Business English CHAPTER TWELVE, BOOK FIVE. 1 Reading Activities 2 Listening Activities 3 Speaking Activity 4 Writing Activities - Homework 5 Translation.


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§7.2 估计量的评价标准 上一节我们看到,对于总体 X 的同一个 未知参数,由于采用的估计方法不同,可 能会产生多个不同的估计量.这就提出一 个问题,当总体的一个参数存在不同的估 计量时,究竟采用哪一个好呢?或者说怎 样评价一个估计量的统计性能呢?下面给 出几个常用的评价准则. 一.无偏性.
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1 Reading Activities 2 Listening Activities 3 Speaking Activity 4 Writing Activities - Homework 5 Translation Activities - Homework

Read ing Warming up Compre- hension & Sentence Vocabu- lary & Phrase structure

B VWOPS Warming up 1. What’s your understanding of this saying “Failure in business ethics is a real threat to the future of every corporation.”? 2. What is the future of business in the age of global warming? 3. How to raise the environmental awareness in business? 4. How powerful is the internet or globalization in business?


B VWOPS Listening 1 Online ads are all the rage, with Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo all angling for dominance in the online marketing sphere. Everyone is touting online ads as the next big thing, but what people don’t realize is that online advertising doesn’t work, and when companies realize this, the inflow of money will peter out to a level well below what people are forecasting. First and foremost, online ads are ineffective because, point-blank, people are programmed to ignore and look past them. This is largely due to the active nature of web-browsing.

B VWOPS Exercise 1

B VWOPS Confined Space A problem with Web advertising, as opposed to other mediums, is that ads on the Web don’t exist with in their own separate space. As opposed to magazine or television ads, online ads sit side by side next to the content, and because of that, there is only so much you can do with an online ad. Advertisers operate with in such a confined space that the odds of producing a riveting and memorable ad is practically zero. Some websites have had moderate success with placing ads on digital media, such as being forced Listening 1

B VWOPS to watch 2~3 commercials on if you want to watch one of their Television shows online, but that example, not surprisingly, is related to TV. Watching 2-3-second commercials in exchange for watching LOST s something most consumers can agree to. On the other hand, ads emblazoned on Web articles are lost in the shuffle and largely ignored because consumers feel they have a right to access Web content for free with no hassle. Some companies have realized the futility of the banner ad and some websites have started show Listening 1

B VWOPS before redirecting you to the article you were searching for—but there is always a button that says “Click here to skip this Ad” and undoubtedly the majority of Web surfers click it. At best, a company might have some success with targeted ads, but even those are often ineffective as a marketing tool. Does Volume Overcome All? Some successful websites generate over a million hits a day, and some argue that the general ineffectiveness of Web ads is counteracted by the Listening 1

B VWOPS sheer volume of people who use the Web. They claim that even f only 0.001% of users see and click on an ad, 0.001% of an insanely large viewing number becomes significant. This is a valid argument, but killing consumers on a volume basis has never proven to be an effective means of advertising. Another problem is the fact that up to 50% of ad click throughs are done by 6% of Internet surfers, otherwise known as serial clickers. Listening 1

B VWOPS But Aren’t Companies and People Making Millions Off of Ads? Yes, Google and co. are making millions off of online ads. But where s that money coming from? It’s coming from corporations who don’t necessarily understand the Web and feel that any advertising is good advertising. I’ve been browsing the Web for over 10 years and can’t remember more than 2 online advertisements that I’ve ever seen. In contrast, I could probably name 5 commercials that I’ve seen on TV in the last week. Many companies are under the impression that online advertising is the next big thing. They assume that people will see the r ads on blogs and popular websites, Listening 1

B VWOPS assume that people will see their ads on blogs and popular websites, and in turn, their company will gain exposure leading to an increase in business and profitability. But online advertising doesn’t create exposure because the online medium is not conducive to advertising in any way, shape, or form. Online Ads Are like Casinos Casinos make a ton of money because, in the end, the house always wins. That’s not to say that you can’t make money gambling, a lot of people do. Listening 1

B VWOPS But generally speaking, the average gambler is not going to come out on top. When it comes to online ads, Google and Microsoft are the casinos. They’re going to be making money and the corporations are the gambling addicts who are spending hundreds of millions of dollars today, but will soon cure their addiction tomorrow when they see that the expected increase in brand awareness and profitability is non-existent or not even close to what they expected. Listening 1

