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SUN RICE BALLS Student name: Nguyen Thi Nga – 9634530 Supervisor: Prof. Trappy.

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Presentation on theme: "SUN RICE BALLS Student name: Nguyen Thi Nga – 9634530 Supervisor: Prof. Trappy."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUN RICE BALLS Student name: Nguyen Thi Nga – 9634530 Supervisor: Prof. Trappy

2 COMPETITORS Soy bean milkYou Tiao Shao BingDan Bing

3 DESIGN SAMPLE Sun Rice balls I-Mei Milk Net Coffee Co-brands Happy Go Buy one combo Free milk addition Hsin Dong Yang meat Xin Xian Egg Gar- bage Menu Rice balls - $25NT  Chicken  Fork Drink - $25NT  Coffee  Tea  Soy bean milk  Additional Milk Menu Rice balls - $25NT  Chicken  Fork Drink - $25NT  Coffee  Tea  Soy bean milk  Additional Milk

4 DESIGN SAMPLE Fresh meat Sun Rice balls I-Mei Milk Xin Xian Egg Net Coffee Co-brands Hsin Dong Yang meat Logo Uniform Package with Logo Gar- bage Happy Go Buy one combo Free milk addition Menu Rice balls - $25NT  Chicken  Fork Drink - $25NT  Coffee  Tea  Soy bean milk  Additional Milk Menu Rice balls - $25NT  Chicken  Fork Drink - $25NT  Coffee  Tea  Soy bean milk  Additional Milk

5 MENU - PACKAGE Drink Sun Rice Balls Fastening Menu Rice balls - $25NT  Chicken  Fork Drink - $25NT  Coffee  Tea  Soy bean milk  Additional Milk Menu Rice balls - $25NT  Chicken  Fork Drink - $25NT  Coffee  Tea  Soy bean milk  Additional Milk

6 MARKET DEMAND & PRICING ASSUMPTION Fixed AssetsCost Road side stand$10,000NT Gas bottle/lighting$2,000NT Uniform (with logo and brand name) $4,000NT (2 suit) Cooking equipment and tools$5,000NT Awning$1,000NT Decorate$1,000NT License$2,000NT Sum$25,000NT Assumption 24 operating days/month (4 bad days, 20 good days) Profit = ½ revenue ComboSingle itemProfit UnitPriceUnitPrice A bad day10$50NT10$25NT$750NT A good day50$50NT50$25NT$3750NT A month revenue = 4*$750NT + 20*$3750NT = $78,000NT A month profit = ½ *$78,000NT = $39,000NT

7 BREAK-EVEN POINT CALCULATION $25,000NT $64,000NT $78,000NT (A month revenue) Fixed cost Variable cost Revenue A month sale volume

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