ISO’s role in finding solutions to global climate change Mark Barthel, BSI Chair, ISO TMB AHG CC Chair, ISO TC 207 CCTF ISO General Assembly - Sydney -


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Presentation transcript:

ISO’s role in finding solutions to global climate change Mark Barthel, BSI Chair, ISO TMB AHG CC Chair, ISO TC 207 CCTF ISO General Assembly - Sydney - 17 September 2001

Presentation Outline Introduction  What is ISO?  The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Climate Change - How did we get started? Work programmes:  ISO TMB AHG CC  ISO TC 207 CCTF Key issues and challenges Conclusions


What is ISO? An NGO established in 1947  a federation of 138 national standards bodies 500 international / regional liaison members  comprised of 2,850 technical committees, subcommittees and working groups  over 12,000 international standards published to date - not including technical reports and guides  30,000 experts a year participate in ISO meetings  12 ISO meetings take place somewhere in the world each day!  ISO standards are consensus based

The UNFCCC - Organogram

The UNFCCC: A brief history 1990: Negotiations for a convention began 1992: Rio Earth Summit – adoption of UNFCCC 1995: First Conference of Parties (COP1)  Setting up Ad-hoc Group on Berlin Mandate to with a view of adopting a protocol 1997: Adopted Kyoto Protocol at COP3 1998: Adopted Buenos Aires Plan of Action 2000: COP6 suspended - no agreement reached July 2001: COP6bis reaches Bonn Agreements November 2001: COP7 - practical implementation

UNFCCC / IPCC ISO e.g. UK ETS Rules and standards Global Reporting Initiative, WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Int’l Standard for Parties National Standards of parties Common Standards Initiatives Company Standards International Standards Source: Robert Klieberg - Shell Renewables

GHG: The business case Risk / reputation management / cost-savings Inter / Intra company emissions trading Reported emissions serve as a baseline against which future compliance can be measured Corporate level GHG measurement may form the basis for domestic emissions trading systems Measurement may be required for taxation or Government incentive purposes

Quotes and context “In the light of new evidence and taking into account the remaining uncertainties, most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations ” UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “Business leaders say climate change is our greatest challenge” World Economic Forum, 27 January 2000 “The Parties should take precautionary measures to anticipate, prevent or minimise the cause of climate change and mitigate its adverse effects…lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing such measures.” UN FCCC Article 2 - Principles

Climate Change: How did we get started?

ISO Technical Management Board TC Environmental Management (SCC/CSA) Technical Advisory Groups Technical Committees Ad Hoc Group on Climate Change (SCC/CSA) Climate Change Task Force National Shadow Committees Domestic International National Government Committees National Interest Groups NGOs / Business National Interest Groups NGOs / Business

Facts and figures ISO TC 207 CCTF:  Established June 1998  36 countries take part  Focus on ISO series standards  Series of interim reports for UNFCCC audience  Business booklet  Case studies  UNFCCC side events  Communications ISO TMB AHG CC:  Established January 2000  TMB Members, invitees and observers (e.g. UNFCCC, CTI)  Develop pan-ISO strategy  Focal point for communications  Inventory of existing ISO standards, Guides and Technical Reports  Provision of strategic advice to the TMB  Consideration of NWIPs

Work Programme: ISO TC 207 CCTF

CCTF work programme Initial awareness raising paper (COP3 - Kyoto) Interim reports (UNFCCC audience):  “Information on the Application of the ISO Series of International Environmental Management Standards to the Issue of Global Climate Change”  Published June 1998 and revised October 1998, June 1999, May 2000 and July ISO Side events at COP4 (Buenos Aires) and COP5 (Bonn)  ISO series, accreditation and conformity assessment, case studies, capacity building, R&D Business booklet and case studies (ongoing)

Work programme: ISO TMB AHG CC

ISO Inventory and Application

Inventory of ISO Standards Preliminary database compiled based on secondary information - but specific application not discussed with relevant ISO committees or external stakeholders Ongoing :  Complete database  Discuss with the ISO CS the value of developing a co-ordinated communications plan to promote existing and any new ISO products relevant to climate change 22 Road Vehicles 27 Solid Mineral Fuels 59 Building Construction 70 Internal Combustion Engines 86 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 146 Air Quality 160 Glass in Building 163 Thermal Insulation 180 Solar Energy 192 Gas Turbines 193 Natural Gas 197 Hydrogen Technologies 203 Technical Energy Systems 205 Building Environment Design 207 Environmental Management 208 Thermal Turbines

Use of existing ISO standards 1. More work needs to be completed in inventorying and assessing the utility of existing standards. 2. Existing standards could be useful in national policies/activities or business GHG management programmes. 3. Two areas were identified for specific consideration:  Conformity Assessment Guidance for the Verification of GHG Reductions or Removals  Guidance in Applying the ISO Series to Organizational Level GHG Management

