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Lesson 4: The Gift That Keeps On Giving John 14:15-27.

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1 Lesson 4: The Gift That Keeps On Giving John 14:15-27

2 Lesson Objective: Learning to listen to and depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance in our lives

3 John 4:24  Spirit Isaiah 40:13  God’s Counselor Hebrews 9:14  Eternal 1 Corinthians 12:11  Spiritual Gift Giver 1 Timothy 4:1  Communicates with Us

4 Acts 1:8  Power Giver John 14:16  Advocate John 14:17  Spirit of Truth John 14:26  Teacher of All Things John 14:26  Sent from Father

5 If you had just heard that Jesus was leaving, and you could no longer follow this person physically as you had been doing for three years, which of the Spirit’s characteristics would comfort you the most?

6 Lesson 4: The Gift That Keeps On Giving John 14:15-27

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