June 19, 2012 (Toho Univ. a, Univ. Toyama b ) ○Yuta Motoki a, Yukari Tsunoda a, Hiroyuki Ozeki a, Kaori Kobayashi b Hiroyuki Ozeki a, Kaori Kobayashi b.


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Presentation transcript:

June 19, 2012 (Toho Univ. a, Univ. Toyama b ) ○Yuta Motoki a, Yukari Tsunoda a, Hiroyuki Ozeki a, Kaori Kobayashi b Hiroyuki Ozeki a, Kaori Kobayashi b

Glycine (NH 2 CH 2 COOH) Alanine, Glutamine, etc… Amino acid ProteinLife Freq.(GHz)Speace Detect ? Brown et al. (1979) Sgr B2, Ori A, etc. × Hollis et al. (1980) Sgr B2 × Combes et al. (1996) Sgr B2, Orion × Ceccarelli et al. (2000) 101, 216 IRAS × Kuan et al. ( 2003 ) Sgr B2, Ori KL, W51 e1/e2 ? Etc.

 Kuan et al. reported detection of glycine of total 27 lines towards Sgr B2, Orion KL, W51 e1/e2. towards Sgr B2, Orion KL, W51 e1/e2.  After that, Snyder et al. (2005) contradicted it ・ ・・  New spectra data of glycine.  Unpublished astronomical observational data.  Other observational data. They concluded that part of these glycine lines are due to the vibrational-excited state of are due to the vibrational-excited state of ethyl cyanide(CH 3 CH 2 CN) or vinyl cyanide(CH 2 CHCN).

 Now, there are no absolute reports to detect interstellar glycine. to detect interstellar glycine.  How is the glycine generated ??  What is the precursor of glycine in interstellar cloud ??  Do the precursor exist in interstellar cloud ??

 Strecker Reaction (Strecker (1850))  One of the famous reaction that produce amino acid in the laboratory frame. NH 3 + H 2 CO → CH 2 NH + H 2 O CH 2 NH + HCN → NH 2 CH 2 CN NH 2 CH 2 CN + H 2 O → NH 2 CH 2 CONH 2 NH 2 CH 2 CONH 2 + H 2 O → NH 2 CH 2 COOH + NH 3 ammonia formaldehyde methylenimine hydrogen cyanide aminoacetonitrile (AAN) Glycine ( Ugliengo et al )

AANNC Å Å CC’ Å Å C’N’ Å Å CH Å Å NH Å Å NCC’114.54° HCH102.4° HNC109.6° HNH107.3° CC’N’180.0° Pickett (1973) Hydrogen Carbon Nitrogen N N’ C C’

MacDonald & Tyler 1972  Measured AAN spectra in microwave region. a-type: 3 lines b-type: 2 lines a-type: 3 lines b-type: 2 linesPickett1973  Measured AAN and its deuterated isotopologues (NHD-, ND 2 -) spectra in microwave region. (NHD-, ND 2 -) spectra in microwave region.  Decided electric dipole moment. μ a =2.577(7)D, μ b =0.5754(10)D μ a =2.577(7)D, μ b =0.5754(10)D Brown et al  Determined hyper fine coupling constant of Nitrogen nuclei. of Nitrogen nuclei. χ aa = -2.77(0.04), χ bb = 1.20(0.09) : amino nitrogen (MHz) χ aa = -3.48(0.03), χ bb = 1.50(0.06) : nitrile nitrogen (MHz) Bogey et al  Measured AAN spectra in millimeter wave region. J’ ≤ 40 a-type: 110 lines, b-type: 5 lines. J’ ≤ 40 a-type: 110 lines, b-type: 5 lines.  Determined AAN’s molecule constant.

