Where do people go in our culture for news and information? How can we verify the reliability of these kinds of sources? Why is it important to go to.


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Presentation transcript:

Where do people go in our culture for news and information? How can we verify the reliability of these kinds of sources? Why is it important to go to reliable sources for information?

Worldly wisdom tells us that what “everyone” says is true, except God. God’s truth, however, always trumps human imaginings. Today we will see why it is important to test what we read and hear against God’s Word.

The Truth, and Nothing But the Truth Job 13:1-28 family theme: Confronting worldly wisdom family theme: Confronting worldly wisdom

Know: Job’s friends falsely accused him of sin as the cause for his suffering. Job refused to give in to their lies. Think: Recognize that worldly wisdom undermines the truth, but knowledge of God’s Word is the best defense. Objectives:

Do: Place your confidence in God’s Word. Do not give into advice that contradicts it. Objectives:

Worldly Wisdom Can Seem Logical, But Still Be False Job 13:1-8

The Bible is God’s Word. Therefore we can stand with confidence on its truth.

Worldly Wisdom Can Seem Logical, But Still Be False Job’s friends claimed he was suffering as punishment for some hidden. Job countered that his friends’ wisdom was counterfeit. He would not give up what he knew to be the truth.

Respectfully stand for the truth and the wisdom of God’s Word. Do not give in to worldly wisdom. How should we respond when falsely accused? What can we learn from this passage to help us when seeking to comfort or counsel others?

Worldly Wisdom Does Not Pass the Test Job 13:9-12

The false accusations by Job’s friends demonstrated that he was engaged in a spiritual warfare.

Worldly Wisdom Does Not Pass the Test Worldly wisdom comes across as bold, insightful, clever, and deep to those who are of this world. In the presence of God, however, it is shown to be deceptive and misleading.

Test the wisdom of what you are told by comparing it to God’s truth. How can we make sure we are not deceived by the worldly wisdom of our culture? What if we can’t find a clear answer or explanation for what is going on in our lives?

Seek God’s Truth and Wisdom When Confronted With Worldly Wisdom Job 13:13-28

Seek God’s Truth and Wisdom When Confronted With Worldly Wisdom Job had great confidence in going before God. He understood that his life might soon end, but he declared that even death would not destroy his hope.

God is the author of truth. Approach Him as the final authority on what you believe Why is it important to test what we read and hear by comparing it to God’s Word? How can a belief in the truth of God’s Word help us live confident lives?

What is some worldly wisdom that is accepted in our culture today, contrary to God’s Word? How are these bits of worldly wisdom contrary to what the Bible says?

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