後現代主義藝術 I : 對藝術機制的批判 ─ 觀念、地景與表演藝術 劉瑞琪 本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示-非 商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 2.5 版授權釋出創用 CC 「姓名標示-非 商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 2.5 版.


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歐盟法與生命對話 第一單元 III Dr. Lukas Lien EULRC of NTU 1 Nature Human Right and Alienation in Social Theory 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標 示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 3.0 版授權 釋出】創用.
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Legal and legislative crisis in EU and Asia : analysis and reform models? 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標 示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 3.0 版授權 釋出】創用 CC 「姓名標 示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣.
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Ch3-2. Language and Human Migration 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 3.0 版授權釋出】 The “Work” under the Creative Commons Taiwan 3.0 License of “BY-NC-SA”.
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Presentation transcript:

後現代主義藝術 I : 對藝術機制的批判 ─ 觀念、地景與表演藝術 劉瑞琪 本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示-非 商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 2.5 版授權釋出創用 CC 「姓名標示-非 商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 2.5 版

Marcel Broodthaers, Musée d’Art Moderne (1968) vs. Marcel Broodthaers, Musée d’Art Moderne (1968)

Marcel Broodthaers, Figures Section, detail ( ) vs. Marcel Broodthaers, Figures Section, detail ( )

Daniel Buren, Within and Beyond the Frame (1973) vs. Daniel Buren, View of installation at Prospect (1968)

Daniel Buren, Eight Contemporary Artists ( ) vs. Daniel Buren, Eight Contemporary Artists ( )

Hans Haacke, Condensation Cube (1963) vs. Hans Haacke, Grass Grows (1969)

Hans Haacke, Shapolsky et al. Manhattan Real Estate Holdings, a Real-Time Social System, as of May 1, 1971 (1971)

Victor Burgin, What Does Possession Mean to You? (1976)

Stonehenge ( B.C.)

Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty (1970)

Gianfranco Gorgoni, Robert Smithson walking along Spiral Jetty. (1970)

Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Wrapped Coast (1969)

Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Running Fence ( )

Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Running Fence Sonoma and Marion Counties California ( )

Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Running Fence ( )

Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Wrapped Reichstag Berlin (1993) vs. Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Wrapped Reichstag Berlin ( )

Walter de Maria, The Lightning Field ( ) vs. Walter de Maria, The Lightning Field ( )

Walter de Maria, The Lightning Field ( )

Yves Klein, Leap into the Void (1960) vs. Yves Klein, Yves Klein performing his “Leap into the Void” (1960)

Yves Klein, Anthropometry Performance, Galérie Internationale d’Art Contemporain (1960)

Yves Klein, Anthropometry Performance (1960)

Yves Klein, Untitled Anthropometry (1960) vs. Yves Klein, Untitled Anthropometry (1960)

Nam June Paik, Zen for Head (1962) vs. Shozo Shimamoto, Making a Painting by Throwing Bottles of Paint (1956)

Shigeko Kubota, Vagina Painting (1965)

Keith Boadwie, Untitled (1995)

Vito Acconci, Following Piece (1969)

Joseph Beuys, photograph from “How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare” (1965) vs. Joseph Beuys, How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare (1965)

Teching Hsieh and Linda Montano, A Year Spent Tied Together at the Waist ( )

Peter Weibel and Valie Export, Aus der Mappe der Hundigkeit (1968)

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 usc.edu jpghttp:// 797.jpg theslideprojector.com /10/24 visited Thomas Crow. (2004). The rise of the sixties: American and European art in the era of dissent. Yale University Press. csmt.uchicago.edu /10/24 visited

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 ordigami.net bilboquet.es /10/24 visited Edward Lucie-Smith. (1999). 二十世紀偉大的藝術家. 聯經出版公司 art-interview.com /10/24 visited Douglas Crimp, Louise Lawler.(1995). On the museum's ruins. The MIT Press.