Parameter (MHz)Bogey et al. A (18) B (44) C (41) D J × (48) D JK (10) DKDK (20) d 1 × (16) d 2 × (13) H J × (18) H JK × (14) H KJ × (13) H K × (90) h 2 × (93) h 3 × (59) L JK × (22) L KJ × (98) L K × (94) S K × (33)

Parameter (MHz)Belloche et al. A (71) B (84) C (76) D J × (68) D JK (69) DKDK (99) d 1 × (40) d 2 × (106) H J × (276) H JK × (72) H KJ × (268) H K ×10 3 a a h 1 × (225) a : fixed  These constants are compiled by CDMS (The Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy) catalog. by CDMS (The Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy) catalog. Previously(Bogey et al.) D K = (20)

CDMS  Belloche et al. (2008) succeeded to detect AAN’s millimeter wave spectra towards Sgr B2(N)!! AAN’s millimeter wave spectra towards Sgr B2(N)!!  Detected region 80~260GHz  Detected line a-type transition of 51 lines GHz

 According to the CDMS catalog, AAN predictions have had large errors AAN predictions have had large errors in sub-millimeter region. in sub-millimeter region.  b-type transitions have not been measured well.  H K,h 1 ~h 3, and higher constants have not determined well.  In this study, we measured pure rotational spectra from millimeter to sub-millimeter region. from millimeter to sub-millimeter region.  Improve AAN molecule constant to measure mostly b-type and higher K a ’ transition. to measure mostly b-type and higher K a ’ transition.  Find other miss-assignments.

 Spectrometer Frequency-modulated sub-millimeter wave spectrometer Frequency-modulated sub-millimeter wave spectrometer  Measured region  Measured region 122 ~ 188 GHz, 372 ~ 537 GHz, 621 ~ 661GHz 122 ~ 188 GHz, 372 ~ 537 GHz, 621 ~ 661GHz  The sample gas was about 8×10 -3 Pa. Sample Gas (AAN) Glass Cell Transmitter InSb Detector

J’≤74, K a ’ ≤15 a-type transitions of 107 lines were measured.  J’≤74, K a ’ ≤15 a-type transitions of 107 lines were measured.

 b-type transitions of K a ’ -K a ” =2-1 were not found near the predicted frequencies in 122~188 GHz.  Except all of K a ’ ≥ 2, b-type transitions.  Only K a ’ -K a ” =1-0, 0-1 transitions include our fit.  After that, we measured ・・・ 1.K a ’ -K a ” =1-0, 0-1 transitions in 122~188GHz. 2.K a ’ ≥ 2 transitions in 122~188GHz. 3.and Extend higher frequency region.

A; 26 10, ,17, 26 10, ,18 B; 32 10, ,23, 32 10, ,24 C; 27 10, ,18, 27 10, ,19 D; 31 10, ,22, 31 10, ,23 E; 28 10, ,19, 28 10, ,20 F; 30 10, ,21, 30 10, ,22, 29 10, ,20, 26 10, , , ,20, 26 10, ,21 J’ Ka’Kc’ -J’’ Ka’’Kc’’ Head of b-type, Q-branch

J’≤57, K a ’ ≤13 b-type transitions of 176 lines were measured.  J’≤57, K a ’ ≤13 b-type transitions of 176 lines were measured.

Parameter (MHz)Present Study Belloche et al.Bogey et al. A (90) (71) (18) B (146) (84) (44) C (150) (76) (41) D J × (136) (68) (48) D JK × (85) (69) (10) DKDK (97) (99) (20) d 1 × (229) (40) (16) d 2 × (66) (106) (13) H J × (39) 9.593(276) 9.47(18) H JK × (172) (72) (14) H KJ × (312) (268) 6.85(13) H K × (36) (90) h 1 × (43) 2.989(225) - h 2 × (202) - (93) h 3 × (98) - 2.623(59) L J × (34) - - L JK ×10 9 - - -3.58(22) L KJ ×10 12 - - 8.45(98) L K ×10 6 - - 17.08(94) S K ×10 9 - - 52.5(33)

Present Study Belloche et al. Bogey et al RMS39.7kHz27.2kHz

 Pure rotational spectra of AAN from millimeter to sub- millimeter wave region were measured.  J’≤74, K a ’ ≤15 a-type transition of 107 lines and J’≤57, K a ’ ≤13 b-type transition of 176 lines were measured, and analyzed these lines and previous measured lines with Watson’s S-reduced Hamiltonian.  Owing to measurements of high K a of b-type transition, higher order centrifugal constants were determined well.  These data allow reliable predictions to do astronomical observation about 1THz.

 We thank NAOJ (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) for lending us a synthesizer. of Japan) for lending us a synthesizer.

Glass Cell Oscilloscope Filter PSD Modulator PC Frequency Synthesizer Rb clock GPS ×n Pirani gauge Diffusion pump Detector Amp Gas Multiplier