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Addressing the “Capacity Crunch” Health and Personal Logistics Conference By Curt Metzler.

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1 Addressing the “Capacity Crunch” Health and Personal Logistics Conference
By Curt Metzler

2 Transportation Capacity
The driver shortage is real It is a key factor in the tightening capacity situation There is no near term fix The industry will be forced to pay more Higher costs will be reflected in pricing “Service on demand” is a luxury of the past 72 hours advance notification is the new norm Planning and communication with carriers is critical At the same time, trucking activity has risen 4.1 percent from 658 million loads in 2013 to 685 million this year, according to FTR. - See more at: Source: Don Ake, FTR Vice President of Commercial Vehicles, commented “The trailer market remains very vibrant. The van OEM’s are finishing up filling Q3 production. Many Q3 orders remain speculative, but fleets are optimistic about Cancellations were up, but that often happens at the beginning of the year when fleets take a closer look at their requirements. With backlogs very high, order patterns should start to follow a more traditional pattern." Source: "Next, capacity is finally being added to the marketplace just when the HOS rollback is being implemented. Truck ordering activity at the major builders hit 375,000 units in 2015, well above the 295,000 units that they actually produced. Those units will spill over into 2015 as carriers add or replace the trucks in their fleets. Lastly, spot market data from highlights that the market has returned to normal this year following a very capacity-constrained winter and spring in That will make year-over-year comparisons look much worse until late in the year. Despite these worries, the market is still running pretty tight and economic growth is anticipated to stay at a solid pace. Look for truckers to be hit by both headwinds and tailwinds during 2015 but be able to stay the course.” Source: FTR reports December U.S. Trailer net orders at 45,500, the second highest month ever recorded, just 1.5% below October, Trailer orders for 2014 totaled over 360,000, by far the best order year ever. Source:

3 How Capacity is Affecting Alcon
Scope: Manufacturing Yard and Dock Congestion Utilizing 400+ trailers and 100+ ocean containers between distribution centers, manufacturing, and local carriers Objectives: Reduce overall costs associated with detention charges Improve trailer visibility and management of assets across functional units Optimize inbound/outbound process through Cross Dock Projects: YMS Optimization Cross Dock Initiative With the above economic trends in motion it is more important than ever for Alcon to improve efficiency and collaboration both within the company and with carriers and suppliers Alcon's solutions to these economic issues involve decreasing costs while improving efficiencies.

4 Project: Yard Management System (YMS)
Objectives of Project: Map entire local trailer network to provide visibility Reduce detention and rental payment charges by 50% Optimize information exchange between functional departments Increase inventory visibility Optimize trailer pull process Identified yard management as an area of cost savings for Alcon Provides opportunity for further inter and intracompany integration

5 Real-Time Data… Confidential Patented real-time location technology collects and combines feeds in the cloud from multiple sensor types “Meaningful” Internet-of-Things Sensor Network uses our patented location technology, making it the most accurate available RFID Plant GPS Yard Telematics Cellphone Road Vehicle

6 Operational Challenges
Confidential High Detention or Demurrage Charges Poor Asset Utilization High Safety Stock Levels Inefficient Operations High Driver Wait Times Poor Collaboration Lack of Empty Trailers on hand Lost or Misplaced Trailers

7 Advanced Yard Management Operations
Confidential Scan Tag at Gate Affix Temp Tag to Inbound Trailer Yard Truck with touch-screen Computer Reads Tags Trailer Locations Captured and displayed in application

8 Visual Map Of Facility with Trailer Status
Confidential GPS based mapping displays accurate location and status of assets in the yard.

9 Gate Guard – Web Gate View
Confidential Unleashes the check-in / check-out process from the pc at the gate to browser capable devices with internet access anywhere Full support for sites with shipments enabled RFID tag read support for gates with fixed external readers and / or internal readers for temporary RFID asset tagging

10 Whiteboard for Dock Door / Trailer Status
Confidential Whiteboard View Shows dock doors Configurable attributes displayed Initiate moves directly Whiteboard is a very powerful tool providing visual status at a glance and enabling move generation and tracking in the same screen

11 Advanced Features and Reporting
Confidential 100+ Standard KPI reports Custom reports Scheduled Exportable In addition to reporting in the system, clients can set up automated alerts and schedule transmittal of System and Custom Reports

12 Platform Designed for Collaboration & Insight
Confidential Allowing carriers to manage appointments & assets online Schedule Appointments Streamlines communication View status of their assets Automate carrier dispatch to avoid demurrage/detention costs Repository for yard analytics Shipment arrivals & departures Driver Idle Time Spotter & Dock Door Efficiency Trailer Utilization Inventory

13 Operational Transparency Across Facilities
Confidential Enterprise Visibility Suite Yard Management System Advanced YMS Advanced YMS Yard Management System Supplier 1 Customer DC 7016

14 Recognized Customer Value
Confidential 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 90% 50% 40% 30% 30% 10%

15 Project: Yard Management System (YMS) Expected Benefits
Improve intercompany visibility Increase process control Free up carrier assets Increase carrier pooll I am assuming the cost of system and integration at divided by 12 months based on contract starting in April, initial fee of 1500 for salaries involved in prep work and meeting time Savings based on sliding scale of time required to see benefits. Total costs per year estimated at 4.6 million. Lines represent cumulative savings and costs over time Would recommend providing graph of information regarding the benefits felt from this initiative since December

16 Project: Export Cross Dock
Objectives of Project: Cost Savings of ocean container per diem (fuel, demurrage, drop and pick charges) Free up valuable Manufacturing dock space Cycle time improvement Alcon campus ocean container free Improved ocean container utilization FTZ duty reduction for imports Got information from cross dock proposal Objectives of the project are to decrease costs by improving organization and information

17 Project: Cross Dock Realized Benefits
Order wait time reduced Optimized process flow 2.3% reduction in FTW ocean spend Improved container utilization Reduced demurrage Approx. 45,000 USD in cumulative net savings since December Minimization of storage and capacity risk due to product growth Reduction in container re-work Got financial numbers and some other benefits from the cross dock proposal PowerPoint. I divided the total savings by 36 then multiplied by 3 to get cumulative net savings since December

18 Projects: Cross Dock and Yard Management System Cumulative Project Benefit Projection
Higher visibility and control over operations Enhanced communication between functional groups Real time information Increased independence Assumed start of YMS in April Assumed projected savings from both projects Assumed contract payments of equal value over a year starting in April Used cross dock approx savings per month to calculate


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