Understanding the Reasons for an Itchy Male Organ


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding the Reasons for an Itchy Male Organ

It’s the rare man who never has to deal with an itchy male organ. For as long as most men can remember, they have been plagued by at least occasional issues with member itching. The good news is that regular manhood care often alleviates the problem almost immediately. The bad news is that sometimes, a man has to go through a few options before he figures out whether his itchy male organ is a minor issue or something that needs further attention.manhood care But how is a guy to know what is causing his itchy male organ? It all comes down to the process of elimination. Here’s how he can start.

1. Begin with using a top-notch manhood health crème. If there is a very basic reason for the itchy male organ, such as dry manhood skin, a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E will make easy work of the problem. But if using the crème doesn’t seem to do anything to alleviate the member itching, it’s time to look a little deeper. 2. Engage in excellent hygiene. Sometimes itching is simply because a man gets lazy in the hygiene department. Make sure this is not the case by washing the manhood scrupulously during every single shower. For intact men, cleaning under the hood is greatly encouraged. For all men, consider a bit of manscaping to keep the hair under control and thus cut down on the potential for itching, as well as manhood odor issues.

3. Look at things in the environment. One of the most common culprits of itching anywhere on the body – but especially on the more sensitive manhood skin – is simply a change in a guy’s day-to-day life. He might have a new laundry detergent, or maybe a new soap, or maybe he even started taking his clothes to a different cleaner every week. Any small change can introduce allergens into the environment, such as fragrances or softeners, that can trigger an allergic reaction and that dreaded member itch. Remember the process of elimination and start taking those new things away, one by one, until the itching stops.

4. Consider certain habits. If a guy hasn’t found the problem yet, it’s time to look at his sensual habits. Perhaps the problem is with the brand of barrier protection he uses, or perhaps with the lubricant that he just started trying out. Again, the process of elimination comes into play; he can try a different barrier protection brand, go with barrier protections that have no spermicide, and try different lubes with more natural ingredients. 5. Head to the doctor. If the member itching is still continuing no matter what a guy does, it’s time to go to the doctor to rule out any problems. Persistent itching can mean the presence of an infection, fungus, parasites and the like. Simply explain to the doctor that member itching is continuing no matter what steps are taken, and be prepared to explain all that has been done thus far to alleviate the problem. Expect some simple tests to be done to help figure out what’s going on.

After pinpointing the cause and clearing up the issue, a man wants to make sure it doesn’t come back again. He can help ensure that by reaching for a specially formulated manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) every single day. A crème that contains the aforementioned Shea butter and vitamin E, as well as vitamin A for odor control, is a great place to begin. Other must-have ingredients include vitamins B5, C and D, L-arginine and L-carnitine for better manhood function and peripheral nerve protection, as well as alpha lipoic acid to fight free radicals. With a powerhouse crème like that, member itching doesn’t stand a chance!manhood health crème