B VWOPS The Future of Online Advertising Some say that because the Internet is the future, online advertising is the future. While that makes for a great tag line, companies will have to figure out how to do ads correctly before online advertising actually becomes effective. The advertising paradox, however, is that a good online ad is one that people don’t notices there. So until someone figures out how to do online ads correctly, the underlying problem with Internet advertising will continue to rear its ugly head—that being that the online medium simply doesn’t lend Listening 1

B VWOPS itself to creativity when full page ads are seen as nothing more than an intrusion. At the end of the day, people ignore ads, look past them, and forget that they were even there. Listening 1

B VWOPS 2. Listen to the passage. Then fill in the blanks with the missing words you hear. TV vs. Internet When people watch TV, they passively sit there as information is displayed across the screen. Watching TV is to saying “I’m going to sit down here, not think, and just whatever is on the screen.” Internet, however, is a much more activity, and one that puts the user in complete control. Instead of passively sitting on the, you’re actively browsing through a variety of,mouse in hand. Because of that, advertisements on the Web are seen as a nuisance, an of sorts. Rightly Listening 1 akin absorb browsing involved couch websites intrusion

B VWOPS 2. Listen to the passage. Then fill in the blanks with the missing words you hear. or wrongly, people have not accepted ads on the Internet in the way that they accept on TV, and as a result, ads on the Web are rarely absorbed and are mostly tuned out as people ignore. Listening 1 commercials them

B VWOPS 3. Listen to the passage again and choose the best answer from the choices given. (1) D (2) C (3) B (4) D (5) B Listening 1

B VWOPS 4. Questions and Answers (1)Why is it crunch time for a growing number of businesses? Because costs are rising across the board and consumer demand is stagnant or falling in many industries. (2) What would companies welcome with open arms? Anything that keeps costs down while maintaining or even improving business processes. (3) According to the report by Manufacturing Insights, what’s the actual situation of IT sales in Singapore’s manufacturing sector ? It will actually shrink in absolute terms n It should get better over the next five years, though not significantly so. (4) In Singapore, where is the expenditure on ICT by businesses? The expenditure on ICT by businesses s mostly on hardware such as computers and networking equipment, and on business and commercial software that smoothen day-to-day transactions. Listening 1

B VWOPS Listening 2 2. Do the exercises to review the vocabulary. (1) B (2) A (3) D (4) B (5) C

B VWOPS 2. Listen to the passage. Then fill in the blanks with the missing words you hear. Nancy: Hi, Gregory! Thank you for your time. Gregory: Ah, it’s my pleasure! Nancy: Well, let’s come down to the business. Would you please explain the reason why many products or services have failed in the market? Gregory: In my opinion, it’s not because of their quality, (1) or pricing, but because potential customers didn’t know they were there, and if they did, they didn’t know what they were or how to use them. In order to sell your product or service you must promote it. One effective method of promotion is advertising. Listening 2 packaging

B VWOPS 2. Listen to the passage. Then fill in the blanks with the missing words you hear. Nancy: Then, what will advertising accomplish? Gregory: Advertising is communicating a sales message to potential customers. It is one segment of a well-organized, continuous marketing plan. Effective advertising is a (2) process that maintains current customers, attracts new customers and establishes a favorable position for the business with competitors. Nancy: Do you think advertising will cure slow business growth or low profits, or will it create a better business person or a well-organized business? Listening 2 cumulative

B VWOPS 2. Listen to the passage. Then fill in the blanks with the missing words you hear. Gregory: Of course not! Besides, it just offers (3) benefits to a specific or target audience. As part of a sound marketing plan, it becomes an investment in the future of the business, instead of one more expense. An effective advertisement is based on a careful analysis of the situation before money is spent. Nancy: Uh, uh. How to shape an effective advertising plan? Gregory: I think setting advertising goals is of vital importance. The first step is to define them. Decide what they will be achieved by the dollars spent. The primary one is to get the right message to the right audience at the right time. Listening 2 specified

