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I NTERNATIONAL S TUDENTS – C ULTURAL M ATTERS AND L ANGUAGE M ATTERS Charlie Lavin and Rhonda Petree English Language Transition Program.

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Presentation on theme: "I NTERNATIONAL S TUDENTS – C ULTURAL M ATTERS AND L ANGUAGE M ATTERS Charlie Lavin and Rhonda Petree English Language Transition Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 I NTERNATIONAL S TUDENTS – C ULTURAL M ATTERS AND L ANGUAGE M ATTERS Charlie Lavin and Rhonda Petree English Language Transition Program

2 T HE C YCLE OF A DJUSTMENT - T HE I NITIAL E NTHUSIASM (T HE H ONEYMOON ) T ime Frame: Characteristics: First week or two in country Exposure to country and culture is limited Excitement and enthusiam abound Everything is exotic and quaint Attitude toward host country is generally positive Little is expected of students

3 T HE C YCLE O F A DJUSTMENT - I NITIAL C OUNTRY A ND C ULTURE S HOCK T ime Frame: Characteristics: First few weeks Wider exposure to country and culture means more realistic and more mixed reations. Enthusiasm is tempered with frustration Feelings of vulnerability and dependence are common. Homesickness is frequent Nothing is routine Limited langauge ability undermines confidence Close bonds are formed with other international students

4 T HE C YCLE O F A DJUSTMENT - I NITIAL ADJUSTMENT T ime Frame: Characteristics: Months 1 and 2 Routines are established. Some aspects of the country and culture are now seen as normal. Adjustments to the physical aspects of the host country is better. Students are somewhat more self- reliant. Students are more positive about their ability to function in the host country. Adjustment is to the culture of campus as much as it is to host country culutre..

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