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Focus Schools Grant Monitoring and Support Consolidated Planning and Monitoring September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus Schools Grant Monitoring and Support Consolidated Planning and Monitoring September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus Schools Grant Monitoring and Support Consolidated Planning and Monitoring September 2015

2 Agenda Grant Overview Monitoring and Support Process Fiscal Requirements

3 Grant Overview The purpose of the Focus Schools Grant is to provide Title I Focus Schools with additional resources to help close the achievement gap of one or more identified subgroups of students. Funds must be targeted at closing the achievement gap of the subgroup(s) for which the school received its Focus designation. The grant is based on the five Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) strategic priorities. The TDOE received one hundred eight applications from fifty-seven districts for this competitive grant. A team of educators reviewed the applications and forty– four schools were awarded funds based on reviewer ratings.

4 Monitoring and Support Process LEA will be contacted to establish a district level primary point of contact for the Focus Schools Grant. The monitoring and support process will include quarterly milestone reports, conducted via desktop, and may also include on-site visits to selected districts/schools.

5 Focus Grant Committee It is recommended that schools create a focus grant committee, comprised of school leadership and other personnel instrumental to grant implementation. This team should take the lead in: –desegregating sub-group data –ensuring timely implementation of intervention activities as specified in the grant application –evaluating the effectiveness of intervention activities –assisting in completion of milestone reports

6 Monitoring and Support Process Milestone #1 will focus on: –Establishing baseline data –Sub-group progress as related to Gap Closure Goal(s) –Progress on intervention activity implementation, including funds obligated to date –Desk-top report due in ePlan Tuesday, November 4, 2016 Districts will receive written feedback from TDOE on all milestone submissions.

7 Monitoring and Support Process Milestone #2 will focus on: –Follow-up from previous milestone –Sub-group progress as related to Gap Closure Goal(s) –Progress on intervention activity(ies) implementation, including funds obligated to date –Desk-top report due in ePlan Tuesday, January 22, 2016

8 Monitoring and Support Process Milestone #3 will be in late spring as a check-in with only those districts/schools in need of additional support with grant implementation. Milestone #4 or the Focus Schools Grant End of Year Report will focus on: –Sub-group progress and achievement during the implementation of the grant –Identification of outcomes and best practices –Identification of practices that will be sustained during SY 2016-17 –Desk-top report due in ePlan on Thursday, June 30, 2016

9 Budgets – Attention Needed Ensure the budget aligns with the approved application Check the indirect cost allocation, it should not be higher than the maximum allowed in ePlan For personnel of any kind, list the positions and corresponding salaries For materials or supplies, provide a specific list of items that will be purchased Be sure the narrative matches the amount budgeted Double check that all items are budgeted in the correct line

10 Fall Budget Revisions Fall budget revisions - October 19-30, 2015 Revisions will be processed as they are received Opportunity to make small changes to your budget Take advantage of the revision windows throughout the year

11 Focus Grant Budget Instructions 1. Indicate Salaries for Personnel Positions Please include the number of positions and the salary for each. If there are multiple positions of the same type and cost, these may be combined. Attention Needed Ok

12 Focus Grant Budget Instructions 2. Include Quantities Please include the quantity of all equipment and materials & supplies along with a brief description. Attention Needed Ok

13 Focus Grant Budget Instructions 3. Indicate REVISION 1, before each narrative Please type REVISION 1 before each narrative. This will help differentiate the original budgets from the revised budgets. Ok

14 Reimbursement Requests Submit reimbursement requests in ePlan at least quarterly, and no more than once a month Please submit your first reimbursements no later than Oct. 15, 2015 You can request against the original budget until the revision is approved

15 Contact Information Grant Questions – Budget Questions– ePlan Questions –

16 Questions?

17 FRAUD, WASTE or ABUSE Citizens and agencies are encouraged to report fraud, waste or abuse in State and Local government. NOTICE: This agency is a recipient of taxpayer funding. If you observe an agency director or employee engaging in any activity which you consider to be illegal, improper or wasteful, please call the state Comptroller’s toll- free Hotline: 1-800-232-5454 Notifications can also be submitted electronically at:

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