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1 Status Update: TsunamiReady Improvement Plan Chris Maier TsunamiReady Program Manager NTHMP MES-EC January 31, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Status Update: TsunamiReady Improvement Plan Chris Maier TsunamiReady Program Manager NTHMP MES-EC January 31, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Status Update: TsunamiReady Improvement Plan Chris Maier TsunamiReady Program Manager NTHMP MES-EC January 31, 2011

2 2 TsunamiReady Improvement Plan #MilestonesWhoWhen 1 Resolve issue on inclusion of population guidelines in working draft Refine language of each guideline – incorporate MES-EC inputs Finalize mandatory vs. optional requirements Initial review point valuation for each guideline MES-EC, TR PM  2 Separate guidelines into population based spreadsheets Update brief to NTHMP-CC on progress/implementation plan TR PM  3 Finalize TR definitions Finalize draft of new guidelines and their point values Discuss “Extra Credit” branding Agree on strategy for TR ‘grandfathering’ proposal MES-EC  4 Hire contractors to create an improved TsunamiReady web site that will support the new program structure/guidelines TSU PM, TR PM  5 Finalize TR Recognition Guidelines for wider distribution and review Create supporting documentation for each guideline Establish prototype TR web site and database to capture feedback TR PM, TSU contractor Ongoing- Spring 2011 6 Conduct workshops with the NWS Regional TR PMs, coastal WCMs and TWCs on the new TR program structure/guidelines and prototype web site. Compile feedback and address any enhancements in coordination with the MES-EC. TSU PM, TR PMs, WCMs, TWCs, TSU contractor Spring - Fall 2011

3 3 #MilestonesWhoWhen 7 Beta-test and complete an improved TsunamiReady web site that will support the new program structure/guidelines TR PM, TSU contractor, MES, WCMs Fall 2011 8 Conduct two-month external review of proposed TR Guidelines Integrate external review inputs Present to NTHMP CC for final approval MES, TR PM, TSU PM, TSU contractor Fall 2011- Winter 2012 9 Identify volunteer communities willing to test the new guidelines through implementation Conduct pilots capturing feedback and resolving issues E Tenn State Gregg et al, MES Winter- Spring 2012 10 Create and finalize a national roll-out strategy for the new TR program structure (timeline, tool kit, news releases, events, etc.) Coordinate roll-out strategy with others (e.g. NTHMP CC) MES Workshop Early 2012 11 Final approvals by NTHMP CC (after pilots) and the national roll-out strategy TR PM, TSU PM, NTHMP Summer 2012 12 Submit new TsunamiReady application forms to OMB for approval NOAA TSU Summer 2012 TsunamiReady Improvement Plan

4 4 #MilestonesWhoWhen 15 Update NWS TsunamiReady policy for the new guidelines Update the TR Operating Plan Launch improved TsunamiReady web site Issue Service Change Notification (90 days before implementation) MES, TR PM, TSU PM, TSU contractor NOAA TSU Summer 2012 16 Conduct national roll-out for the new TsunamiReady program structure NOAA TSU and NTHMP Summer- Fall 2012 17 Implement the new TsunamiReady program structure ALL10/01/12 18 Create and implement new performance measures for our new TR Program that are based on the socioeconomic impacts of the program and not simply a count of communities recognized. NOAA TSU and NTHMP 2013 TsunamiReady Improvement Plan

5 “Evolving TsunamiReady to encourage tsunami resilience rather than minimal readiness.” 301-713-0090 x175

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