B VWOPS 2. Listen to the passage. Then fill in the blanks with the missing words you hear. A related one might be to build or create a business image in customers’ mind. This may be an image of quality, friendliness, customer service or (4) value. Nancy: Oh, that’s just what today’s business does, isn’t it? Gregory: Yeah, but that’s not enough. Another might be to increase customer information about the business such as location or products and services offered at a given price. A fourth one might be to attract customers who are passing by the business to stop. The number of them is almost endless. There is no one best advertising medium for achieving all of them. The (5) advertiser Listening 2 perceived prudent

B VWOPS 2. Listen to the passage. Then fill in the blanks with the missing words you hear. decides which advertising medium works best for each one. Nancy: I see. Thank you very much! Listening 2

B VWOPS new words 1.tout 2.riveting 3.shuffle 4.hassle 5. propagate 6.repository 7.backlash 8.acumen

B VWOPS 1.tout = to promote or praise energetically; publicize e.g.: 1) Marketers are eager to use fast-growing networks to tout their products. 商人们都很渴望利用高速发展 的网络兜售他们的产品。 2) When attending networking events, ask others what they do and think about how you can help them. The key is to listen more than tout yourself. 当你参加网 络会议时,询问一下别人他们做些什么,想想自 己如何能帮助他们。关键是倾听他们而非推销自 己。

B VWOPS 1.tout = to promote or praise energetically; publicize e.g.: 3) Germany is only the highest-profile euro country to oppose anything that threatens its financial sovereignty and to tout the near-sacred devotion of its parliament to budget discipline. 德国是欧洲唯一 一个高调反对任何威胁其经济主权行为的国家,并 且大肆鼓吹其近乎神圣执行预算纪律的议会。

B VWOPS 2.riveting = wholly absorbing or engrossing one's attention; fascinating e.g.: 1) His riveting photographs, as beautiful as they are horrifying, capture views of the Earth altered by mankind. 他精彩的相片,惊人而美丽,以捕获的视 角观察了这个被人类改变的地球。 2) The subtitle of this riveting book is Mr Saleh’s own description of his survival technique. 这本饶有趣味的 书的副标题是对萨利赫自身生存技能的描述。 3) This forwarding of s gives a riveting glimpse into the working lives of others. 此类邮件的转发,能让人 看到其他人工作中的有趣一面。?

B VWOPS 3.shuffle = to mix together e.g.: 1) Purists say that a further drop in house prices would merely shuffle wealth around. 纯粹主义者说房价的 进一步下跌只会围绕财富重新洗牌。 2) But it would shuffle the economic deck, hurting some powerful vested interests even as it created new economic opportunities. 但是它会对经济洗牌,像 创造一些新的经济机会一样,破坏实力雄厚的特 权阶层。

B VWOPS 3.shuffle = to mix together e.g.: 3) Asia's growing wealth is causing a major personnel shuffle in the hedge-fund world, as global funds look to establish footholds while star managers strike out on their own. 亚洲日益膨胀的财富,正带来对冲 基金圈子的一场人事大洗牌,因为全球基金都想 在这个地区建立据点,而明星经理们又在自立门 户。

B VWOPS 4.hassle = an argument or a fight e.g.: 1) If returns become a hassle for the customer, the longevity or quality of the customer relationship may be impacted. 如果客户退货变成一件麻烦事儿,那 么客户关系的寿命和质量就会受到影响。 2) That means they may be better able to convince their buyers that it's worth the hassle of paying in yuan. 这 就意味着它们或许能更好地说服买家,让他们相 信值得应付人民币结算带来的麻烦。

B VWOPS 4.hassle = an argument or a fight e.g.: 3) Since these companies are listed outside China, they are available for individual investors without the hassle of asking the government for a quota. 由于这类公司在 中国境外上市,个人投资者可以直接对其投资, 避免了向中国政府要求配额的麻烦。

B VWOPS 5. propagate = become distributed or widespread e.g.: 1) A practitioner may choose to propagate everyday work to synchronize with other practitioners. 一个执行者可能 会选择传播每一天的工作以与其他执行者保持同步化。 2) The error was quickly propagated to other networks and pretty soon resulted in traffic from around the Internet being routed through China Telecom. 错误很快 传播到其它网络,导致互联网的大量流量被定向到中 国电信的服务器。

