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LIVE INTERACTIVE YOUR DESKTOP January 23, 2012 NES: Weather and Climate: Satellite Meteorology Presented by: Rudo Kashiri.

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Presentation on theme: "LIVE INTERACTIVE YOUR DESKTOP January 23, 2012 NES: Weather and Climate: Satellite Meteorology Presented by: Rudo Kashiri."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIVE INTERACTIVE LEARNING @ YOUR DESKTOP January 23, 2012 NES: Weather and Climate: Satellite Meteorology Presented by: Rudo Kashiri

2 Weather and Climate: Satellite Meteorology Presented by Rudo Kashiri NASA Explorer Schools

3 Session Agenda 1. 1.Weather and climate basics 2. 2.Satellite Meteorology Overview 3. 3.NASA Connection 4. 4.Sample Module 5. 5.NASA Explorer Schools

4 About the Product 1. 1.Using NASA Satellite for Grades 7-12 2. 2.Correlates to National Science and Math Standards: - Energy in the Earth System - Data Analysis and Probability 3. 3.Time for each module: 20-30 min. - Problem Based Learning: One to two 45-min. class periods 4. 4.Individual or paired activity 5. 5.Materials 6. 6.Basic knowledge of the layout of the country

5 Weather and Climate What is the difference between weather and climate?

6 How Do Scientists Collect Evidence About Climate? A. Using remote sensing from space with satellites B. By ground-based measurements of surface temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, and sea level C. By collecting “proxy data” from tree rings, ice cores, and historical records D. All the above

7 Aqua Terra Aura SORCE TRMM Jason OSTM/Jason 2 2012 Aquarius Landsat-7 NPP GRACE CloudSat CALIPSO

8 NPPNPOESS Preparatory Project Orbits Earth and helps us study weather and climate National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)

9 The CERES Experiment Question: What is the Effect of Clouds on the Earth’s Climate?


11 What the Students Observe Satellite View of Clouds Mountains with snow & ice

12 SCOOL CERES Project

13 Poll Audience Have you used data from NASA satellites with your students? √ Yes X No

14 Let’s Pause for Questions.

15 NASA Connection An overview of meteorological satellites

16 The GOES POES Program G Geostationary O Operational E Environmental S Satellites P Polar O Operational E Environmental S Satellites

17 Geostationary Orbit

18 Polar Orbit

19 Poll Audience A. Geostationary A. Geostationary Image resolution is not very good because of distance from earth Image resolution is not very good because of distance from earth Can not see the poles very well Can not see the poles very well Can view only one hemisphere Can view only one hemisphere B. Polar B. Polar Image resolution is good because it’s closer to earth Image resolution is good because it’s closer to earth Sees the poles about 14 times a day Sees the poles about 14 times a day Sees tropical and middle latitude regions twice a day Sees tropical and middle latitude regions twice a day Use the characteristics for GOES and POES below to determine the satellite used to monitor ice bergs.

20 Let’s Pause for Questions.

21 Satellite Meteorology

22 Featured Lesson: Monitoring the Global Environment Students will be able to interpret data from environmental satellites and draw conclusions from those data. Part 1: Investigating climate change Part 2: Problem-Based Learning Biomass burning and global climate change

23 Monitoring the Global Environment

24 Global Montage

25 Monitoring the Global Environment GOES spots forest fires and monitors biomass burning Satellite Sounders detect trace gases in the atmosphere Biomass burning and global climate change POES monitors the pulse of the planet (The EOS program) Satellite images from the MODIS radiometer

26 Urban Heat Islands Introduce students to urban heat Islands Identify urban areas in Northeast United States Remote Sensing Using Weather Satellites

27 Reasons for patterns The highest temperatures are found in the most dense part of a city. That’s the urban heat island effect.


29 Assessment Questions If POES flies so much closer to the Earth than GOES, why bother using instruments on GOES to monitor things like forest fires or biomass burning?

30 Problem-Based Learning Analyze the cause-and-effect relationships of a warming climate Discuss use of satellite technology to study climate change Create a presentation of policy recommendations for the Governor Global Climate Change

31 Teacher's Guide

32 Let’s Pause for Questions.

33 I will be interested in using GOES and POES satellites data with my students. YES NO Not sure yet Poll Audience

34 Satellite Observations in Education

35 More Resources Global Climate Change Global Climate Change Earth Observatory Earth Observatory OfChange My NASA Data also has lessons on meteorology My NASA Data also has lessons on meteorology

36 Collaboration

37 Lesson Library

38 Video collection

39 Log Your Participation

40 Teacher Recognition: Summer Research Workshop

41 Thank you for joining us today.

42 Thank you to the sponsor of tonight's Web Seminar: This web seminar contains information about programs, products, and services offered by third parties, as well as links to third-party websites. The presence of a listing or such information does not constitute an endorsement by NSTA of a particular company or organization, or its programs, products, or services.


44 National Science Teachers Association Dr. Francis Q. Eberle, Executive Director Zipporah Miller, Associate Executive Director Conferences and Programs Al Byers, Assistant Executive Director e-Learning LIVE INTERACTIVE LEARNING @ YOUR DESKTOP NSTA Web Seminars Paul Tingler, Director Jeff Layman, Technical Coordinator Brynn Slate, Program Coordinator

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