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AA-003-145 Semester Calendar Time Modules and Final Exam Schedule.

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Presentation on theme: "AA-003-145 Semester Calendar Time Modules and Final Exam Schedule."— Presentation transcript:

1 AA-003-145 Semester Calendar Time Modules and Final Exam Schedule

2 Concerns addressed - 1 Flexibility to accommodate individual scheduling needs of departments: availability of faculty, especially part-time lecturers and tenure-track research plans availability of appropriate instructional spaces. conflicts among courses commonly taken together by majors sufficient flexibility for scheduling at the department and college level to avoid conflicts at the upper-division and graduate level where a higher fraction of courses are taken within the department and college use of specialized facilities such as laboratories Extensive campus consultation by the Academic Senate Academic Affairs Committee during the 2014-15 academic year clearly indicated a desire to significantly broaden the scheduling options from the current set of approved time modules, which were adopted in 1990.

3 Concerns addressed - 2 Space utilization: It is essential to schedule and generate FTES across the modules and days. This can help reduce space and facility-related constraints. It also signals to CSU authorities that the campus is working toward a more efficient use of existing instructional space. Student success: To the extent possible, the time module toolbox should encourage scheduling that supports the ability of students to enroll in the courses they need for timely graduation.

4 Aside: you can’t have it all! Lecture32MW1:00 - 2:15 PM 2:30 - 3:45 PM 4:00 - 5:15 PM 5:30 - 6:45 PM 7:00 - 8:15 PM 8:30 - 9:45 PM Lecture33MWF 50-minute modules, starting on the hour from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Space utilization and student success conflict!

5 Concerns addressed - 3 Preservation of the U-Hour: Noon to 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday has been a time when no classes are scheduled in order to provide a time for compus- wide meetings. There shall be no time modules that overlap this time. Mechanism for requesting deviations: Currently, time module deviations are requested and processed individually by course and quarter. This procedure can be burdensome for departments with consistent needs for deviations, so some mechanism for broader acceptance of recurring deviations should be provided.

6 Priorities addressed The most common course under semester conversion is the three-unit lecture, followed by the four-unit lecture. Thus, careful design of the available time modules for these courses should have the highest priority. The polytechnic identity of our university involves a commitment to experiential learning in laboratories, activities, and design studios. These courses require more hours than units, and therefore have a high potential to create challenges for student success. A clear plan for supporting these courses is required.

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