B VWOPS 5. propagate = become distributed or widespread e.g.: 3) It uses a messaging model to propagate notifications, which means that activity in one browser will be reflected immediately in others. 它使用一种信息模式传 播通知,这意味着一个浏览器的活动将会立即反映在 其他里面。

B VWOPS 6.repository = a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping e.g.: 1) It consists of a single content repository, with one or more workspaces. 它由单一内容的仓库构成,有一个或 多个工作区。 2) Of course this repository needs to be well structured and managed, but it does get people sharing nonetheless. 当然 这个库需要得到很好的组织和管理,但是它确实起到了 人员之间共享的作用。 3) Each user has access to test projects, which account for about 20% of the resources in the repository. 每一个用户 都可以访问测试项目,它占到储存库中大约 20% 的资源。

B VWOPS 7.backlash = a movement back from an impact e.g.: 1) In Africa, where China has done deals with some of the weakest governments, there are signs of a backlash by groups protesting at corruption or poor working conditions. 在非洲,中国与一些最软弱的政府达成 了交易,但那里也出现了反弹迹象,有一些团体抗 议腐败或工作条件恶劣。 2) However, if elite decisions go wrong, they create a backlash - which is exactly what is happening in Europe now. 然而,如果精英们的决定出错,就可能 引起激烈反应,这正是目前欧洲发生的情形。

B VWOPS 7.backlash = a movement back from an impact e.g.: 3) For the first seven years of this decade, that situation bred excess and abuse; now it is delivering a monumental backlash. 本世纪头七年,这种情况 滋生了无节制和滥用行为,现在,它开始产生巨 大的负面效应。

B VWOPS 8.acumen = shrewdness shown by keen insight e.g.: 1) As China, the Gulf region, India, Brazil and other parts of the world have increased in affluence, they relied on the expertise, acumen and advice of Wall Street. 中国、 海湾地区、印度、巴西和世界上的其他地区变得日益 富足起来,它们依赖着华尔街的专业知识、敏锐视角 和建议。 2) If your business acumen doesn't develop, you can stumble—focus too much on revenue growth and overlook cash, or focus too much on cash and overlook growth. 如果你不发展你的商业智慧,你可能会犯错 误,即过于关注收入而忽视现金,或者过于关注现金 而忽视增长率。

B VWOPS 8.acumen = shrewdness shown by keen insight e.g.: 3) Because of my business acumen and technical know- how, the teams I have managed accomplished outstanding results, including booking more than $50 million in online revenue. 由于我在商业上的敏 锐并懂得技术,我负责的团队取得了显著的成绩, 包括预订的在线收入超过五千多万美元。

B VWOPS Useful Phrases  1.peter out  2.point blank  3.tag line  4.hollow out  5.down-and-dirty  6.make-or-break

B VWOPS 1 . peter out = end weakly e.g.:   The growth of China's massive economy is beginning to slow as stimulus funds peter out and aggressive monetary tightening measures take effect. 由 于经济刺激基金逐渐减少,并且货币政策大幅紧缩生 效,中国宏观经济增速正在放缓。  If underlying demand remains stubbornly sluggish, because of higher oil prices for example, employment could peter out again, as it did a year ago. 例如考虑到石 油价格的上涨,如果潜在需求依然极度疲弱的话,就 业率会再一次逐渐降低,就像去年一样。

B VWOPS 2 . point blank = close enough to go straight to the target e.g.:  There'll be times when you'll need to ask your financial adviser point blank, "How much commission is being paid to you and your company for my purchase of this product?" 有时,你需要直截了当地问你的理财顾问, “ 我买的这款产品,你还有你的公司会得到多少佣金? ”  The Austrians refused point blank to reform their railways and their banking system as the Americans desired. 奥地利人直截了当地拒绝按照美国人的意愿改造该国的 铁路和银行系统。

B VWOPS 3.tag line = an often repeated phrase e.g.:  They write their tag line, craft their marketing message and go out to find customers. 他们撰写企 业发展宗旨,探测市场信息,还走出去寻求顾客。  Enterprising traders have taken to offering counterfeit renminbi online, many using the advertising tag line "Made in Taiwan", the self- governing island that China regards as a renegade province. 胆大的交易商已开始在网上提供假人民 币,许多人使用了 “ 台湾制造 ” 这一广告用语。台 湾是被中国视为叛离省份的自治岛屿。