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 Douglas Crimp, Louise Lawler.(1995). On the museum's ruins. The MIT Press. grammarpolice.net artnet.com /10/24 visited academic.reed.edu art-ba-ba.com /10/24 visited artintelligence.net content/uploads/2008/04/haackeshapolsky.jpghttp://artintelligence.net/review/wp- content/uploads/2008/04/haackeshapolsky.jpg florianmarco.wordpress.com estate-holding-florian-marco.jpghttp://florianmarco.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/haackeshapolsky-real- estate-holding-florian-marco.jpg 2010/10/24 visited

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 evictionart.blogspot.com /9eun6Pcbtzs/s400/Shapolski+et+al+Manhattan+Real+Estate+Holdings, jpghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_kA4puvtzfCM/SUHv3N9XezI/AAAAAAAAABM /9eun6Pcbtzs/s400/Shapolski+et+al+Manhattan+Real+Estate+Holdings, jpg fundaciotapies.org /10/24 visited faculty.washington.edu courses.washington.edu bin/ /html/wordsinimages/vbpossess.jpghttp://courses.washington.edu/hypertxt/cgi- bin/ /html/wordsinimages/vbpossess.jpg 2010/10/24 visited eslnotepad.blogspot.com 3MshAnXDDVY/s1600/stonehenge-wallpaper-1.jpghttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xEehooYC6Rk/TAgA2rxEMbI/AAAAAAAACS8/ 3MshAnXDDVY/s1600/stonehenge-wallpaper-1.jpg share.skjh.tpc.edu.tw /10/24 visited geekymuse.com artismoving.blogspot.com PBr_8dTQY/s1600/spiral-jetty.jpghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_eDxyS1hlEx8/S-rrNb-Bj3I/AAAAAAAABa0/q- PBr_8dTQY/s1600/spiral-jetty.jpg 2010/10/24 visited

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 artknowledgenews.com Great-Salt-Lake jpghttp:// Great-Salt-Lake jpg family.webshots.com /10/24 visited themetropolitancomplex.com umentation/documentation_1http:// umentation/documentation_1 2010/11/2 visited detroitmona.com washingtontimes.com Claude_s640x506.jpg?186e5c79c61d3088cb5298ec222544c52245c147http://media.washtimes.com/media/image/2009/11/19/Obit_Jeanne- Claude_s640x506.jpg?186e5c79c61d3088cb5298ec222544c52245c /11/2 visited leninimports.com card_1.jpghttp:// card_1.jpg christojeanneclaude.net /10/24 visited

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 kunst-fuer-alle.de claude_running-fence,-california.jpghttp://media.kunst-fuer-alle.de/img/32/g/32_21077~_christo-und-jeanne- claude_running-fence,-california.jpg genevaanderson.wordpress.com 2.jpg?w=361&h=232http://genevaanderson.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/christo-running-fence- 2.jpg?w=361&h= /11/2 visited nga.gov thewesterner.blogspot.com DI/AAAAAAAADfo/ptegjKlIFuI/s1600/christo_running_fence1.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_pg4BWOk1dwY/S810gcPt- DI/AAAAAAAADfo/ptegjKlIFuI/s1600/christo_running_fence1.jpg 2010/10/24 visited en.artintern.net 6efb85f.JPGhttp:// 6efb85f.JPG eyelevel.si.edu /10/24 visited theslideprojector.com bbc.co.uk ane_tn.jpghttp:// ane_tn.jpg 2010/10/24 visited

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 moenchehaus.de allposters.com /11/2 visited nga.gov michelelaird.blogspot.com /KjfHZ6_Eru8/s400/Wrapped+Reichstag,+Berlin Photo+Wolfgang+ Volz+(c)+1995+Christo.jpghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_7yMiEA0G_F8/SZ7TGsYgR5I/AAAAAAAAANI /KjfHZ6_Eru8/s400/Wrapped+Reichstag,+Berlin Photo+Wolfgang+ Volz+(c)+1995+Christo.jpg 2010/10/24 visited bookofjoe.com ameblo.jp top.jpg?w=320&h=450http://mgjr.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/lightningfield- top.jpg?w=320&h= /10/24 visited marin.edu diaart.org /10/24 visited

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 usc.edu jpghttp:// 797.jpg theslideprojector.com /10/24 visited theslideprojector.com daylife.com /10/24 visited Wiki Yves Klein tobephillips.wordpress.com klein.jpghttp://tobephillips.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/leap-into-the-void-yves- klein.jpg menil.org angelfloresjr.multiply.com o jpghttp://images.artnet.com/images_US/magazine/reviews/mandarino/mandarin o jpg 2010/10/24 visited

