Sometimes a Bent Manhood is Due to Vasculitis


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Presentation transcript:

Sometimes a Bent Manhood is Due to Vasculitis

Most men don’t personally encounter a lot of firm male members. Sure, they may see them when watching adult videos, but it’s pretty well accepted that the male organs on display in many adult videos are not necessarily representative of the actual norm. And so without a real-life frame of reference, a guy may become alarmed if he finds he has a bent manhood when it is tumescent and may worry about his member health and function. member health In fact, many men quite naturally have some curvature of the male organ. It’s only when a bent manhood is at so severe an angle that it becomes painful or affects its functionality that a man needs to be concerned. There can be several causes of a severely bent manhood, one of which is vasculitis.

Peyronie’s disease Typically when a man has a member which curves to such an extent that it is of genuine concern, he is said to have Peyronie’s disease. When a man has Peyronie’s, the curvature is caused by a build-up of plaque or scar tissue in an area of the male organ. Why does scar tissue have this effect? Basically, scar tissue is part of nature’s way of healing. So if an area of the member receives some form of trauma, the scar tissue forms as part of the reparative process. But the tissue in the manhood needs to have a high degree of elasticity, so that it can go from the smaller soft state to the larger tumescent state.

Scar tissue negatively impacts the tissue’s ability to expand properly. When the manhood gets the signal to become tumescent, it starts stretching out. The part of the member without the scar tissue stretches to its full degree, as normal. But the section with the scarring at one point says, “Stop! That’s as far as I can go.” With one side fully tumescent and the other pulling back on the expansion, curving occurs – left, right, up or down, depending on where the scar tissue is.

Vasculitis Vasculitis is a condition in which blood vessels become inflamed. It can occur anywhere in the body, including in the male organ. The inflammation can damage the blood vessels, making them weaker and/or narrower. If it gets too weak, it may break, which causes scar tissue to form. If it gets too narrow, the blood has a harder time getting through, which may cause blockage. With less blood flowing in, less oxygen also flows in – and that can also damage the tissue, creating scarring. Vasculitis is still poorly understood by the medical community, and its exact and complete causes are unknown. However, it is often due to infections (such as hepatitis B or C), problems with the immune system (such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis) or reactions to some tablets.

If a doctor diagnoses a man with vasculitis, he will prescribe appropriate treatments, which often include corticosteroids and immunosuppressing medications. Often treating the vasculitis can have an effect on the bent manhood; in other cases, the scar tissue may be too far advanced and other methods may be employed if necessary to correct a significantly bent male organ.

Treating a bent manhood due to vasculitis or other causes is made easier when the overall health of the manhood is not in doubt. Regular use of a top drawer member health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help improve member health. Look for a crème that includes L-carnitine. Often, scar tissue build-up can “deaden” sensation in a member, and L-carnitine is useful in helping restore loss of sensation. The crème should also include vitamin C, which is a key component in keeping the manhood skin toned and elastic.member health crème