Great Depression Modern Thought Modernism Consumer Society Peace and Political Stability 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40.


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Presentation transcript:

Great Depression Modern Thought Modernism Consumer Society Peace and Political Stability

Topic 1 – 10 Points QUESTION: Which philosophy stressed the importance of finding individual meaning in a purposeless world? ANSWER: Existentialism

Topic 1 – 20 Points QUESTION: Sigmund Freud argued that human consciousness was divided into three different parts known as what? ANSWER: Id, Ego, and Superego

Topic 1 – 30 Points QUESTION: The idea that nature itself is unknowable and unpredictable was based off of what theory of Werner Heisenberg? ANSWER: Uncertainty principle

Topic 1 – 40 Points QUESTION: Which early Danish theologian argued that proving the existence of God was impossible, but that individuals must take a leap of faith? ANSWER: Soren Kierkegaard

Topic 1 – 50 Points QUESTION: What countries primarily developed logical positivism as the accepted psychology? ANSWER: English-speaking countries

Topic 2 – 10 Points QUESTION: What principle follows that buildings should be designed for the purpose they serve, without excessive ornamentation? ANSWER: Functionalism

Topic 2 – 20 Points QUESTION: What art school combined applied and fine art and brought many modern architects and designers together? ANSWER: The Bauhaus

Topic 2 – 30 Points QUESTION: What literary technique was utilized by authors such as Virginia Woolf and James Joyce to portray inner monologues of their characters? ANSWER: Stream of consciousness

Topic 2 – 40 Points QUESTION: What changes to musical expression largely characterized modern music in the 1910s and 20s? ANSWER: Emotional intensity and radical experimentation

Topic 2 – 50 Points QUESTION: Which author’s subject matter portrayed individuals crushed by overwhelming and unexplained hostility? ANSWER: Franz Kafka

Topic 3 – 10 Points QUESTION: Roosevelt’s “fireside chats” are an example of what new mass entertainment? ANSWER: Radio

Topic 3 – 20 Points QUESTION: What commercial entertainment was originally designed to distract troops from warfare during WWI? ANSWER: Cinema

Topic 3 – 30 Points QUESTION: How did the consumer society assist in creating social barriers ANSWER: Aggressive advertising targeted specific groups (class, economic status, gender)

Topic 3 – 40 Points QUESTION: What was the main difference between radio broadcast networks in the U.S. versus in Europe? ANSWER: U.S.=privately owned Europe= government run

Topic 3 – 50 Points QUESTION: What was the Left’s main criticism of the rise of consumer society? ANSWER: Undermined working-class radicalism

Topic 4 – 10 Points QUESTION: What American loan plan reduced German reparations and based payment off of economic prosperity ANSWER: Dawes Plan

Topic 4 – 20 Points QUESTION: What political party replaced the Liberal Party of Great Britain? ANSWER: Labour Party

Topic 4 – 30 Points QUESTION: Which economist denounced the Treaty of Versailles as severely detrimental to the British economy? ANSWER: John Maynard Keynes

Topic 4 – 40 Points QUESTION: What was Germany’s initial response to the French occupation of the Ruhr? ANSWER: Peaceful protest

Topic 4 – 50 Points QUESTION: Which German leader began the process of rebuilding the German economy by compromising with Poincare? ANSWER: Gustav Stresemann

Topic 5 – 10 Points QUESTION: President Roosevelt passed the _____________, which was designed to stimulate the economy and provide jobs? ANSWER: New Deal

Topic 5 – 20 Points QUESTION: What alliance between French Communists, Radicals, and Socialists supported the union movement and a far reaching social program? ANSWER: Popular Front

Topic 5 – 30 Points QUESTION: Which territory responded the most successfully to the Great Depression? ANSWER: Scandinavia

Topic 5 – 40 Points QUESTION: Great Britain achieved significant economic growth during the Great Depression by applying ___________ economic theory ANSWER: Orthodox

Topic 5 – 50 Points QUESTION: What was the main reason for France’s late entrance into the Great Depression? ANSWER: Later to industrialize than other countries