Chapter Four Common facilities of procedural languages.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter Four Common facilities of procedural languages

How do different programming languages differ and what do they have in common

Assignment Operator = for assigning variables A = hello; B= World; C= a + b; For math calculation we use ==

Arithmetic Operations + - / * % Relational Operations =', '>', ' '

Boolean Operators 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT'; also known as Logical Operators

Boolean Operators

Operator order

Concatenating Basically, it means taking two strings and putting them together. For example: 'FullName = FirstName + Surname' would be of little use whereas 'FullName = FirstName + ' ' + Surname' is moststrings

Extracting parts of a string Most programming languages also have the availability to extract parts of a string from either the left, right of middle Hello World Left LEFT(, ). If the string was 'Hello World!' and then the integer value was 4 then the extract would be 'Hell'.

Right RIGHT(, ). If the string was 'Hello World!' and then the integer value was 4 then the extract would be 'rld!'.

Middle MID(,, ). If the string was 'Hello World!' and then the integer values were 4 then the extract would be 'o Wo'.

Also programming languages are able to: Locating Finding the length of a string Dealing with character sets: Converting from characters into integer Comparing strings: 0-9, a-z, A-Z

Facilities Command Line A command line allows the user to type in what they want thus there is no need for clickable items just one function that allows the entry of text data. Notpad++ GUI: Alice Greenfoot?