Losing Length? How to Prevent a Short, Small Member


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Presentation transcript:

Losing Length? How to Prevent a Short, Small Member

Men spend a great deal of time thinking about the size and length of their male organ. Even a man who is well-endowed often has the feeling that he has, in fact, a small member. Because of this, men are always looking for ways to improve the length and girth of their manhood. However, some men face the startling and awful problem of noticing their member becoming smaller with time. Even if they step up their good male organ care regimen, nothing quite seems to work – and so they begin to panic.male organ care The cause behind that sudden smaller male organ size is Peyronie’s disease. The good news is that it is avoidable! Here’s what a man needs to know about this surprisingly common issue.

What is Peyronie’s disease? When a man suffers some sort of trauma to the male organ, the result is often a buildup of scar tissue where the injury took place. This is quite normal; it’s the body’s way of healing itself. But when it happens in the manhood, it can cause problems. That’s because the male organ is meant to be elastic, able to stretch impressively when engorged with blood. When there is scar tissue where that elastic tissue is supposed to be, that area doesn’t stretch. The result is a male organ that bends or curves. This is often referred to as Peyronie’s disease.

Though some amount of curvature is perfectly normal – in fact, it’s a rare man who has a perfectly straight member! – a very pronounced curve or bend might lead to other problems later, such as pain during intimate activity or even pain during tumescence. And even if a man doesn’t suffer that pain, he might notice that the placement of the scar tissue makes his male organ enlarge a little bit less than it used to. A guy can actually lose up to an inch of length thanks to the scar tissue buildup. But what if there hasn’t been any trauma to the male organ? This is what confuses many guys about the situation. Though it’s easy to think of ‘trauma’ as something that happens suddenly, involves a lot of pain and blood, and takes a great deal of time to heal from, that’s not usually what causes Peyronie’s disease (though it certainly can!).

What actually happens is that the male organ endures tiny tears and irritations over a long period of time. This can happen over several sessions of rough coupling or solo play, from a man self-fondling in a certain position all the time, or from even using the same sensual techniques over and over when he’s in bed with a partner. Those tiny tears might be very slight, leading only to soreness from time to time. But each one leaves their mark in the form of tiny bits of scar tissue. Over time, that tissue can build up.

What can be done about a small member? The best way to avoid the problem with small member size is to avoid trauma in the first place. This means varying the self- gratification routine, changing up the sensual habits from time to time and taking care not to have a sore, irritated male organ.

And if the male organ does become sore and irritated, treat it immediately with a high-quality manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look specifically for a crème that contains vitamin C, which is great for collagen production, as well as vitamin B5, which is great for maintenance of healthy tissue. Shea butter and vitamin E, a one-two punch of hydration, can also help keep the male organ skin smooth and supple, thus helping it expand as much as it should. Finally, look for a crème with alpha-lipoic acid, which helps the skin resist the rigors of aging.manhood health crème