B VWOPS 4.hollow out = to become hollow or empty e.g.: Over time, the companies said, this will hollow out the capability of U.S. and European competitors. 这些公司说,此举终 将挖空美国和欧洲竞争对手的能力。 In truth, technological advancement has probably done far more than trade to hollow out the middle class and widen inequality. 事实上, 科技进步在减小中产阶级规模、加剧收入 不平等方面造成的影响其实要远远超过贸 易的影响。 

B VWOPS 5.down-and-dirty = wicked; immoral e.g.:   It seems a little down-and-dirty, but a little jealousy can make you go a long way. 这样做似乎有点卑鄙, 但一点儿嫉妒可以促使你们走得长远。  This guy ran a real own-and-dirty campaign; every day he started more rumors about our candidate's honesty and personal life. 这家伙为了赢得竞选真是不择手段。 他每天都散布谣言中伤我们候选人的品德和私生活。

B VWOPS 6.make-or-break = do-or-die; all-or- nothing e.g.:   About 30 trade ministers are in Geneva for what is seen as a make-or-break meeting. 大约 30 名贸易部 长在日内瓦参加了一场生死攸关的会议。  The United States is also being shoved aside as the make-or-break customer for export-driven nations like Germany and Japan. 对于出口驱动的国家,比 如德国和日本,美国已被置之一边,不再是至关 重要的消费国。

B VWOPS Difficult sentences 1. These two products, which cost the firm absolutely nothing, quickly became the highest-rated and most-used IT applications in the company, even though staff had received no training in their use. (Para. 2) 这是一个复合句。主语是 products ,谓语是 became ,其 后是表语, even though 引导的是转折状语从句, which 引导的是修饰主语的非限制性定语从句。 highest-rated and most-used 是由形容词最高级组成的复合短语,结构 对称,有助于加强语气。 译文:这两套产品,企业分文未付,却迅速地变成了级 别最高也最常用的信息技术应用,尽管员工并未接受有 关其用途的任何培训。

B VWOPS Difficult sentences 2. The personal laptop, with its context-rich content selectively and simply made available to others inside and outside the company, has become each individual employee's and independent contractor's proxy, resume, and calling card. (Para. 3) 这句话出现了由 with 引导的独立主格结构,修饰 content 的后置定语由过去分词短语 selectively and simply made 和形容词短语 available to others inside and outside the company 两部分组成。 译文:个人笔记本电脑,内容涉及广泛,企业内外的人 员可以有选择性地进行简单操作,它已经成为每个个体 员工和独立承包商的代理、简历和名片。

B VWOPS 3. And the “virtual presence” and other tools empower each worker to conduct business effectively, collaborate with colleagues and attend meetings anywhere in the world without incurring the time or cost of travel. (Para. 3) 这句话中出现的并列动词短语 conduct business effectively, collaborate with colleagues and attend meetings ,表示目的。 译文:而且这种 “ 虚拟存在 ” 和其他的工具授与每 个员工高效经营业务、与同事们合作以及参加世 界各地的会议却不必耗费时间和旅途花销的权力。 Difficult sentences

B VWOPS 4. In the early 2000s, large corporations that were once hierarchical end-to-end business enterprises began shedding everything that was not deemed “core competency”, in some cases to the point where the only things left were business acumen, market knowledge, experience, decision-making ability, brand name, and aggregation skills. (Para. 4) 这一句话中出现的两个由 that 以及由 where 引导的从句 都是限定性定语从句。 译文:在二十一世纪早期,曾经等级化的端到端的大型 企业界开始摆脱一切不认为是 “ 核心竞争力 ” 的东西;有 时候都达到了只剩下了商业头脑、市场知识、经验、决 策能力、商标和聚合技能那一点。 Difficult sentences

B VWOPS 5. Where the youth of 2005 prided themselves on wearing the latest brand clothing, the youth of 2025 pride themselves on wearing clothes they made themselves, using computerized tools attached to their laptops. (Para. 5) 这一句话中 prided themselves on 出现了两次,看似遣词 汇匮乏,实则刻意重复,以加强语气。同样用法还出现 在第五段 There has been a shift from treatment to prevention of illness, and from reliance on health professionals to self-diagnosis and self-therapy. 译文: 2005 年的年青人还以自己穿着最新品牌的服装倍 感洋洋得意,而 2025 年的年青人则以身着自制服装、使 用联接到笔记本电脑上的计算机工具而引以为豪。 存在这样一种转变:由治疗变为疾病预防,由依赖健康 专家变为自我疹治和自我理疗。 Difficult sentences

