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H -> ZZ -> 4  FYS4550 - Experimental high energy physics, University of Oslo,Erik Adli, University of Oslo, August 2015,

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Presentation on theme: "H -> ZZ -> 4  FYS4550 - Experimental high energy physics, University of Oslo,Erik Adli, University of Oslo, August 2015,"— Presentation transcript:

1 H -> ZZ -> 4  FYS4550 - Experimental high energy physics, University of Oslo,Erik Adli, University of Oslo, August 2015,,

2 Particle accelerator physics Particle detectors Data analysis The study of relativistic charged particle beams in electromagnetic fields The study of charged particle interaction with matter With focus on track reconstruction and probability FYS4550 - Experimental high energy physics Oslo: strong collaboration with CERN. Most examples are from our CERN-based activities.

3 Course plan (tentative) Often lectures both Wed and Thu

4 Persons involved Faglærer:Kurs-assistent : Gjesteforelesere : Prof. Are Strandlie (HiG/UiO): statistikk og analyse Prof. Steinar Stapnes(CERN/UiO): detektorer Dr. Jurgen Pfingstner (UiO/CERN): Free Electron Lasers Dr. Øystein Middtun (HiA): Proton and ion sources and linacs

5 Curriculum * Are Strandlie will talk more about the curriculum for the detector and analysis part.

6 Practical matters Several exercise sets handed out throughout the semester (recommended) Two obligatory exercises, one in the middle and one towards the end of the semester CERN excursion: 10/11 to 13/11 (highly recommended) Broad lecture program (particle physics, CERN experiments Visits to CERN accelerator and detector facilities Hold the dates now Practical details in the next week(s) Exam in December. Exact date to be agreed upon later

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