Committed to connecting the world Preparing for WTSA-12 Status at TSAG July 2012 Bruce Gracie, TSAG Chairman.


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Presentation transcript:

Committed to connecting the world Preparing for WTSA-12 Status at TSAG July 2012 Bruce Gracie, TSAG Chairman

Committed to connecting the world WTSA-12: Date and venue  November Nov GSS and 3-14 Dec WCIT  Host agreement signed between ITU and UAE on 5 July

Committed to connecting the world What is WTSA?  WTSA sets direction and structure for ITU-T  Meets every four years  Defines the general policy for the Sector  Establishes the study groups  Approves their expected work programme  Appoints their chairmen and vice-chairmen  Reviews (49) WTSA Resolutions

Committed to connecting the world Main objectives of WTSA  Underline ITU-T’s role as an effective venue for international standardization, in close collaboration and coordination with other international and regional standardization bodies  Pick up new work on nascent technologies  Increase efficiency in order to make best use of experts’ time and resources  Avoid duplication and overlap of work  Increase participation and relevance

Committed to connecting the world Who can participate?  Member States and Sector Members  Observers: Regional telecom organizations Intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems Any other regional or international organizations dealing with matters of interest UN and specialized agencies of UN and IAEA  ITU elected officials in advisory capacity  Director TSB can make proposals

Committed to connecting the world WTSA structure  COM 1: Steering Committee  COM 2: Budget Control  COM 3: Working methods of ITU-T  COM 4: Work programme and organization  COM 5: Editorial Committee 6

Committed to connecting the world Study Group structure  TSAG July 2012:  support to keep study groups at ten …  … but CEPT is preparing proposal for restructuring  If ten study groups is maintained, then SG 9 and SG 16, and SG 11 and SG 13, “normally” to collocate  Proposal to move Q14/17 “Testing languages, methodologies and framework” to SG 11 7

Committed to connecting the world Candidatures (1/2)  WTSA elects chairmen and vice-chairmen of:  Study groups and TSAG  Regional groups under SG 3  Standardization Committee for Vocabulary  WTSA Resolution 35: term limit Current chairs that cannot be re-elected for a second term are SG 2, SG 3, SG 15 Chair of SG 12 will not run for re-election

Committed to connecting the world Candidatures (2/2)  TSAG July agreed:  chairmen and vice-chairmen who miss 50% or more of the meetings during the study period should be disqualified from being considered again for that role in the next study period. SG chair candidatures received as of 20 July for: SG 2, 3, 13, 16, 17, TSAG

Committed to connecting the world Discussion on working methods (Res 1, ITU-T A.1)  Proposals on deadlines for submission of contributions and TDs  Proposals for when correspondence group need to submit their report to the parent group (TSAG) 10

Committed to connecting the world Discussion on WTSA Resolutions (1/2)  Res 18 “Coordination between ITU-R and ITU-T)”  Proposals for inter-sector Joint Rapporteur Groups  Res 35 (Appointment and maximum term of office for chairmen/vice-chairmen):  Different views on geographical representation  Chairs/VCs who miss 50% of meetings shouldn’t be able to run again 11

Committed to connecting the world Discussion on WTSA Resolutions (2/2)  Some updates proposed for  Res 31 (Associates)  Res 71 (Academia)  Res 73 (ICT and climate change) 12

Committed to connecting the world Discussion on work programme  Conformance and interoperability:  Action plan presented  Reflector group set up to make proposals to progress action plan  TSB Director’s Ad Hoc Group on Standards Education set up  Terms of Reference will be circulated on TSAG mailing list for comments 13

Committed to connecting the world Discussion on A-Series Recommendations (1/2)  ITU-T A.7 “Focus Groups”  Still diverging views on financing focus groups  Other changes agreed  TSAG agreed on revision of Supplement 3 to ITU-T A-Series Recs (“IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines”)  Discussion on MPLS-TP continuous:  ITU-T G was sent to WTSA for approval, after which IETF/IANA would allocate a code point  ITU-T G is intended to reach “determination” at Sept meeting of ITU-T SG 15 14

Committed to connecting the world Discussion on A-Series Recommendations (2/2)  Will there be a proposal to merge ITU-T A.4 & ITU-T A.6 because there is little difference?  ITU-T A.4: “Communication process between ITU-T and Forums and consortia”  ITU-T A.6: “Cooperation between ITU0-T and national and regional SDOs”  ITU-T A.5 (“Referencing documents of other organization in ITU-T Recommendations”) sees different points of views 15

Committed to connecting the world Three side events; academia event  One-hour workshops designed to stimulate discussion on e-Health (21 Nov) ICT innovation in developing countries (22 Nov) Resilience of networks to disasters (23 Nov) ITU-T and Academia (20 Nov) 16

Committed to connecting the world Global Standards Symposium  19 Nov 2012  Brings together standards making bodies  Themes: innovation to standards, e-health, smart grid, intelligent transportation systems and resilience of networks to disasters.

Committed to connecting the world Upcoming WTSA/WCIT regional preparation meetings  APT 2-4 August, Bangkok  CEPT: Sept, Copenhagen  CITEL: Sept 11-14, El Salvador  ATU: Sept, Accra  Arab region: tbd  RCC: tbd (?)  Geneva 8-9 October 18

Committed to connecting the world Thank you!