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 TO + VERB = INFINITIVE  An infinitive is not a verb so you can’t add -s, -es, -ed, or -ing to the end  Expresses action or a state of being  SPECIAL.

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Presentation on theme: " TO + VERB = INFINITIVE  An infinitive is not a verb so you can’t add -s, -es, -ed, or -ing to the end  Expresses action or a state of being  SPECIAL."— Presentation transcript:


2  TO + VERB = INFINITIVE  An infinitive is not a verb so you can’t add -s, -es, -ed, or -ing to the end  Expresses action or a state of being  SPECIAL VERB + DIRECT OBJECT +INFINITIVE - TO

3  It can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb › To run is the only thing a track athlete thinks about. (To run is the subject of the sentence, therefore it functions as a noun) › The teenager charges her cell phone to text. (To text functions as a verb because it modifies phone)

4  Examples are: To sneeze, to smash, to cry, to shriek, to jump, to dunk, to read, to eat, to slurp  Used to explain things › I exercise to stay healthy

5  What is the verbal infinitive?  Jenny wants to eat cookies.  Bob listened to lectures when he attended Illinois State University.  The cats in the alley like to hiss at people.  Jeremy does not have a book to read for his plane trip.  In tennis, a player must be able to hit the ball.

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