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Presentation on theme: "WORDS DON’T COME EASY SURVEY SOCIAL MEDIA Laura & Fabienne."— Presentation transcript:


2 MAN OR WOMAN?  As much man as woman filled in this survey

3 AGE?  Most of the interviewees were between 15 and 18  Social media are more popular with young people

4 WHAT IS YOUR NATIONALITY?  46% who filled in the survey were swedish

5 ARE YOU ACTIVE ON ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SOCIAL MEDIA?  first place: instagram  second place: snapchat  third place: facebook

6 WHY ARE YOU ACTIVE ON SOCIAL MEDIA?  Reason for having social media: mainly because it’s popular?  They also want to keep in touch with old school friends

7 DO YOU THINK (YOUR) SOCIAL MEDIA IS SAFE?  Only 8% thinks that social media is very safe  The other think that it’s safe enough

8 ARE YOU ACTIVE ON SOCIAL MEDIA WITH POSTS, PHOTOS,…?  The interviewees are weekly active ons social media with posts  5% have social media but are not active with posts

9 DO YOU KNOW ALL OF YOUR DIGITAL FRIENDS/ FOLLOWERS?  We can see that half of the people on social media don’t know there followers/friends

10 WHO KNOWS YOUR PASSWORD?  84% of the people don’t give their password to other people

11 HOW FREQUENTLY DO YOU CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD?  Half of the interviewees never change their password

12 HAVE YOU ALREADY MADE NEW FRIENDS BY USING SOCIAL MEDIA?  Social media is very popular to meet new friends  You can see that people spend a lot of time on social media

13 WHO DO YOU ADD AS A FRIEND/FOLLOWER?  A lot of people add their friends in real life  14% of the people add celebrities

14 DID YOU ALREADY CHANGE YOUR PRIVACY SETTINGS?  Half of the people change their privacy settings  Only 7% don’t know how to change it

15 WHICH DEVICE DO YOU USE TO GO ON SOCIAL MEDIA?  A lot of people have a smartphone  You can see that a smartphone is more used for social media than a computer

16 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR SCHOOL/ A DAY  There are 51% who use social media also for school  In general people use social media between 0 and 1 hour a day

17 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A VICTIM OF CYBER-BULLYING?  Only 8 participants have already been a victim of cyber-bullying

18 ABUSES  38% of them are aware of the possible abuses  In cases of abuse: contact the administrator of the social media, like file a complaint  Other: try to solve it themselves

19 13 OR YOUNGER?  65 % of the users (a large amount) think that children under the age of 13 shouldn’t have social media

20 IMPACT?  The fact is that most people think social media has a very large impact on society, here 81%

21 THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION! Comenius meeting Italy 2014

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