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A. Divisions of the skeletal system B. Skull 1. Sutures 2. Fontanels

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Presentation on theme: "A. Divisions of the skeletal system B. Skull 1. Sutures 2. Fontanels"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton Handout #4 Skeletal System-KNOW BONES
A. Divisions of the skeletal system B. Skull 1. Sutures 2. Fontanels C. Hyoid bone D. Vertebral column 1. Divisions 2. Normal curves E. Thorax 1. Sternum 2. Ribs

2 Adult Human Skeleton 1. axial 2. appendicular

3 Human Skull

4 Skull Bones 1. cranial (8) 2. facial (14)





9 Sutures 1. coronal (1) 2. sagittal (1) 3. lambdoidal (2)
4. squamosal (2) _______________ 5. Wormian bones

10 Fontanels 1. anterior (frontal) (1) 2. posterior (occipital (1)
3. anterolateral (sphenoidal) (2) 4. posterolateral (mastoidal) (2) Why are fontanels important? Childbirth and Brain Growth

11 Hyoid Bone Why is this bone important?
anchor point for muscles of the: 1. tongue above 2. larynx below

12 Vertebral Column 1. series of 26 vertebrae 2. functions
3. intervertebral formina 4. distribution a. 7 cervical b. 12 thoracic c. 5 lumbar d. 1 sacrum e. 1 coccygeal

13 Varieties of Vertebrae

14 Intervertebral discs 1. location 2. annulus fibrosus
3. nucleus pulposus 4. functions

15 Vertebral Curves 1. primary a. thoracic b. sacral 2. secondary
a. cervical b. lumbar

16 Thoracic Cage 1. components a. sternum b. costal cartilages
c. vertebral bodies T1 - 12 2. functions Why is this important? protection of viscera, yet flexible enough to allow respirations

17 Ribs 1. attachments a. vertebral b. sternal 2. distribution
a. true ribs (1-7) b. false ribs (8-12) c. floating ribs (11-12)

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