Protecting the Member from Loss of Sensation


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Presentation transcript:

Protecting the Member from Loss of Sensation

Protecting the member from loss of sensation should be the goal of any man who wants to live an active, enjoyable intimate life for the rest of his days. But unfortunately, though a man applies the best possible member care and does what he thinks are all the right things, he might still suffer from loss of manhood sensation. The problem lies in the fact that sometimes, the everyday things that a man does happen to slowly diminish manhood sensation, until there is a marked difference in how his member reacts to touch.member care The good news is that by spotting these potential issues early on, a guy can help ensure that his member is in good shape, and his sensation is always top-notch. Here’s how.

1. Don’t go commando. Though it might feel great to go without underclothes for a while, it can actually be detrimental to manhood sensation and sensitivity. That’s because the friction caused by jeans or other trouser material can be substantial, yet happen in such as gradual way that a guy doesn’t actually feel the irritation – or it’s not enough to make him want to put on underwear. This often results in a lack of manhood sensation before a guy realizes it’s happening. 2. But don’t go too tight, either. Just as a man shouldn’t go commando too often, he also shouldn’t go with underwear that are binding or tight. These can diminish the circulation through the member and surrounding area, and of course, blood flow is essential to keep the nerve endings in good health. Make sure boxers and briefs fit properly, and if anything cuts into the skin, a larger size is needed.

3. Always use lube. Though it might be tempting to go without lube in the midst of a hot encounter or even when a man is by himself and wants to try something different with self-fondling, keep in mind that going ‘dry’ too often can lead to tiny irritations and even small tears in the member skin, all of which can eventually lead to a loss of sensation. 4. And speaking of encounters… A guy who is enjoying a sensual encounter will want to ensure that he doesn’t do it the same way every time. Even though certain positions might come easier to him or he and a partner might prefer a particular angle, it pays to switch it up quite often, as this avoids any repeated pressure on one part of the manhood. That can help ensure the entire member stays as healthy as possible.

5. Avoid anything that irritates the manhood. Switching to a different cleanser, using soap instead of soapless cleansers, using a new detergent on the sheets or clothing, or applying products that aren’t tested and proven safe are all ways to develop an allergic reaction on the member and surrounding area. As the reaction often leads to rashing, which can then lead to tougher skin, it’s possible that too many allergic reactions can eventually diminish member sensitivity.

Finally, a man should take a good look at a variety of options for male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best options will include vitamin A for antibacterial prowess and vitamin C for collagen enhancement, as well as vitamin E for softness and soothing. Look for a crème that contains L-carnitine as well, as this amino acid is well-known for fighting against peripheral nerve damage that can lead to serious problems later in life. L- arginine is another great amino acid, known for its ability to help with blood vessel dilation, which in turn helps a man maintain firmness.male organ health crème