Antonio Fuentes RedIRIS Barcelona, 15 Abril 2008 The GENIUS Grid portal.


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Presentation transcript:

Antonio Fuentes RedIRIS Barcelona, 15 Abril 2008 The GENIUS Grid portal

2 GENIUS GRID portal features 1/2 It can be accessed from everywhere and by “everything” (desktop, laptop, PDA, cell phone). The same user interface to several back-ends. All available grid services incorporated in a logic way, just “one mouse click away”. Layout easily understandable and user friendly.

3 GENIUS GRID portal features 2/2 Secure at all levels:  1) secure for web transactions  2) secure for user credentials  3) secure for user authentication  4) secure at VO level.

4 Main advantages Thanks to the GENIUS and EnginFrame (developed by the Italian Company NICE srl) user can Interact with files on the UI Send jobs to the Grid Manage the data belonging to the given Virtual Organization. Moreover: No needs of a particular Operating System and middle-ware running on the client side

5 Security Services 1/2 In order to guarantee a secure access to the Grid, GENIUS has been implemented with a multi-layered security infrastructure. All web transactions are executed under the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) via HTTPS. The user has to have an account on the User Interface machine where GENIUS is running

6 Security Services 2/2 Two access modes:  Grid authentication in GENIUS is currently based on the concept of user credentials delegation implemented with MyProxy  When the user wants to interact with the file-system of the UI, performing operations with his files, he gets prompted for the username and password of the account on that machine.

7 The Genius Home Page (

8 The GENIUS model OS & Net services Basic Services High level GRID middleware HEPBiomed Other apps Other apps Applications’ specific layer Other apps GLOBU S toolkit EDG/LCG architecture GENIUS web portal GENIUS ® (Grid Enabled web eNvironment for site Independent User job Submission) INFN/NICE srl collaboration

9 GENIUS: how it works Apache + Tomcat EnginFrame GENIUS https+java/xml+rfb WEB Browser gLite UI Local WS the Grid M/W+GSI 3 tier model

10 Send an message, signed with your valid certificate of your Virtual Organization which you belong containing the fields:  First and Second Name  Institute / Company  Position (Administrator, other to specify)  Installed software in your site (LCG/gLite) and its version Send the signed message to or Usually in one business day, you will receive the encrypted account information in reply. How to send a request of account

11 Grid authentication with MyProxy UI Loca l WS MyProxy Server GENIUS Server (UI) myproxy-init any grid service myproxy-get-delegation output the Grid execution WEB Browser Now, VOMS Extensions needed to run jobs on the GRID ( --voms )

12 GENIUS main services File Services Job Submission Services Monitoring Data Services

13 Login on the UI

14 File Services: View/Edit (1/2)

15 File Services: View/Edit (2/2)

16 File Services: Copy/Rename

17 File Services: Delete Files/Dirs

18 File Services: Create a Dir

19 File Services: Upload TAR ball

20 File Services: Upload a file

21 File Services: Change permiss.

22 File Services: Show Environment

23 Proxy info: GRID Authentication

24 Info on proxy

25 Change OS Password

26 Logout

27 GENIUS main services File Services Job Submission Services Monitoring Data Services

28 Job Submission Services Using GENIUS job submission services, the user can seamlessly create a job and run it on the Grid. In particular, it is possible to: List the available Computing Elements (sites/queues) where a given job can run on Create a job and submit it to a Resource Broker (which can be selected by the user) or to a particular computing element Monitor the current status of a job Inspect on the fly the output of a job and save it both on the User Interface machine and on the local workstation.

29 GRID Settings

30 Job Subm: JDL file selection

31 Compose and Submit

32 Job Submit: View and Submit JDL

33 Choose the CE

34 Inspecting the Job Queue Logging information by clicking on the Globus JobID

35 Logging information

36 Job status

37 Job completed successfully

38 Retrieving Job results (1/4)

39 Retrieving Job results (2/4)

40 List of available resources (1/2)

41 List of available resources (2/2)

42 GENIUS main services File Services Job Submission Services Monitoring Data Services

43 GRID Monitoring within GENIUS

44 GENIUS main services File Services Job Submission Services Monitoring Data Services

45 Publishing a local file (1/3)

46 Publishing a local file (2/3)

47 Publishing a local file (3/3)

48 VO Services

49 VO Services: Protein rendering

50 3D rendering with POVRay

51 DAG management: TRIANA project

52 Conclusions It is a complete environment which combines the concepts of “user portal” and “science portal” Absolutely no client software needs to be installed on the users workstation (apart from the web browser) It includes support for both single and composite jobs (DAGs) Interactive analysis and web access to personal spooling areas are possible