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Warm-Up: What makes something “great”? In other words, what does it mean to be “great”?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: What makes something “great”? In other words, what does it mean to be “great”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: What makes something “great”? In other words, what does it mean to be “great”?

2 The Great Migration

3 The 1920’s! A time of

4 What do you think of when you hear the 1920’s?

5 Slang- Use your worksheet to come up with a cool saying that this fashionable dudette might be saying in the 1920’s

6 Migration Migration is the process of moving from one location to another. Immigration is a kind of migration!

7 Great Migration Facts Who: 500,000 African Americans
What: Migrated from the South to the North Where: Large cities such as New York, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, and St. Louis

8 Great Migration Facts When: The Great Migration happened between and 1920, especially during World War I.

9 Chicago’s (Illinois) African American population grew from 44,000 in 1910 to 110,000 in 1920.
Cleveland’s (Ohio) African American population grew from 8,000 to 34,000.

10 Reasons for Leaving the South
1. Jobs in the South were scarce (very few) and low paying. African Americans could earn a lot more money in the North

11 2. African Americans faced discrimination and violence in the South.
The South was still dealing with the effects of the Civil War, including Jim Crow laws

12 What is the ‘strange fruit?’
How does this song make you feel? 6adaef2f

13 3. African Americans moved to northern cities and the Midwest in search of better job opportunities.
WWI almost completely stopped immigration from Europe The northern industries needed African Americans to work

14 World War I also increased the demand for goods
World War I also increased the demand for goods. This increase in demand meant an even greater need for jobs!

15 Problems African Americans also faced discrimination and violence in the North and Midwest White workers hated the labor competition

16 White homeowners were upset that overcrowded black neighborhoods overflowed into white neighborhoods

17 Answer the following question on your Unit 8 Cover Page: Why was the Great Migration great? Explain. OR If you think the Great Migration wasn’t great, explain why.

18 Harlem Renaissance

19 Harlem Renaissance African American artists, writers, and musicians based in Harlem (NYC) revealed the freshness and variety of African American culture. Popularity of these artists spread beyond Harlem to the rest of society.

20 Jacob Lawrence Jacob Lawrence was a painter who chronicled the experience of the Great Migration north through art Migration Series

21 “Migration Series”





26 Langston Hughes Langston Hughes was a poet who combined the experiences of African and American cultural roots “Ballad of the Landlord”

27 “Ballad of the landlord ”
Police! Police! Come and get this man! He's trying to ruin the government And overturn the land! Copper's whistle! Patrol bell! Arrest. Precinct Station. Iron cell. Headlines in press: MAN THREATENS LANDLORD TENANT HELD NO BAIL JUDGE GIVES NEGRO 90 DAYS IN COUNTY JAIL! Landlord, landlord, My roof has sprung a leak. Don't you 'member I told you about it Way last week? Landlord, landlord, These steps is broken down. When you come up yourself It's a wonder you don't fall down. Ten Bucks you say I owe you? Ten Bucks you say is due? Well, that's Ten Bucks more'n I'l pay you Till you fix this house up new. What? You gonna get eviction orders? You gonna cut off my heat? You gonna take my furniture and Throw it in the street? Um-huh! You talking high and mighty. Talk on-till you get through. You ain't gonna be able to say a word If I land my fist on you.

28 What do And Have in common?
They both made music parents of the time DIDN’T want you to listen to!

29 Brainpop Jazz

30 Duke Ellington Jazz Musician Pianist and Composer
“It Don’t Mean a Thing” What do you see, hear? What does the song make you feel? Sad, Happy, etc?

31 Louis Armstrong Jazz Musician Singer and Trumpet Player
“What a Wonderful World” ee What do you see, hear? How does the music make you feel? Happy, sad, etc?

32 Bessie Smith Blues singer “Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out”
What do you see, hear? How does the music make you feel? Happy, sad, etc?

33 Homework: Instagram/Twitter post from a member of the Harlem Renaissance

34 Warm Up On a separate piece of paper, choose either a school day or a weekend day and list what you do from wake up to sleep. My morning: Alarm Bathroom Get dressed, fix hair Daughter announces her clock is green Get children dressed for daycare Eat breakfast Pack children’s daycare bag Brush teeth Shoes/Coats Drive to daycare/school As go through PPT cross off each item that would not be possible prior to this time period

35 Objectives: Content: Determine which daily activities would not be possible without the advances in the 1920s. Language: Use words or sketches to describe the results of Prohibition.