B VWOPS 6. Your company will need to be socially and environmentally responsible, not because corporate charters will have changed, but because citizen and consumer groups will call you to account if you're not.(Para. 7) Not because…but because 结构使得句式工整对称。 译文:你的企业需要对社会和环境负责,并不是企业的 规章改变了,而是因为如果你违背的话,公民和客户群 体会要求你解释的。 Difficult sentences

B VWOPS 1. Read the article and complete the chart. Events transforming the economy of 2025 Structure The Future of Business in 2025 Key ways of economic difference between 2005 and 2025 Implications in tomorrow’s business (1) The crushing debt load of citizens and governments, especially the turn of the century U.S. government, led to a spike in interest rates and a collapse in the value of Western currencies, stock markets, and housing. (1) Critical business skill (2) Critical competitive advantage (3) Hot topic at learning institutions (4) What keeps CEOs awake

B VWOPS 1. Read the article and complete the chart. Structure (2) The realization that globalization and “free” trade are devastating for Western employment and our environment have led to a backlash against imported goods, the cancellation of free trade agreements, and strong “buy local” campaigns and consumer preferences. (1) Your networks are critical. (2) You need to know how to run a business, from start-up to dissolution. (3) You need to know how to run a business, from start-up to dissolution.

B VWOPS 1. Read the article and complete the chart. Structure (3) A steady stream of corporate scandals, and the perceived propensity of many large corporations to lie to, threaten and even sue their customers, has severely eroded the value of brand names. (4) A large proportion of the population in 2025 is self- employed, with lowerdisposable income but more time than the previous generation. (4) Your product or service will need to strike adelicate balance between quality, price, durability and upgradability. (5) No industry is going to be immune to these changes and demands.

B VWOPS 1. Read the article and complete the chart. Structure (5) Health, more than anything else, is driving the economy, with an older, more health-conscious population.

B VWOPS 2. Read Paragraphs [1] [2][3], and answer the questions. (1)What is the future state vision at the front lines of a typical corporation a typical knowledge worker in 2025 works for? The corporation this employee works for no longer has a knowledge center, in-house researchers or a corporate library. In fact, it has outsourced and shrunk its IT and other infrastructure to zero. It has no in-house overhead, no “back office”. Everyone on the payroll either sells products or delivers services to customers.

B VWOPS 2. Read Paragraphs [1] [2][3], and answer the questions. (2) What was the valuable lesson the company learned in the early 2000s, when it released two commercial software tools to all its staff? The primary technology strategy and KM strategy of the company has, as a result, been to propagate simple, free tools to all staff, and develop no technologies internally. The entire financial system of the global corporation is run by three people, and aside from the company’s public e-commerce site there are no centralized repositories or centrally-managed websites.

B VWOPS 2. Read Paragraphs [1] [2][3], and answer the questions. (3) With the powerful, simple suite of tools, why has knowledge management become a personal rather than a corporate matter? Because the company no longer needs centralized infrastructure or content management, or full-time information professionals. KM & IT really have become “everyone’s job”. The personal laptop, with its context-rich content selectively and simply made available to others inside and outside the company, has become each individual employee’s and independent contractor’s proxy, resume, and calling card. And the “virtual presence” and other tools empower each worker to conduct business effectively, collaborate with colleagues and attend meetings anywhere in the world without incurring the time or cost of travel.

B VWOPS 1. (1)c (2) h (3) f (4) a (5) b (6) i (7) d (8) e (9) g 2. (1) B (2) C Vocabulary (3) A (4) D (5) A

B VWOPS 1. (1)D (2)C (3) D Comprehension 2. (1) A (2) B (3) D (4) A (5) B (4) C (5) B (6) D (7) C (8) B (9) A (10) D

B VWOPS speakingactivity1activity2

B VWOPS 1 . Never before has an industry grown to such a global economic stature in such a short time as has internet commerce. Many businesses who had previously snubbed their noses at the internet are beginning to explore the possibilities that the new global economy presents. Discuss the situation together, and decide: (1) Why are many businesses taking advantage of the e- commerce that the new global economy presents? (2) How can you establish an effective internet presence to open a new global location? (3) What will be the most critical factor in the success or failure of your on-line venture?

