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Bell Work 20 On your paper, list at least two of your resolutions for the new year AND how you plan to achieve them. For Example: This year I will complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work 20 On your paper, list at least two of your resolutions for the new year AND how you plan to achieve them. For Example: This year I will complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work 20 On your paper, list at least two of your resolutions for the new year AND how you plan to achieve them. For Example: This year I will complete my book manuscript by writing for at least ten minutes every day. This year I will increase my health by walking/riding/swimming at least three times a week.

2 Review of Classroom Rules and Procedures What should you bring to class every day? (five things) What should be the first thing your write on your papers? Where do you turn in your assignments? Where do you pick up graded assignments? If you forgot to name your paper, where could you find it? Is gum allowed in my class? What are fidgets? How do you check them out? Do we eat in this class? What are my cell phone expectations? If you break cell phone policy, how long do you lose your phoen privileges? How do you know if you can listen to music?


4 Read (15 Minutes)

5 Riddle Wednesday Secret Blow Pay Demand DALATERY Spaced

6 Types of Non-Fiction: Narrative Nonfiction: a genre of writing that uses literary styles and techniques to create factually accurate narratives. Expository Nonfiction: the purpose is to inform, explain, describe, or define their subject to the reader. Cause-and-Effect Nonfiction: Details how two events or subjects are related through causality. Problem/Solution Nonfiction: Nonfiction in which a problem is discussed and a solution suggested. Compare/Contrast Nonfiction: Expository (descriptive) nonfiction that details how two or more topics, events, or ideas are similar and how they are different. Biography: A factually accurate expository account of someone's life.

7 "The Mysterious Mr. Lincoln" by Russell Freedman Pg. 274 What makes a person "great"? (3-5 Sentences) Quick Write:

8 Read (15 minutes)

9 Vocabulary Review 1.Lincoln's political career had plenty of critics who would often ________ him. 2. Some of these critics thoguht that he should not ______ in the military's affairs. 3. Others said that he dressed sloppily, despite the fact that he would ______ the best tailor in Springfield, Illinois. 4. Historians note Lincoln's often _____ mood as a sign of his depression. 5. When he spoke before a crowd, Lincoln's attitude changed from ______ to animated. 6. Lincoln would later _____ his Southern critics by fighting to end slavery.

10 "The Mysterious Mr. Lincoln" by Russell Freedman Pg. 274 Warm Up: Read the following paragraph and identify the main idea. Immigrants have been drawn to the United States for many reasons. Many immigrants come to the United States for jobs or advanced education. Others come to escape political persecution. After we read: On your paper from yesterday where you wrote the paragraph about greatness, answer these questions (1-2 sentences): 1. Why did Frederick Douglass criticize President Lincoln early in the war? 2. What was Lincoln's mission, according to Douglass? 3. Do you think Lincoln deserves the title Great Emancipator? Why or why not? Use a quote from the biography to support your answer. 4 Draw a T-Chart. List President Lincoln's strengths and weaknesses. Include at least two quotes.

11 Creative Friday One day, as you are cleaning, you notice air being sucked towards the base of a wall near the cupboard. Perplexed, you go closer to investigate. You hold your breath and gingerly peel away at the wallpaper until a huge wrought iron door is revealed. Where does it lead? What happens next?


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