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Conditional Statements 2-1A What is a conditional statement? What two parts make up a conditional statement?

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Presentation on theme: "Conditional Statements 2-1A What is a conditional statement? What two parts make up a conditional statement?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conditional Statements 2-1A What is a conditional statement? What two parts make up a conditional statement?

2 Carter’s Little Liver Pills What claim is made in this advertisement?

3 Conditional Statements Her condition improved each day she exercised. Mom said I could go to the mall on one condition. If I taped my ankle each morning, then the condition of it would improve. In mathematics, statements in if-then form are called conditional statements.

4 Parts of a Conditional Statement I wrote my hypothesis for my Science Fair project. The experiment proved my hypothesis wrong. I had a good conclusion at the end of my English paper. I came to the conclusion that I lost my notebook.

5 Parts of a Conditional Statement Hypothesis—the if part of a conditional statement. Conclusion—the then part of a conditional statement.

6 Identify the Hypothesis and the Conclusion If you use Carter’s Little Liver Pills, then you will have no more sick headaches. Hypothesis: You use Carter’s Little Liver Pills Conclusion: You will have no more sick headaches. The words if and then are not part of the hypothesis or the conclusion.

7 Write a Conditional Statement Hypothesis: You talk on the telephone more than one hour per night. Conclusion: Your grade will drop one letter.

8 Conditional statements are not always in if-then form, but any statement can be rewritten in that form. It is easier to identify the hypothesis and conclusion when it is written in if-then form.

9 Do Television commercials use Conditional Statements?

10 True or False? For a conditional statement to be true, the conclusion must be true whenever the hypothesis is true. A conditional is false only if there is a case in which the hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false. If two numbers are both odd, then their sum is odd. The condition is false because the conclusion is false even though the hypothesis is true.

11 Venn Diagrams If an animal is a collie, then it is a dog. If Shep is a collie, then Shep is a dog. Dogs Collies Shep

12 Assignment 2-1A Page 91, 1-13, 25-32

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