Accreditation and Conformity Assessment

The Kyoto Mechanisms

Conformity and the CDM Validation Operational Entity Development / Design Developer CDM EXECUTIVE BOARD Registration Verification / Certification Operational Entity Issuance of CERs Feasibility Studies Baseline Setting Monitoring/Verification Plan Eligibility Criteria Etc. Report Monitoring Operators Report

Adapting ISO/IEC Guides General requirements for assessment and accreditation of certification/registration bodies (ISO/IEC Guide 61:1996) General requirements for bodies providing accreditation of inspection bodies (ISO/IEC TR 17010:1998) Code of good practice for conformity assessment (ISO/IEC Guide 60:1994) General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems (ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996) General requirements for bodies operating assessment and certification/registration of environmental management systems (EMS) (ISO/IEC Guide 66: 2000) Accreditation Body Operational Entity Project Proponent Accreditation Requirements Conformity Assessment Requirements

Communications and capacity building

Overview Attendance at UNFCCC meetings:  ISO side events and briefings Networking and awareness raising:  National negotiating teams  International agencies and associations (e.g. ICC, WBCSD, IETA)  other climate change initiatives Potential for ISO DEVCO programmes

ISO 14000

Environmental Management Systems Environmental Life Cycle Assessment Environmental Auditing Environmental Performance Evaluation Environmental Labelling Design for the Environment EMS: Set, monitor and verify GHG objectives and targets. Life Cycle: Model/develop quantitative inventories of GHG emissions. Auditing: Audit project performance against criteria. Evaluation: Development of performance indicators. Labelling: Communication of project performance. Design: Integrating GHG reductions through design. ISO & GHG Management

ISO Applications Ilumex AIJ Project Mexico SUSCOF AIJ Project Costa Rica Pecom Forestal Argentina “WBCSD” AIJ Projects (12) Latin America BP Worldwide Alcan Aluminum World-wide A. H. Marks United Kingdom Energy Efficiency Sustainable Agriculture Sustainable Forestry Various Energy Efficiency EMSEAEPELCA           

Potential New Work Items

Four priority areas identified:  Methodological guidance for establishing GHG project baselines,  GHG project monitoring, reporting and verification protocols or plans,  GHG measurement, reporting and verification for emission reductions, and  GHG measurement, reporting and verification for emission removals.

Review of potential NWIPs Review scope of potential new work items against ISO TC 207 mandate/expertise and identify related issues/risks. 1. GHG project baseline methodology. 2. GHG project monitoring, verification protocol. 3. GHG measurement, reporting and verification protocol - emissions. 4. GHG measurement, reporting and verification protocol - sinks. ëPolitical sensitivities, favours policy approach. ëPolitically neutral, technically mature. ëPolitical sensitivities, favours policy approach, scientific uncertainties.

Recent Events

Recent events Development of ISO business booklet ISO TC 207:  SC2 Task Group on GHG Verification Feasibility study November - Copenhagen  Malaysian delegation NWIP on the monitoring, measurement, verification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions at the organisational level Discussions with other initiatives, e.g WBCSD / WRI GHG Reporting Protocol

Key issues for ISO Maintain a dialogue with UNFCCC Raise awareness in business groups  e.g. WBCSD and the ICC Develop standards that facilitate positive action on climate change Co-ordinate standards development activity Effectively promote existing ISO standards Evaluate need for new work and deliver climate change standards in timely manner

Specific issues If ISO develops GHG management standards they should:  Facilitate compatibility between Kyoto countries and the USA Having two different systems won’t be helpful!  Contain processes which are transparent, non- bureaucratic and keep transaction costs low  Support but not duplicate the work of the IPCC and UNFCCC And work in partnership with WBCSD / WRI, ICC, etc  Promote innovation and technology development and transfer, as well as environmental integrity

Conclusion Awareness of ISO’s potential role in climate change has been significantly raised Potential new work items have been identified ISO continues to monitor international events and trends and to foster partnerships ISO TC 207 has begun to evaluate its role in the climate change arena ISO has the expertise and infrastructure to make a positive contribution

Baselines Baselines are constructed to predict “what would have occurred in the absence of the project / activity” Baselines might be:  corporate or facilities-based, project-specific, multi-project or hybrids Issues:  project boundaries, lifetime, data assumptions, aggregation, units of measurement and trading, etc.

Monitoring and Verification Plans Monitoring:  Information and data to be collected (indicators)  Monitoring and measurement methodologies  Data/information management and reporting methods and responsibilities Verification:  Auditing and verification process - when, by whom, accessible data, data sensitivities, etc.

GHG Measurement, Reporting and Verification Reductions and removals? GHG emission reductions / removals inventories can be designed to report at the:  Corporate level: company-wide, aggregated  Facility-based  Product life cycle: emissions / removals - at design, manufacture, use, recycling, re-use and disposal  Project-based: reductions / removals (sequestration)