THE HEAVENS DECLARE THE GLORY OF GOD PSALM 19:1. Explosions create disorder, chaos, and cause death. Explosions create disorder, chaos, and cause death.


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Presentation transcript:


Explosions create disorder, chaos, and cause death. Explosions create disorder, chaos, and cause death.

Genesis 1:1-3 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. 3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.

Psalms 33:6-9 6 By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth all their host. 7 He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deeps in storehouses. 8 Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. 9 For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.

John 1:1-3 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

Colossians 1: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.

Hebrews 1:2 2 in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. Hebrews 11:3 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.

EARTH million miles from sun million miles from sun 25,000 miles around 25,000 miles around 13 w/ 24 zeros lbs 13 w/ 24 zeros lbs 1000 mph spinning/tilting 1000 mph spinning/tilting 18 mps around the sun 18 mps around the sun Moon: 238,900 miles from earth; 0.6 mps around earth Moon: 238,900 miles from earth; 0.6 mps around earth 584 million mpy around the sun 584 million mpy around the sun

EARTH Psalms 115: May you be blessed of the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth. 16 The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.

SUN 7 million miles around 7 million miles around 1.3 million earths inside 1.3 million earths inside Emanating light at 186,000 mps emanating light Emanating light at 186,000 mps emanating light Surface – 10,000 °F; Center – 28,000,000 °F Surface – 10,000 °F; Center – 28,000,000 °F

2 Peter 3:10 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.

SOLAR SYSTEM Eight planets, and the sun Eight planets, and the sun 3000 known comets 3000 known comets 130 mps around the Milky Way 130 mps around the Milky Way 225 million years full orbit 225 million years full orbit

Psalms 19:1-6 1 The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. 2 Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard. 4 Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their utterances to the end of the world. In them He has placed a tent for the sun, 5 which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; it rejoices as a strong man to run his course. 6 Its rising is from one end of the heavens, and its circuit to the other end of them; and there is nothing hidden from its heat.

MILKY WAY 100,000 light years across 100,000 light years across M87 galaxy is 1,000,000 light years across M87 galaxy is 1,000,000 light years across 370 mps around the universe 370 mps around the universe 200 billion galaxies estimated in the observable universe 200 billion galaxies estimated in the observable universe 1 w/ 20 zeros stars 1 w/ 20 zeros stars

Psalms 147:4-5 4 He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. 5 Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite.

Genesis 1: Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. 16 God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also.

BLACK HOLES Things go in but don’t come out Things go in but don’t come out Even light cannot escape it Even light cannot escape it Sensory and time perception lost Sensory and time perception lost

Psalms 8:3-9 3 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; 4 What is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him?

Psalms 148:1-6 1 Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the heights! 2 Praise Him, all His angels; praise Him, all His hosts! 3 Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all stars of light! 4 Praise Him, highest heavens, and the waters that are above the heavens! 5 Let them praise the name of the Lord, for He commanded and they were created.