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Pattern Associators, Generalization, Processing Psych 85-419/719 Feb 6, 2001.

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1 Pattern Associators, Generalization, Processing Psych 85-419/719 Feb 6, 2001

2 A Pattern Associator Consists of a set of input units, and output units, and connections from input to output... And a training set of examples, consisting of inputs and their corresponding outputs

3 Simple Generalization In Hebbian Learning

4 The Dot Product The sum of the products of elements of two vectors When normalized for length, is basically the correlation between the vectors The angle between the vectors is the inverse cosine of the dot product When the dot product is 0 (or, angle is 90 degrees), vectors are orthogonal

5 Geometrically... (1,-1) (1,1)

6 So, Generalization in Hebb... After single learning trial, generalization is proportional to: –Output from trained trial, and –Correlation between new test input and learned input

7 After Multiple Training Trials.. Output of a test pattern is a function of the sum of all dot products between test input and all training input patterns, multiplied by the output that each test pattern produced.

8 Properties of Hebb Generalization If input is uncorrelated with all training inputs, output is zero Otherwise, is weighted average of all outputs from all training trials –Weighted by correlations with inputs on training trials If all training trials orthogonal to each other, no cross-talk

9 Cross-Talk in Delta Rule Learning Suppose we learn a given pattern in the delta rule What happens when we present a test pattern that is similar to that learned pattern? Difference in output is a function of error on the learned pattern, and dot product of learned input and test input

10 What Does This Mean? When our new item is similar to what we’ve been trained on, learning is easier if the output we want is close to the output we get from other examples. So, regular items (ones that have similar input-output relationships) don’t need a lot of training Exceptions need more training.

11 Frequency of Regulars and Exceptions

12 Constraints on Learning With Hebb rule, each training input needs to be orthogonal to every other one in order to be separable and avoid cross-talk With delta rule, the inputs just have to be linearly independent from each other to prevent one training trial from wrecking what was learned on other trials –Linearly independent: can’t produce vector A by multiplying vector B by a scalar

13 More Geometry... (1,-1) (1,1) Orthogonal vectors (-.5,1) (-1,.5) Linearly independent, but not orthogonal

14 Different Types of Activation Functions Linear: output of a unit is simply the summed input to it Linear threshold: output of a unit is summed input, but not above or below a threshold Stochastic: Roll dice as to what output is based on input Sigmoid: 1/(1+exp(-net))

15 Delta Rule for Non-Linear Units For linear units, Equals 1. Otherwise, it’s the derivative of our activation function f

16 So Delta Rule Works Well For Any Activation Function f that is differentiable Linear: easily differentiable Sigmoid: easily differentiable Threshold…. Not so much so. (what about other error functions besides sum-squared?)

17 Minimizing Sum Squared Error With unambiguous input, will converge to correct output With ambiguous or noisy input, will converge to output that minimizes average squared distance from all targets –This is effectively regression! Can read outputs as a probability distribution (recall IA Reading Model)

18 Regression vs. Winner-Take-All In Jets and Sharks model, activating gang node activated “winner” in the age group –Other ages suppressed In delta rule, output is proportional to the statistics of the training set Which is better?

19 The Ideas From Ch 11 We can think of patterns being correlated over units, rather than units correlated over patterns Same with targets Based on this, we can see how much cross talk there is between inputs, or weights, or outputs

20 As Learning Progresses, Weights Become Aligned With Targets 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.3 0.2 0.3 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

21 Performance Measures Sum squared error –tss is total sum squared error –pss is sum squared error for the current pattern Can also compute vector differences between actual output and target output –ndp is normalized dot product. –nvl is normalized vector length. Magnitude of output vector. –vcor is the correlation, ignoring magnitude

22 Unpacking... Suppose our targets were -1,1,-1 and our output was -0.5,0.5,-0.5 vcor, the correlation ignoring length, is perfect (1.0) Length (nvl) is less than 1; output is not at full magnitude So, overall performance (ndp) is not 1.

23 Back to Generalization Two layer delta rule networks are great for picking up on regularities Can’t do XOR problems Recall: regular and exception items (GAVE, WAVE, PAVE… HAVE) Are exceptions a form of XOR?

24 XOR and Exceptions Depends on your representation. With localist word units (for example), they are linearly independent, and hence learnable. … but you don’t get decent generalization with localist representations! This state of affairs led many to conclude that there were two systems for learning regulars and exceptions

25 Evidence for Two Systems Phonological dyslexics: impaired at rule application, more or less ok at exceptions Surface dyslexics: ok at rule application, poor at exceptions Conclusion of many: there are two systems. One performs rule association and learns rules. Other has localist word nodes. Handles exceptions.

26 History of the Argument When this two-system was put forward, it was not known how to train a network to handle XOR problems. Existing symbolic models also could pick up rules, but needed something else for exceptions. BUT: Starting next week, we’ll talk about learning rules that can handle the XOR problem.

27 The Zorzi et al. Model Pronunciation Word input “Lexical” Rep Two Layer Association. Delta Rule

28 For Thursday… Topic: Distributed Representations Read PDP1, Chapter 3. Optional: Handout, Plaut & McClelland, Stipulating versus discovering representations Optional: Science article Sparse population coding of faces in inferiotemporal cortex Look over homework #2

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