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10.5 Properties of Logarithms. Remember…

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1 10.5 Properties of Logarithms

2 Remember…





7 1 st Property of Logarithms Note: It is the same property as with exponents

8 Ex 1 Note: Why does this help?

9 Ex 2 Note: Why does this help?

10 2 nd Property of Logarithms It is the same property as with exponents

11 Ex 3 Note: Why does this help?

12 Ex 4 Note: Why does this help?

13 3 rd Property of Logarithms It is the same property as with exponents

14 Ex 5 Note: Why does this help?

15 Ex 6 Note: Why does this help?

16 Ex 7 Product Property Expand the following logarithm Ex 8 Product Property Expand the following logarithm

17 Ex 9 Power & Quotient Property Condense each expression to a single logarithm. Ex 10 Power Property Condense each expression to a single logarithm.

18 Ex 11 Power Property Condense each expression to a single logarithm. Ex 12 Power & Product Property Expand the following logarithm

19 Homework KWS 4-3 Properties of Logarithms

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