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 performancelogia.blogspot.com R6I/AAAAAAAAHbQ/V2LC9nBOn0Y/s400/YvesKleinAnthropometries+(0).jpghttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_kKtU4zdQy4g/R6aYqqa- R6I/AAAAAAAAHbQ/V2LC9nBOn0Y/s400/YvesKleinAnthropometries+(0).jpg 2010/10/24 visited newexpressionist.blogspot.com OAP6-XKrSAM/s400/monotone+symphony.jpghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_y1PIKCNbIm0/SdEaO81k28I/AAAAAAAAANQ/ OAP6-XKrSAM/s400/monotone+symphony.jpg flickr.com /10/24 visited stsweb.ym.edu.tw /10/24 visited blog1.poco.cn _640.jpghttp://image211.poco.cn/mypoco/myphoto/ / _640.jpg haiguinet.com /10/24 visited

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 performancelogia.blogspot.com of-blue.htmlhttp://performancelogia.blogspot.com/2008/02/yves-klein-anthropometries- of-blue.html 2010/10/24 visited oxfordartonline.com moma.org /10/24 visited hirshhorn.si.edu museumpublicity.com /11/2 visited medienkunstnetz.de oneartworld.com Nam+June+Paik.jpghttp://img1.oneartworld.com/images/uploaded/large/3701- Nam+June+Paik.jpg 2010/10/24 visited

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 163cjq.blog.163.com FGcvUKPTh1_YTbQ==/ jpghttp://img.blog.163.com/photo/Ohj9c3- FGcvUKPTh1_YTbQ==/ jpg 2010/10/24 visited artnotart.com stringbeanstudio.blogspot.com A4Do/SqiUM5ZvZ4I/AAAAAAAAAHA/mdA47QHVts0/s400/skubota- vaginapainting.jpghttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_eue75n- A4Do/SqiUM5ZvZ4I/AAAAAAAAAHA/mdA47QHVts0/s400/skubota- vaginapainting.jpg 2010/10/24 visited jendotlu.tumblr.com /10/24 visited Vito Acconci, Following Piece medienkunstnetz.de /10/24 visited

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 e-flux.com flux.com/journal_images/ Beuys%20(How%20To%20Explain%20Pictures%20to %20a%20Dead%20Hare%201965).jpghttp:// flux.com/journal_images/ Beuys%20(How%20To%20Explain%20Pictures%20to %20a%20Dead%20Hare%201965).jpg crystal-williams-brown.blogspot.com 9I/s320/2_joseph+beuys_how+to+explain+pictures+to+a+dead+hare_1965.jpghttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_9jM4xBKhnEM/ShNoNgC585I/AAAAAAAAAMw/MI5uW9U68 9I/s320/2_joseph+beuys_how+to+explain+pictures+to+a+dead+hare_1965.jpg alexvcook.blogspot.com wk_03/hoyt/DeadHare.jpghttp:// wk_03/hoyt/DeadHare.jpg les-artistes.tumblr.com hasen-die-bilder-erklart-joseph-beuys-november jpghttp://historyofourworld.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/wie-man-dem-toten- hasen-die-bilder-erklart-joseph-beuys-november jpg 2010/10/24 visited perrygarvin.net 800x546.pnghttp:// 800x546.png tumblr.com /10/24 visited ropabientendida.blogspot.com D5LQ_PUceFI/s320/Linda+Montano+and+Tehching+Hsieh.+A+year+spent+t ied+together+at++the+waist.+( )..JPGhttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dDNc3r_Q7R0/RyO5oJbw4rI/AAAAAAAAAF8/ D5LQ_PUceFI/s320/Linda+Montano+and+Tehching+Hsieh.+A+year+spent+t ied+together+at++the+waist.+( )..JPG 2010/10/24 visited

版權聲明 作品授權條件作者 / 來源 blog.goo.ne.jp jpghttp://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/2b/2d/ db022bf7d57f jpg rebelart.net /10/24 visited artnet.de jpghttp://images.artnet.com/images_DE/Magazine/features/schmid/schmid jpg 2010/10/24 visited