Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? Section B ( 3a-4 ) - By Yu Xianxiang.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? Section B ( 3a-4 ) - By Yu Xianxiang

pandas China kind of shy kaolas Australua cute and clever giraffes Australia beautiful lions SouthAfrica ugly Look and say like this : … come from …. They are…

Pairwork:Ask and answer. What animals do/don’t you like ? Why do/don’t you like…? Report like this: My friend … likes…..He/She thinks…. He/She doesn’t like….

GUESSING Listen to the teacher and guess (猜). What animal is it?

Look and learn. 1.A panda is eating leaves (叶子). 2.Dogs sleep ( 睡觉) in the day. They often relax ( 休息) a lot. 3.A cow is eating grass( 草) 4.A dog is eating meat (肉).

Read 3a and match the descriptions with the animals

Read 3a again and fill in the chart. nameanimalagewhere Qualities 特性 Mollyelephant 12 Africa likes to play and eat grass 5China beautiful, shy Australia cute, sleeps during the day, eats at night Bill koala Ling panda

Read 3a again and find out these exprexions and guess the meaning. 1 、 …play with… 2 、 …so please be quiet. 3 、 Isn’t he cute? 4 、 …sleeps during the day,but at night…

Check the answers 1.Molly This is Molly. She is twelve years old. She is from Africa. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass. 2.Ling Ling This is Ling Ling. She’s very beautiful, but she’s very shy, so please be very quiet. 3. Bill This is Bill. Isn’t he cute? He is from Australia. He sleeps during( 在 …… 期间 )the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.

Listen and repeat 1.Molly This is Molly. She is twelve years old. She is from Africa. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass. 2.Ling Ling This is Ling Ling. She’s very beautiful, but she’s very shy, so please be very quiet. 3. Bill This is Bill. Isn’t he cute? He is from Australia. He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.

Retell( 复述) nameagewherequalities Molly 12Africa like to play and eat grass Ling 5Chinabeautiful, shy Bill/Australia cute, sleep, at night, eat This is Molly.She is 12 years old. …..

Look and finish 3b

This is Larry. He’s from _____. He’s eight_____ old. He ____ meat. Larry is ___. He usually _____and relaxes 20 hours every day ! Africa years eats lazysleeps Listen and check the answers.

Retell nameagewherequalities Larry8Africa eat meat, lazy, sleep, relax This is…

Written work(I) Write about with a partner. shape 形状 where favorite things qualities( 特性) smallAfrica Peach ( 桃子), play eat fruits, cute, run, clever,face ( 脸 )look like , This animal is small. He…

Read your descrition about and let’s enjoy it.

Written work (II) These questions and answers may help you. 1. What does it look like? 2. Where is it from?. 3. How old is it? 4. What does it like to eat? 5. What does it like to do? 6.What can it do? Write a description of a kind of animal with your partener.

Write a description.

Read your descrition and let’s Guess: What animals is it?

— Is it a …? — Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. JUST FOR FUN! Let’s guess!

— Is it a …? — Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

Homework 1.Listen and read 3a and 3b. 2.Write another description of another animal.

Game: Who am I? I am from Australia. I live in the trees and I don’t have tails. I sleep during the day but at night I get up and eat leaves. I’m quiet, friendly and cute. koala Good-bye! Have a good time!

sample1: Who am I? People think I am very fun. I come from Africa. I’m very tall and I have a very long neck. giraffe

sample1: Who am I? People think I am very fun. I come from Africa. I’m very tall and I have a very long neck. giraffe

以下供参考 Game: Who am I? I live in China. I am kind of fat but I’m very lovely and cute. Children love me very much! I only like to eat bamboo ! panda

Game: Who am I? I’m from Africa. I’m very big and heavy. I’m quiet and friendly. I like swimming and I have a very long and useful nose. elephant

Game: Who am I ? I’m a beautiful animal. I come from India or China. I like running and eating meat. I’m exciting but people think I’m scary, too. tiger

Game: Who am I? I ’m Koko. I can play with a ball. I can stand up and “walk”on water. I am very friendly to people. I am the most interesting animal in the zoo. The children like to see me playing in a pool. dolphin

Game: Who am I? I am your good friend. I ’m kind of small. I like to eat meat. I like to sing a song: “Wang! Wang!” The kids all like me very much. dog