B VWOPS 2. Sustainable development has been defined in many ways, but the most frequently quoted definition is from Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts: the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs." What is your understanding of the above definition? What does sustainable development mean in business? How important is sustainable management in business?


B VWOPS Translation (1) 随着管理费用的上升,支付管理费之后的企业收入就会降低; 企业用于分红或直接用于投资日后发展的资金也会减少。 As administrative overhead rises, the earnings of the business, after meeting the expense of administration, will fall; and the business will have less money to distribute as dividends or invest directly in its future development.

B VWOPS Translation (2) 有远见的人都会意识到,电子商务作为一种全新的商务模式, 代表着未来贸易方式的发展方向,也是 21 世纪的主流商业与贸 易形态。 All the people who have the foresight will realize that being a brand -new kind of business mode, e-commerce represents the development aspect of future trade style, and is also the main business and trade form of the 21st century.

B VWOPS Translation (3) 在经济伦理学的领域内,人们必须经常在两种选择之间做出 取舍,比如说,在良知和个人利益、前途之间,在上级领导的意 志和公众利益之间做出抉择。 In the field of business ethics, people must often choose between two alternatives, such as between one ’s conscience and one ’s material interests and future, between the will of one’s superior and the public interest.

B VWOPS Translation (4) 随着业务的发展,企业积累了大量客户的历史消费数据,运 用这些有价值的信息制定决策是其发展的一个重要部分。 With the development of the business, the enterprise rolls up the history consumption data of a great deal of customers; it is an important part for its development to make policy from these worthy information.

B VWOPS Translation (5) 将来,企业竞争将会以产品差异性为基础,以人才为核心。 我们在以往的经营中形成的卓越的企业文化将成为市场竞争中的 独特优势。 In the future, the competition of enterprises will be based on product differentiation and centered on human talents. The excellence of our corporate culture formed from past management will be a unique advantage to stand strong in this competitive market.

B VWOPS 2. Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. (1) E -business established on the modern information techniques has impacted the traditional accounting mode, and the variation of its environment requires the accounting information system to make internal reform, and it will certainly be informatized. 建立在现代信息技术基础之上的电子商务已经冲击了传统的会计 模式,其环境的变化要求会计信 息系统进行内部改革,而且必将 实现信息化。 (2) Because capital investment decisions will place large amounts of money at risk for long periods of time and simultaneously affect the future development of the enterprise, they are among the most important ones managers make. 因为资本投资的决定将长期置大 量资金于风险之中,同时影响着 企业未来的发展,所以它是经理 人所做的最重要的决策之一。

B VWOPS 2. Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. (3) In addition, with a nourishing passion for life, the company looks into the future, focuses on human care, expands business territories and stimulates innovation and improvement in order to provide premium products and services for our people and foreign friends at all times. 除此之外,公司保持着对生命的 挚爱,放眼未来,关注人文,延 伸经营领域,创新进取,为的是自始至终为国民与国际友人提供最 优良的商品与服务。 (4) Looking toward the future, experts seem to be in agreement that if companies don’t take all necessary precautions to halt the intrusion of hackers, they can and will become targets of the many sophisticated threats out there. 展望未来,专家们似乎达成一致, 如果公司不采取一切必要的预 防 措施制止黑客的入侵,他们可能 而且将会成为许多尖端威胁的 目 标。

B VWOPS 2. Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. (5) In expecting that direct investment from multinational enterprises would be the major part in the composition of future foreign capital and viewing from the benefit of long term, the proposal finally suggested strategy and policy on China’s technology introduction and foreign investment utilization. 期待着跨国企业的直接投资将成 为未来外资的主要组成部分,并 着眼于长期的利益,议案最后提 出了中国引进技术和利用外资的 战略与政策。

B VWOPS Writing activities 1. Write a memo on “Top 10 Principles for Positive Business Ethics”. Business ethics have become a hot-button topic. There are often ethical conflicts between making money, and doing what is right. There can be dilemmas about doing what is best for your employer, what’s best for your own career, and what’s best for the customer. Business ethics is about negotiating these mine-fields. Failure in business ethics is a real threat to the future of every corporation.