36 Changing American Life

37 1920’s Changes The following developments changed American life and the standard of living Transportation Factory and labor productivity Electrification Communication Prohibition

38 I Love Lucy!

39 Transportation Advances and Factory/Labor Changes

40 Airplane The Wright Brothers invented the first airplane in 1903.
The first flight happened in North Carolina uI By 1920s, first commercial airports appear

41 Automobile While others used it before, Henry Ford has been credited with perfecting the assembly line. Henry Ford used the assembly line to produce his Model T cars faster and cheaper. Led to the rise of mechanization - machines do the job instead of a person

42 Results of Improved Transportation
Greater mobility Creation of jobs Growth of transportation- related industries (road construction, oil, steel, automobile) Movement to suburban areas

43 Impact of Electricity

44 Electricity Electricity changed American Life
Thomas Edison perfected the light bulb Electricity changed American Life Washing machines, electric stoves, and water pumps saved a lot of time and labor Electric lighting made it possible to do work into the night Improved communication powered by electricity

45 Music!

46 Communication Advances

47 Innovations Telephones were more readily available
Increased speed of communication Development of motion pictures (movies) First silent and then with sound

48 Also cartoons! A8JTE

49 Guglielmo Marconi has been credited with inventing the radio
Focused on wireless telegraphy Radio provided a new kind of entertainment

50 Focused on wireless telegraphy
Guglielmo Marconi has been WRONGLY credited with inventing the radio. The true inventor of the radio is Nikola Tesla. Even though the Supreme Court removed all of Marconi’s patents in 1943 and gave them to Tesla. Focused on wireless telegraphy Radio provided a new kind of entertainment

51 Broadcasting David Sarnoff was a pioneer in the broadcast industry first with bringing radio to the masses and then later television Founded the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) 15 –19:45 Electricity, automobile, advertisement, radio

52 Daily Activities Wrap Up
How many things would you be able to do from your list without the assistance of technology? Are you surprised? Why or why not?

53 Prohibition

54 Prohibition Review The temperance movement worked to ban alcohol
Prohibition was imposed by a constitutional amendment (18th Amendment) that made it illegal to manufacture, transport, and sell alcoholic beverages.

55 Prohibition can be used to describe the law that banned alcohol OR the period in US History when alcohol was illegal The Century 0:45-3 min Prohibition, Gangsters 3 -3:45 Intro to 1920s

56 The Results of Prohibition
Speakeasies were created as places for people to drink alcoholic beverages.




60 Bootleggers smuggled illegal alcohol and promoted organized crime
Organized crime – groups of people conducting illegal activities to make a profit. Al Capone was the most famous “American Gangster”


62 Prohibition was repealed in 1933 with the passage of the 21st amendment.

63 Izzy and Moe

64 Warm-Up: Who are you favorites singers, bands, or rappers? Why?

65 Objectives: Content: Compare and contrast Jazz and Popular styles.
Language: Discuss viewpoints on migrant workers after reading Steinbeck’s “Harvest Gypsies.”

66 Culture of the 1920s and 1930s

67 Aaron Copland Composer and conductor who wrote uniquely American music
Populist style “Fanfare for the Common Man” m/watch?v=cr6CnG5dm vM

68 George Gershwin Composer and pianist who wrote uniquely American Music
Classical and popular styles “I Got Rhythm” pNepgmCQA American Idol:

69 Georgia O’Keeffe An artist known for urban scenes and, later, paintings of the Southwest

70 Urban Scenes

71 “Red Canna” 1923

72 “Black Mesa Landscape”


74 F. Scott Fitzgerald A novelist who wrote about the Jazz age of the 1920s The Century: Wrote a novel called The Great Gatsby Women, Flappers, Vamps, City v rural interpretations Also wrote a short story called “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”

75 John Steinbeck A novelist who portrayed the strength of poor migrant workers during the 1930s Wrote a novel called The Grapes of Wrath (1:30 min) 00VQ (7 min)


77 Who Am I? Review You have a name taped to your back.
The person you are paired with will give you hints until you can guess who you are. When you’ve guessed correctly, go to Mrs. McKenica for another name and the person giving the hints will now guess who they are.

78 1920s Mural Example of a mural

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