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Photosynthesis and Respiration Ms. Bracy Biology 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Photosynthesis and Respiration Ms. Bracy Biology 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photosynthesis and Respiration Ms. Bracy Biology 9

2 All organisms require energy for: Active transport Cell division Movement Production of proteins

3 Energy is stored in the ATP molecule ATP: adenosine triphosphate Made-up of adensosine + 3 phosphate groups ADP: Adenosine diphosphate Cells recycle the ADP to make new ATP to store more energy for future use Many proteins have spots where ATP attaches to provide energy for the protein to do its job, then the ADP is released for recycling.

4 Photosynthesis Process that uses the sun’s energy to make glucose Carried out by plants and some bacteria Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast

5 What kinds of organisms perform photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is performed by autotrophs

6 What are the reactants and the products of photosynthesis? In photosynthesis, light energy is converted to stored chemical energy when autotrophs convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar and released oxgyen. Products: Glucose and Oxygen

7 How is energy converted and stored in the process of photosynthesis? In photosynthesis, light energy is converted to stored chemical energy when autotrophs convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar and released oxgyen.

8 Cellular respiration Cellular respiration is the process of using oxygen in the mitochondria to chemically break down organic molecules such as glucose to release the energy stored in its bonds. Heterotrophs as well as autotrophs utilize cellular respiration to supply the energy to power cellular activities Heterotrophs

9 What kinds of organisms perform cellular respiration? Cellular respiration occurs in all living organisms

10 What are the reactants and products of cellular respiration? In cellular respiration, sugar (glucose) and oxygen molecules are broken down into carbon dioxide and water, and energy is transferred and stored in a form of energy cells can use.

11 How are the reactants and products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration related? The process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration form a cycle.

12 Review Questions 1.What is the ultimate source of energy for plants? 2.How do autotrophs get energy? 3.How do heterotrophs get energy? 4.Explain the reactions of photosynthesis. 5.Explain the reaction of cellular respiration.

13 Photosynthesis Reactants: Carbon Dioixide + Water Products: Glucose + Oxygen Trigger: Sunlight Organism: Autotrophs

14 Respiration Reactants: Glucose + Oxygen Products: Carbon Dioxide + Water Trigger: intake food, sunlight Organism: heterotrophs, autotrophs

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