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What would cause you to leave your home country?.

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Presentation on theme: "What would cause you to leave your home country?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What would cause you to leave your home country?

2 Migration World Geography

3 Video

4 Emigrant vs. Immigrant Emigrant = a person who leaves a country (E is for EXIT) Immigrant = a person who enters a country (I is for INTO) Mr. Hare emigrated from the U.S.A. and immigrated to Venezuela.

5 Population Geography

6 Migration Packet: Mastering the TEKS 176-182 1.What examples were provided of migration due to religious persecution? 2.What examples were provided of migration due to political persecution? 3.What examples were provided of migration due to economic opportunities? 4.What examples were provided of migration due to environmental issues? 5.What examples were provided of forced migration? 6.What are some examples of physical barriers to migration? 7.Because of the barrier to overland travel provided by the Rocky Mountains how did early 19 th century travelers reach California quickly? 8.What did China’s emperors build in order to reinforce the natural barriers to migration in that country?

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