B VWOPS Writing activities 2. Write an Advertisement Text on a program “Future Perfect”. Future Perfect offers its clients advisory support and services in relation to the environmental, health, safety and increasingly social aspects of their business performance, aligned to the financial and legal aspects of enterprise management. Your objectives are embodied in these four key areas: ecology, economy, efficiency, and enterprise. You can refer to the chart below.

B VWOPS Sample1: Business ethics have become a hot-button topic. There are often ethical conflicts between making money, and doing what is right. There can be dilemmas about doing what is best for your employer, what’s best for your own career, and what’s best for the customer. Business ethics are about negotiating these minefields. Here are the top 10 principles for positive business ethics: (1) Business ethics are built on personal ethics. There is no real separation between doing what is right in business, and playing fair, telling the truth and being ethical in your personal life. (2) Business ethics are based on fairness. Would a disinterested observer agree that both sides are being

B VWOPS Sample1: treated fairly? Are both sides negotiating in good faith? Does each transaction take place on a “level playing field”? If so, the basic principles of ethics are being met. (3) Business ethics require integrity. Integrity refers to wholeness, reliability and consistency. Ethical businesses treat people with respect, honesty and integrity. They back up their promises, and they keep their commitments. (4) Business ethics require truth-telling. The days when a business could sell a defective product and hide behind the “buyer beware” defense are long gone. You can sell products or services that have limitations, defects or are out-dated, but not as first-class, new merchandise. Truth

B VWOPS Sample1: in advertising is not only the law, business ethics require it. (5) Business ethics require dependability. If your company is new, unstable, about to be sold, or going out of business, ethics require that you let clients and customers know this. Ethical businesses can be relied upon to be available to solve problems, answer questions and provide support. (6) Business ethics require a business plan. A company’s ethics are built on its image of itself and its vision of the future and its role in the community. Business ethics do not happen in a vacuum. The clearer the company’s plan for growth, stability, profits and services, the stronger its commitment to ethical business practices.

B VWOPS Sample1: (7) Business ethics apply internally and externally. Ethical businesses treat both customers and employees with respect and fairness. Ethics are about respect in the conference room, negotiating in good faith, keeping promises and meeting obligations to staff, employers, vendors and customers. The scope is universal. (8) Business ethics require a profit. Ethical businesses are well-run, well-managed, have effective internal controls, and clear expectations of growth. Ethics are about how we live in the present to prepare for the future, and a business without profits (or a plan to create them) is not meeting its ethical obligations to prepare for the future well-being of the company, its employees and customers.

B VWOPS Sample1: (9) Business ethics are values-based. The law, and professional organizations, must produce written standards that are inflexible and universal. While they may talk about “ethics”, these documents are usually prescriptive and refer to minimal standards. Ethics are about values, ideals and aspirations. Ethical businesses may not always live up to their ideals, but they are clear about their intents. (10) Business ethics come from the boss. Leadership sets the tone, in every area of a business. Ethics are either central to the way a company functions, or they are not. The executives and managers either lead the way, or they communicate that cutting corners, deception and

B VWOPS Sample1: disrespect are acceptable. Line staff will always rise, or sink, to the level of performance they see modeled above them. Business ethics start at the top. Ethics are about the quality of our lives, the quality of our service, and ultimately, about the bottom line. Treating employees, customers, vendors and the public in an ethical, fair and open way is not only the right thing, in the long run, it’s the only way to stay in business.

B VWOPS Sample2: Future Perfect specializes in providing support services and advice to key players in regional and local professional services, private-owned and larger SME markets. We aim to bring to light potential issues, risks and liabilities associated with business management as well as opportunities for development or enhancement of reputation, performance and markets. We work in a number of different ways with company senior staff to identify, evaluate, manage and monitor issues that affect business performance. We work closely with company management and its other professional advisors including legal, financial, risk management survey, etc. to ensure integration of issues and solutions.

B VWOPS Sample2: Our approach: Future Perfect aims to work with clients in the most effective way to ensure transfer of skills and knowledge. Our approaches work across a sliding scale from “coaching” to “do it all for you”.

Business English USST