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IN p 23 1.What does humus do for soil? 2.How does leaching transport material from the A horizon to the B horizon? 3.If you could remove soil from the.

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Presentation on theme: "IN p 23 1.What does humus do for soil? 2.How does leaching transport material from the A horizon to the B horizon? 3.If you could remove soil from the."— Presentation transcript:

1 IN p 23 1.What does humus do for soil? 2.How does leaching transport material from the A horizon to the B horizon? 3.If you could remove soil from the C horizon, would it be useful for growing plants? Explain.

2 P1&4 Wed 2/3 P 3&6 Thurs 2/4 Soil Lab today! Vocab Quiz Fri 2/5 That’s Me! 8.3 The student will differentiate between sand, silt and clay particles and how the size affects porosity, permeability and capillarity.

3 Thru p 24 Answer the questions based on the following slides

4 Soil Properties p 24 Soils vary in many ways. Porosity is a measure of the volume of space that lies in the openings between soil particles. In most soils, these spaces are filled with air or water. Permeability is the rate at which water can move through soils. Water retention is the amount of water the soil can absorb. Each of these properties affects the soil’s ability to support plant life and is determined by soil composition. Soil composition depends on the soil’s texture and amount of organic matter contained in the soil.

5 Soil Texture Texture refers to the size of the particles that make up the soil. The terms sand, silt, and clay refer to relative sizes of the soil particles. Sand, being the larger size of particles, feels gritty. Silt, being moderate in size, has a smooth or floury texture. Clay, being the smaller size of particles, feels sticky. Soil may also consist of larger particles called gravel. Anything larger than gravel is called a rock.

6 Thru p 25 Soil Components and Properties lab Work in teams of 2or 3 Complete the lab preview BEFORE you begin the lab activity. When you have completed the preview questions, one person from your group may collect the materials needed. Follow the procedures CAREFULLY. Complete the data table and answer the questions at the bottom of the page. When you are finished, dump the soil in the container provided - DO NOT dump it down the drain!- clean out the soil profile tube and return equipment to the counter. Clean up your area, wiping down tables and throwing away all trash.

7 Soil composition Sand weight = 20g Clay weight = 15g Silt weight = 15g Find the percentage of clay particles

8 Thru 1: Pg 26 Soildoku – Complete both sides of the sheet-Soildoku and Percentages of Soil Particles Circle Graph. – Make sure you read the background info. Because you may need it to answer the analysis questions for the lab. Thru pg 25 Soil lab sheet Complete the lab handout and secure to page Alternate assignment P 236 #1-10

9 Out p 23 1.What 2 things does soil composition rely on? 2.Arrange the following from smallest to largest: Gravel, silt, sand, clay, rock.

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