Healthcare Associated Pneumonia
Case 70 year/male independent ADL non smoker, negative for ethanol intake Presented with LOC to ED On examination at home pt was confused and in Afib. Amiodarone and digoxin were given 4 day history of malaise, loss of appetite,fever and diarrhoea Palpitations, diplopia and gait disturbances in last 2-3 days
Additional historical points?? DM on OHAs and amlodipine for HTN Known chronic bronchitis with last reported exacerbation dating 2 months back On inhaled steroids, LABA, aspirin and metformin Known case of carotid stenosis
Baseline exams O2 sats 84%,NYHA grade IV, Tachycardia (130/min),Hypothermic, Tachypnoiec with a borderline BP Confused, diplopia, poor response to verbal stimuli Crackles and reduced air entry at right lung base Cardiac and abdominal exams non contributory
Differentials???? ?Neurological ?Arrythmia Infection Thromboembolic phenomena Hypovolemia ????????
More thoughts????? Septic shock ??? CAP related + significant contribution of Afib Microbiology work up including cultures (blood/sputum),serology and urinary antigens, Diagnostic tap ICU admission Fluid resuscitation + pressors Venturi/NIV Abx- Ceftriaxone,ertapenem,Macrolide + Vancomycin
Going further……. Progression of MODS including ARF, deranged hepatic enzymes and increased FiO2 requirements on NIV On amiodarone for A fib USG abd noncontributory Blood culture for klebsiella is positive
What further????
Original HCAP Definition?
Any change in strategy????
Choice of Abx Therapy???? Continue the same??? Remove Vancomycin???? Change from Ceftriaxone???? What about Macrolide??? What about a fluroquinolone??
Going further??? Initiated on carbapenem + single dose aminoglycoside Blood cultures- Klebsiella Catheter culture- Coagulase negative staph (probable colonizer) Rest cultures-negative
Other things to be kept in mind????
Some more scores
PES: To suspect MDRM in CAP
Going back to the patient???? Patient improved clinically and his MODS resolved Platelet counts, Creatinine levels and FiO2 requirements stabilized and decreased CT Chest was planned
Further Imaging
Confounders??? Right pleural effusion with atelectasis of right lower lobe Heterogenous hepatic lesions consistent with ???Mets/???Abscess CT Brain was consistent with a multi infarct state
Going further???? A sono guided aspiration is done and pus is noted in the sample The pus is sent for culture and grows klebsiella with a similar sensitivity report A colonoscopic study was planned and done (S.Bovis) A surgical procedure was ruled out in consultation with surgeon Carbapenem (meropenem) was continued for two weeks followed by ertapenem for two weeks
To Conclude……… HCAPs have become very common in today,s scenario Klebsiella remains a dominant organism in most of Indian ICUS Deescalation from meropenem/imipenem to ertapenem should be considered Use of ertapenem in CAP as an empirical choice is a viable option It remains a hitherto less recognized entity Absolutely no Indian data