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Just the facts: Order of Operations A GEMS/ALEX Submission Submitted by: Elizabeth Thompson, PhD Summer, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Just the facts: Order of Operations A GEMS/ALEX Submission Submitted by: Elizabeth Thompson, PhD Summer, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just the facts: Order of Operations A GEMS/ALEX Submission Submitted by: Elizabeth Thompson, PhD Summer, 2008

2 Important things toremember Important things to remember Parenthesis – anything grouped… including information above or below a fraction bar. Exponents – anything in the same family as a ‘power’… this includes radicals (square roots). Multiplication- this includes distributive property (discussed in detail later). Some items are grouped!!! Multiplication and Division are GROUPED from left to right (like reading a book- do whichever comes first. Addition and Subtraction are also grouped from left to right, do whichever comes first in the problem.

3 So really it looks like this….. PParenthesis EExponents MDMultiplication and Division ASAddition and Subtraction In order from left to right

4 SAMPLE PROBLEM #1 Parenthesis Exponents This one is tricky! Remember: Multiplication/Division are grouped from left to right…what comes 1 st ? Division did…now do the multiplication (indicated by parenthesis) More division Subtraction

5 SAMPLE PROBLEM Subtraction Exponents Remember the division symbol here is grouping everything on top, so work everything up there first….multiplication Parenthesis Division – because all the work is done above and below the line

6 Order of Operations-BASICS Think: PEMDAS Order of Operations-BASICS Think: PEMDAS Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally PParenthesis EExponents MMultiplication DDivision AAddition SSubtraction

7 Take time to practice

8 Assignment #1 Assignment #1 (When all assigned problems are finished – do for Homework as needed) Remember PEMDAS and “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”? Make up your own acronym for PEMDAS and post it on the class wiki. Write it on White Paper and Illustrate your acronym. Make sure it is school appropriate.

9 Lesson Extension Can you fill in the missing operations? 1.2 - (3+5) + 4 = -2 2.4 + 7 * 3 ÷ 3 = 11 3.5 * 3 + 5 ÷ 2 = 10

10 Assignment #2 Create a Puzzle Greeting Fold a piece of paper (white or colored) like a greeting card. On the cover: Write an equation with missing operations (like the practice slide) In the middle: Write the equation with the correct operations On the back: Put your name as you would find a companies name on the back of a greeting card.

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