Cold Weather Care for the Best Manhood Health


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Presentation transcript:

Cold Weather Care for the Best Manhood Health

When cold weather comes calling, so does the dry skin. Sales of lotion skyrocket, and sometimes even a ridiculous amount of lotion on the hands, arms or anywhere else feels like a losing battle against the dry air. But the good news is that there are several things a man can do for cold weather care, not only to enhance his usual male organ care but to make his skin feel better in general.male organ care It’s important to remember that sometimes, the very nature of winter means that a guy will face dry skin – it’s not anything he’s doing wrong. The very cold air naturally pulls moisture from the skin. Add in any sort of wind and suddenly, the skin feels so dry it’s begging for lotion or any other type of moisture – it’s why so many people obsessively lick their lips when they are out and about in the wintertime. And the things a person must wear to stay warm, such as the thick layers of wool and cotton, also contribute to rubbing against the skin, which only exacerbates a dry skin situation.

Here’s how to make the best of those wintertime issues and maintain great manhood health: 1. Get clean the proper way. One of the first lines of defense against dry kin is ensuring that it starts out moisturized in the first place. That can be achieved with a good soapless cleanser, one that promises to clean the skin but not strip it of the natural oils it needs to hold moisture inside. Look for a cleanser that contains natural ingredients, so there is no chance of harsh chemicals sneaking their way into the daily shower.

2. Moisturize immediately. Upon coming out of the shower, pat the male organ dry. Never rub, as this encourages loss of oils that the delicate skin needs to keep. Then apply a good moisturizer to the male organ and surrounding area. This should include vitamin E or Shea butter, as these are excellent natural hydrators. Choosing a crème that contains both is the best way to go. Remember, you should also have a separate crème or lotion to use on other parts of the body to help keep them soft as well. 3. Choose layers wisely. No one would ever expect a guy to avoid the layers during the coldest of wintertime. That’s why a guy should always reach for the heavy coats, jackets and other layers, but make sure that what actually touches his skin is something soft and suitable for keeping things comfortable. Look for comfortable underwear made of cotton, and if it is a wicking material, even better. Long underwear should always be made of soft cotton.

4. Keep the air moist. Keep a home more comfortable by investing in a good humidifier that can run constantly in the background during the winter months. This adds moisture back into the dry air, which in turn keeps the place feeling as comfortable as if it were the not-so-hot days of summertime. A guy should take the time to figure out the best settings for the humidifier that keep his home as comfortable as possible.

In addition to these measures, a guy should look for a top- notch manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to help him fight winter dryness. Cold weather care demands Shea butter and vitamin E, as already mentioned, but it also needs to include alpha lipoic acid, which fights the signs of aging, and vitamin C, which is the ‘miracle vitamin’ that helps fight off all sorts of bacterial issues. Finally, don’t forget the wonders of vitamin B5, which helps enhance healthy tissue and fight off the evidence of dry skin.manhood health crème