D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN 22.6.20091 Status of the SPD Offline Domenico Elia (INFN Bari) Overview:  Response simulation (timing info, dead/noisy.


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Presentation transcript:

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN Status of the SPD Offline Domenico Elia (INFN Bari) Overview:  Response simulation (timing info, dead/noisy pixels)  FastOr trigger issues (condition data, simulation)  Quality assurance  Geometry  Detector efficiency  Online calibration and DAs

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN Response simulation  Handling of the time info in digitization:  needed for studying pileup (from different bunch crossings)  basically accounts for SPD strobe width (100 nsec ?) in the selections of the Hits to be used for building Digits  required several discussions (offline and hardware people)  implemented and tested in standard p-p (me, Cvetan)  on svn since release v4-16  Further plans:  tests in the dedicated “pile-up” simulation  try to figure out needed updates in case of 200 nsec strobe  e.g. treatment of hits for FastOr simulation (always 100 nsec)

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN Dead and noisy pixels  Reconstruction stage:  GetSPDRemoveDeadFlag(), via AliITSRecoParam, default=ON  generally safer, can be set OFF in case of real data to speed up  GetSPDRemoveNoisyFlag(), via AliITSRecoParam, default=ON  noisy pixels always killed before clustering  Simulation stage:  RemoveDeadPixels(): set via AliITSSimuParam, default=OFF  full efficient detector in simulation (First Physics issue)  AddNoisyPixels(): set via AliITSSimuParam, default=ON  Dead modules assumption (for First Physics):  will require to be updated to real case (asap)

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN FastOr simulation (A. Mastroserio)  Present version on svn:  several checks on the FastOr fired chip maps:  same outputs in simulation and in reconstruction both from Digits and (simulated) RawData  consistency if applying predefined FastOr efficiency and noise  recent updates:  config. file for p-p simulation (GRP/pp.cfg) updated: - 2 algorithms inside: MB (Global.OR) and HM1 (InnerMult>190) - agreed within Trigger group  the related OCDB object (PIT conditions) is on the grid (R. Grosso)  Not present in svn (private code):  code to create OCDB object from PIT conditions text file (on svn once the framework will be developed)

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN Quality Assurance (M. Nicassio)  QA Makers (filling of the relevant QA histos):  implementation completed for all the QA levels:  Hits, SDigits, Digits (simulation)  Raw data and RecPoints (sim and real data)  “ExpertQA” and “ShifterQA” histo subsets defined  QA histos for SPD-tracklets added to the ESD-QA  QA Checkers:  basic checks implemented (histo entries, empty modules etc)  Handling QA for first data :  most on the online side  AMORE (Annalisa)  offline QA by detector experts ?

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN Geometry (A. Pulvirenti)  Status of the implementation:  complete up to cables and services on the cones  matching expected positions on the official drawings  Recent work on the “residual misaligned” geometry:  all the overlaps removed  last change in the implementation of grounding foils:  Volume  Assembly container, no slow-down in code execution  Future developments/improvements (ITS issues):  realistic cables and services ouside cones  overlaps in the “full-misaligned” geometry

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN Detector efficiency (G. Bruno)  Basic tool (common ITS framework):  monitor plane efficiency using reconstructed tracks  requires statistics, alignment/calibrations etc.  Alternative SPD-dedicated approach:  use tracklet candidates (vertex + 1 cluster)  available day one  recent developments:  SPD efficiency evaluation with tracklets now included in AliReconstruction (on demand, via AliRecoParam)  histos with the cluster occupancy on sub-chip basis added to monitor the (sub-)chip relative efficiency  try to estimate efficiency from cosmics (V. Altini)

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN Online calibration (A. Mastroserio) Nothing to be done Working Under test Run TypeFront End Actions Detector Algorithm Offline Preprocessor Configuration DB Update ITSSPDSCANda (LDC end-of-run processing): DAQ_MIN_TH_SCAN DAQ_MEAN_TH_SCAN DAQ_UNIFORMITY_SCAN DAQ_NOISY_PIX_SCAN DAQ_PIX_DELAY_SCAN DAQ_FO_UNIF_SCAN ITSSPDPHYSda (online monitoring): PHYSICS ITSSPDVertexDiamondda (online monitoring): PHYSICS latest developed DA, to be

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN  Online calibration:  The calibration procedure ends with the FO DA. This is a brand new DA and it has been validated. It needs tests at P2.  The Preprocessor has been updated with such a DA output files. The full chain (DAQ newtork – Offline network) needs to be tested.  No need of GRP objects (but for average SPD vertex, Cvetan)  No news on our Shuttle code running at P2 … of course.  Online calibration objects :  New object from the new FO DA ( AliITSOnlineSPDfoChip )  HLT matters :  HLT might be used for the QA on different ITS subdetectors (at start up stage)  Problems in Savannah :  bug (SPD trackleter): closed, update of vtx3D (Francesco)  bug (ClusterFinderSPD): still open … but seems to be OK Few more points

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN Summary and conclusions  General status of the SPD Offline:  relevant code and functionality are there  few remaining issues but almost ready for First Physics (also updates of the trackleter ongoing, Mariella/Jan-Fiete)  Outlook:  code to store PIT conditions data in OCDB  validate FastOr  improve QA checks (reference histos, maybe after first data)  remove geometry overlaps for full misalignment (?)  maintenance of the code (e.g initial dead list, strobe width …)  … and fix what might not work as expected!

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN Backup slides

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN FastOr condition data Henrik Annalisa

D. Elia (INFN Bari)Offline week / CERN FastOr simulation - generate SPD digits: RemoveDead OFF AddNoisy OFF - generate FO signal: according to SPD digits (so by default NO dead, NO noisy) - generate FO TriggerInputs: takes into account FO in-active chips (by default NO in-active chips) FastOr reconstruction - in the clusterfinder: yes, here remove dead and noisy! - propagate FO bits to the ESD: takes into account FO in-active chips (by default NO in-active chips)