Male Menopause: A Myth or Real Manhood Problem?


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Presentation transcript:

Male Menopause: A Myth or Real Manhood Problem?

When it comes to male menopause, there is quite a debate swirling about the question of just how common it really is – or if it is real at all. The fact of female menopause is well-documented and is an accepted part of life for every woman, as they will all go through ‘the change.’ But what about men? Doesn’t it make sense that a guy will suffer through the same decline in hormone production that women deal with at some point in their lives? In fact, men who practice good male organ care and pay attention to overall health might notice some signs that lead them to believe male menopause is, indeed, very real.male organ care

Is male menopause real? Much of the debate on whether male menopause is real centers on the changes in hormone production. Science has proven that males do suffer from a drop in male hormones throughout their lives; however, that drop is very gradual and can take place over several decades. In addition, though they might suffer symptoms from those changes, the symptoms are usually not severe and do not take place all at once. And finally, men who undergo a lowering of male hormones usually do not become infertile because of it.

Compare this to female menopause, which is quite different. For women, the hormone drop is rather sharp, and the symptoms that come along with it can seem to happen all at once – within a matter of a few short years. The symptoms can be severe enough to interfere with a woman’s day-to-day life. And of course, when a woman goes through menopause, her child-bearing days are decidedly done, as she will be infertile when the hormone drop is complete. Therefore, when it comes to male menopause, the answer is two-fold: Yes, it is real, because many men suffer the symptoms. But no, it isn’t actually menopause, because it doesn’t carry the severity for a man that it does for a woman.

Dealing with the symptoms However, that doesn’t mean a man won’t have to deal with a variety of symptoms that can be confusing or annoying. One of the most troublesome symptoms of the male hormone drop is a corresponding decrease in male drive. A man who was raring to go a decade ago might now be surprised to find that he doesn’t really care to get it up – and that when he does want to, he simply can’t do it as often, or as well. Much of this comes from the simple process of aging. As a man ages, his production of male hormones drops, until he is suffering from a variety of issues. The biggest of these is the decrease in male drive, but other problems include weight gain, irritability, lowered levels of energy, a drop in self-esteem, depression and even some mental confusion from time to time.

The good news is that there are ways to combat the problem. Men should pay close attention to their overall health, including trying to lose the weight, exercising regularly, eating right and taking steps to manage stress and get enough sleep. Besides that, hormone replacement therapy might help a man whose symptoms are really messing with his quality of life. Between improving overall physical health and possibly turning to hormone therapy, a man might find that his male drive goes up accordingly.

In the meantime, keeping the male organ itself in good health can help avoid many a manhood problem, including some of the troublesome symptoms of male menopause. A specially formulated member health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a great step toward this better health. A crème that contains a variety of beneficial vitamins, such as A, C, B5 and D, is a great place to start. Powerful amino acids, combined with vitamins in a soothing Shea butter and vitamin E base, can keep the skin smooth, supple and ready for action.member health crème