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Europe: a portrait. GDP of EU members, 2013 Great variation in size of European economies.

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1 Europe: a portrait

2 GDP of EU members, 2013 Great variation in size of European economies

3 Relative size of major world economies, 2013 EU– 28 is world’s biggest trading bloc – dwarves the size of major emerging markets

4 Broad European characteristics Most of Europe within EU (exceptions) Member state populations vary from 0.4 million (Malta) to 87 million (Germany) GDP per head 45 (Bulgaria) to 257 (Luxembourg) (EU28 – 100) Social provision – 14% GDP in Latvia to 34.6 % in Denmark A combination of common culture and history with key differences

5 Common characteristics of European economies Mixed economies – details vary Similar trends in economic structure o Decline of primary and secondary sectors (i.e. agriculture and industry) – began earlier in Western Europe o Shift to service economy away from agriculture and manufacturing  1960s: services c. 45% GDP in most countries  Early 2010s:70–80% the norm

6 Convergence in economic ideology Western Europe – Keynesianism displaced by neo-liberalism to varying degrees Spain, Portugal, Greece – political dictatorship/economic isolationism – converged to Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe – 45 years as Soviet satellite and command economy – 15 years transition – convergence with Western Europe

7 Subject to similar domestic and international challenges Environment Employment Demography Increased competition from Asia Technology changes International economic cycles Increased capital mobility Economic interdependence Economic and political integration

8 Europe – unity and diversity Diversity within broad general parameters Diversity from interaction of: o economics o politics o history o social preferences and culture Diversity leads to difference in emphasis for policy and business

9 National differences Different organisational structures o legal and finance structure o ownership o family firms, Mittlestand Each country has own strengths o Germany: machinery/equipment, motor, chemicals o UK: food and beverages, publishing/printing, chemicals o France: food and beverages, chemicals, metal prods o Sweden: Motor, machinery/equip, pulp/paper

10 European social models

11 Sapir’s socio-economic models Nordic model (Dk, Fin, Swe, Netherlands) o Highest level of social protection and welfare o Active labour market policy o Strong unions and compressed wage structures o Consensus

12 2. Anglo-Saxon (UK and Ireland) o Social assistance of ‘last resort’ o Weak unions, wide and increasing wage dispersion o High incidence of low paid work o Most market-oriented and little employment protection o Still differences to US where little insurance against labour market risk

13 3. Continental model (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Luxembourg) o The old social market model  Market to be regulated for socially acceptable outcome – for efficiency (now questioned) and equity  Those with stake in the system will be committed to it o Heavy reliance on insurance-based, non- employment benefits and pensions o Declining but still strong unions

14 4. Mediterranean (Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy) o Much of social spending to pensions o Social welfare systems dominated by early retirement o Collective bargaining – strong compression o Strict employment protection

15 Where do new member states fit in? Differences but all have reconfigured their economic, political and social systems in last 15 years In general – accepted economic liberalism o Baltic States “joining the EU would mean adopting rather more socially-oriented policies … Indeed a significant part of the Euroscepticism has been based on the notion that the EU is ‘far too socialistic’” Paas, 2003: o Bigger new members, not so aggressively liberal

16 Above leads to Sapir’s model matrix

17 Implications Ideal = high equity/high efficiency Framework does identify economies most in need of reform Different models help explain why agreement can sometimes be difficult at European level

18 Europe: the future?

19 2007–8 financial crisis caused serious problems for Europe – still recovering in some areas Europe 2020 – a long term programme intended to restore competitiveness and deal with structural problems Emphasises o Smart growth – i.e. education and R&D o Sustainability – efficient and green economy o Inclusive growth

20 Europe 2020: a response to a perceived competitiveness problem Employment o 75% of 20–64 year olds to be in employment R&D o 3% of GDOP to be invested in R&D Climate change and energy o GHG emissions to be 20% below 1990 levels o 30% energy from renewables o 20% increase in energy efficiency Education o Early school leavers below 10% o 40% of 30–34 year olds with tertiary education Fighting poverty and social exclusion o 20 million fewer to be at risk of poverty and social exclusion

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