings with it another issue: a strong, pungent, unpleasant odor. So between the clumpy hair, the rashy look, the itchiness and the odor, a guy’s midsection is far from unattractive to a partner.

What to do Trichomycosis pubis usually develops because a man has been lax with his proper manhood hygiene. Keeping the area nice and clean is the best way to prevent it. But when it does develop, it’s usually recommended that a man shave the area and then apply antibiotics in a cream form to kill the bacteria and fungi causing the problem. There may be other medications a doctor suggests, especially for stubborn problems. As the skin heals, it’s important to keep the area free of water-based moisture but not let the skin dry out of the oils it needs for healthy maintenance; maintaining the proper balance can be tricky.

Those with an itchy male organ due to trichomycosis pubis may want to utilize a first rate male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crèmes will have a combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) which can work together to lock in the oils necessary for proper skin moisturization. It is also wise to find a crème that contains vitamin A; this can help to fight the bacteria that cause persistent and lingering male member odor.male organ health crème